Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book one. End of the world. Andrey Prudkovskii

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Название Trilogy of Dhana and the Earth. Book one. End of the world
Автор произведения Andrey Prudkovskii
Жанр Историческая фантастика
Издательство Историческая фантастика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005060792

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I discovered how uncomfortable it was when I entered his mind. Only a car could give a semblance of mobility to this awkward creature. In addition, he always suffered from fatigue and constantly wanted to sleep. It was very convenient for me, since I could easily completely seize power over his awkward body.

      The car-, I learned to manage it very easily, although in many ways it disappointed me. The steering wheel was a control wheel, I really liked it, but the fact that there were three foot pedals below was surprising, because I have only two legs. The lack of strength of the machine also disappointed me. Just one pillar I hit at the edge of the road led to a whole story with the curse of my mother addressed to my ward that he sleeps behind the wheel and does not see the pillar.

      The creature called mom was uninteresting. It was occupied with obscure problems of the health and nutrition of children. I did not see the point in her endless thoughts on this subject. Being strong and healthy is, of course, good. But she was neither strong nor healthy, like that demoness, who killed me. She always had something hurt: either the head or the stomach. And the only thing she did… maybe you think, healing herself – no! She was worried that her children might have the same illness as her! She did not know how to treat these diseases that had not yet appeared in her children. But she knew that she could feed her children, and she fed them. How she reminded me of ants!

      When terrible swamp monsters attack the anthill, the ants behave differently: some boldly rush into battle, others carry the larvae deep into the anthill, and some suddenly begin to feed the female intensely, as if a well-fed, helpless female could repel the attack.

      The children – son and daughter of demons were as cute as ours. They also wanted to know everything and demanded all the time to be told about everything. I also listened with pleasure and studied with them, but once, when I had already perfectly learned all the demonic words, now, once… Listening, as always, to the evening story that father told, and the story was about an ant, I suddenly saw the image of our native ants in his thoughts! This story was about how an ant with crippled paws alone got to the house. A completely implausible story, since all the animals on his way tried to help him. It doesn’t happen here, but maybe it happens in the country of demons??? Just at the most interesting place, dad fell asleep, despite the fact that the children twitched him to tell him further. And as an expert on ants, I decided to help a tired dad and to complete the tale:

      – So, kids, the ant crawled to the edge of a huge swamp. The swamp smokes with swamp gases, swamp bubbles grow and burst in the swamp, and terrible monsters are in the swamp. There is no further way for an ant. If he had healthy legs, he would have run around the swamp, but he couldn’t. Suddenly an ant sees, a mushroom grows on the edge of the swamp – a large mushroom. Growing and puffing, wants to fly. He crawled onto the mushroom cap, only got settled as the mushroom took off from the earth and flew high into the sky. The ant feels so scary, and the mushroom flies quietly, puffing with spores. Оn the horizon, and the anthill already appeared.

      But then the spores of the mushroom ended, and the mushroom began to go down – to the very center of the swamp. That’s it, now the ant is gone. He lowered his mushroom into the swamp and began to sink. Then a terrible green swamp monster crawls out of the swamp. Kids, how do you call this monster? That’s right, frog. The monster opens its huge mouth and… do you think, kids, it ate an ant? No! The monster tells him in a terrible voice:

      “What are you doing here, ant, in the middle of the swamp, and how did you get here?”

      The ant told the frog his whole story, and she says:

      – So let it be, because you told me such an interesting story, I will help you. Get on me.

      The ant climbed the frog’s slippery back, and she laughs:

      – Not there, stupid. Get in my mouth.

      The ant got into the frog’s mouth, then it started to move with all four paws and swam in the swamp. Somewhere it swims, somewhere it dives, and somewhere it sways from one hillock to another over swamp grasses. Suddenly it reached the very shore. She opened her mouth and said:

      – Now get out, I won’t take you any further, you, ants, are biting.

      The ant got ashore. Looks – the anthill is very close, but there is no strength to crawl. Who will help the poor thing now? Soon the night will come. The ant will be eaten by night hunters…

      Here the kids are running, the same as you – a boy and a girl. They say:

      – Look, the ant is still alive. His legs are broken. Let’s drag him to the anthill, maybe he will recover there.

      And the kids dragged the ant to the very anthill. There the orderlies ants took over him and, perhaps, even healed him…

      – I lied, of course. I know how actually ants orderly treat sick ants. But the end of the tale should be good, especially in the country of demons, where all the animals help the ants, and maybe the ants can treat as well.

      So I traveled with four demons in a car for several months. I did not discover the basics of the magic that drives the car, but I learned how to drive it, I understood how to feed the car black liquid at the points of this feeding by the road. In addition, I was convinced that the demons, in general, are not very different from the people of my country. Those whom I met on my way were not taught any special truths other than reading and writing. And, most importantly, I could easily read their thoughts, and sometimes even control their behavior a little…

      Chapter 4. 29—28 years uew

      Raa’s life in the land of demons

      Raegle’s newborn soul, torn between the two planets of the Earth, where her father is, and Dhana, where she herself and her mother, Siegle.

      Notes by Rose (Raegle) about her childhood

      Love and separation. Now I know these words. And then I learned the essence of these words. That which has always been whole has broken up. Two luminous points – my two favorite creatures suddenly began to move away – and between them formed me, like a thin cobweb, stretched to unimaginable limits. And this web is me, me, me!

      That’s how I was born into this world – the world of separation. So for many long days I saved my strength in the dark, resisting the rupture of my web-body, stretched between two worlds, in which, according to my fate, there were two of my dearest creatures – father and mother. Finally, I was born into the world. But this event did not give me more pain than the one that I experienced constantly.

      I grew up next to my mother, but due to my constant efforts my relationship with my father only strengthened. By the year I already learned to speak, this connection ceased to cause pain in me, and I began to see pictures. Mysterious pictures about the life of my father in the land of demons. At first I thought that my mother knew everything about my father, but once, having contacted her thoughts, I suddenly realized that she was mourning him as a deceased.

      “Mom,” I said, “he will be back in eight years.”

      “Yes,” my mother said, “if evil is multiplied by good, 2 by 4 will really be 8, but he will not return. If he were alive, then he would have returned long ago, because he loved me so much.”

      “Mom, he is captured in the land of demons, he cannot return. A huge scary demoness keeps him in her cave. But you, mother, do not be afraid, the demoness does not offend him, and even bore him a son – my brother. Over these eight years, he must teach his son the basics of all wisdom, so that he can become a real person, and then the gods will allow him to return home.”

      Mom believed me and for a long time asked me to indicate where the country of demons was. She wanted to run there right now to see her Raa. I tried to help her, but I couldn’t. The direction to the country of demons changed