The Way To Geometry. Petrus Ramus

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Название The Way To Geometry
Автор произведения Petrus Ramus
Жанр Математика
Издательство Математика
Год выпуска 0

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alt="Perpendicular Lines."/>

13. If a right line doe stand perpendicular upon another right line, it maketh on each side right angles: And contrary wise.

      A right line standeth upon a right line, which cutteth, and is not cut againe. And the Angles on each side, are they which the falling line maketh with that underneath it, as is manifest out of Proclus, at the 15. pj. of Euclide; As here ae. the line cut: and io. the insisting line, let them be perpendicular; The angles on each side, to witt aio. and eio. shall bee right angles, by the 13. e iij.

      The Rular, for the making of straight lines on a plaine, was the first Geometricall instrument: The Compasses, for the describing of a Circle, was the second: The Norma or Square for the true erecting of a right line in the same plaine upon another right line, and then of a surface and body, upon a surface or body, is the third. The figure therefore is thus.

      Now Perpendiculū, an instrument with a line & a plummet of leade appendant upon it, used of Architects, Carpenters, and Masons, is meerely physicall: because heavie things naturally by their weight are in straight lines carried perpendicularly downeward. This instrument is of two sorts: The first, which they call a Plumbe-rule, is for the trying of an erect perpendicular, as whether a columne, pillar, or any other kinde of building bee right, that is plumbe unto the plaine of the horizont & doth not leane or reele any way. The second is for the trying or examining of a plaine or floore, whether it doe lye parallell to the horizont or not. Therefore when the line from the right angle, doth fall upon the middle of the base; it shall shew that the length is equally poysed. The Latines call it Libra, or Libella, a ballance: of the Italians Livello, and vel Archipendolo, Achildulo: of the French, Nivelle, or Niueau: of us a Levill.

Square and Level.


Figure for demonstration 14 converse.Figure for demonstration 14.

14. If a right line do stand upon a right line, it maketh the angles on each side equall to two right angles: and contrariwise out of the 13. and 14. p j.

      For two such angles doe occupy or fill the same place that two right angles doe: Therefore they are equall to them by the 11. e j. If the insisting line be perpendicular unto that underneath it, it then shall make 2. right angles, by the 13. e. If it bee not perpendicular, & do make two oblique angles, as here aio. and oie. are yet shall they occupy the same place that two right angles doe: And therefore they are equall to two right angles, by the same.

      The converse is forced by an argument ab impossibli, or ab absurdo, from the absurdity which otherwise would follow of it: For the part must otherwise needes bee equall to the whole. Let therefore the insisting or standing line which maketh two angles aeo. and aeu. on each side equall to two right angles, be ae. I say that oe. and ei. are but one right line. Otherwise let oe. bee continued unto u. by the 6. e. Now by the 14. e. or next former element, aeo. & aeu. are equall to two right angles; To which also oea. & aei. are equall by the grant: Let aeo. the common angle be taken away: then shall there be left aeu. equall to aei. the part to the whole, which is absurd and impossible. Herehence is it certaine that the two right lines oe, and ei, are in deede but one continuall right line.

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