I Am Fruit Of The Earth. Aldivan Teixeira Torres

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Название I Am Fruit Of The Earth
Автор произведения Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Жанр Классическая проза
Издательство Классическая проза
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9788873046776

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returned to a mountain in search of answers to a troubled period of his life, moments that he had forgotten God, his principles, lost in sins. On the mountain, "The Seer" had contact with two "high beings", who guided him to knowledge. However, he is deeply connected to the seven deadly sins and in spite of the experience gained, his problems were not solved, having to make a journey to the "Lost Island", seat of the kingdom of the angels. This book is a crossing full of dangers, pirates, a great adventure at sea, bringing us reflections and questions, to which we wonder if it would be possible for a criminal to recover after sinking completely in the darkness, and, would he find peace for his crimes? Would he find forgiveness in himself? Would he find happiness? Or was it just an illusion, a truce for an even darker night? The third title is called the Encounter between two worlds, is a great journey of the adventurers seer and Renato. It is divided into two parts that are situated in the past and the present respectively that seek to show the importance of the struggle for the realization of our ideals whatever they may be. In part one, I travel to the Place Fundão-Cimbres-Pesqueira-PE to meet one of those responsible for a revolution in the past. Helped by him, the duo in question is trained to develop co-vision, key to the vision of history. When they are prepared, they are subjected to it and they travel to the early 20th century in the Northeast, time of oppression, injustice and prejudice and hunger. Throughout the time, they observe the example of the fighting population of the time, especially a group that takes an active part in the plot. However, have they had absolute success in their goals? Did they unmask the elites? Or they failed? And yet have they achieved the long awaited meeting of worlds so disparate in relation to social classes, opinions, stereotypes and love? It is worth checking. In part two, the pair make a new trip with the goal of completing their work and achieving the miracle so sought after. This time, they go to Carabais to look for a second personage of the past and when they find it they are put under new training. When ready, part two of the story shows. In it, the reader will face the following questions: To what extent does the social issue hamper success? Is it feasible to persist even after several failures? Is it worth depriving yourself of love because of prejudices without even trying? Can anyone who has a gift consider themselves special or can this be crazy? All this and much more you will see in the story of Divinha, someone in search of the destiny and the success that we all deserve. Regarding the fourth title, The Testament God's Code, the story begins when Philliphe Andrews, an auditor of the farm marked by a tragedy, begins to wonder why his bad fate become revolted and outraged. By a bid of fate, he discovers a book and an author and decides to look for it. When meeting him with his adventure partner they decide to take a trip to the distant desert where they supposedly would meet God and solve their problems. The trip is then accomplished, finding two guides on the way that lead them to the desired location, Cabrobó desert. Passing through ten cities in the desert, they develop a hearty chat with each other and their guests and suddenly God begins to speak through the guides answering crucial questions. Everything that is revealed helps in the elaboration of the "testament", a code given by God and never deciphered in human and angelic history. What's up? Do you believe that God can reveal Himself in extreme situations? Or is it just a delusion from everyone involved? Read the testament, a book intended especially for those who have lost faith in God, and draw their own conclusions. In the fifth title, I am, are thirteen stories, a dreamer, a young man and two archangels in search of the truth. What has in common a depressive, a pedophile, an abortionist, a drug addict, a professional player, scientists, criminals, a sexologist, a schizophrenic and a handicapped person? Both seek to reflect on their actions, their future directions alongside the seer, a revolutionary and special being, on a great journey in northeastern Brazil. Declaring himself the son of God, he promises to listen to everyone, advise them and give valuable tips on how to resume life by showing his personality and father over time. The ultimate goal of all is to awaken the inner self of each of them and attaining this miracle the truth will be revealed at last. "I am" also represents a cry of freedom in the face of social conventions as in the past. "I am" is shown in this way how truly the human being is at odds with those who are accustomed to judge others. A thought-provoking and promising book. Already in the sixth, War in the skies, it is the sixth epic journey of the series team the seer. The plot is developed on the planet Kalenquer, dimensional portals, ancient and present São Paulo. In the first part, it brings like content the great universal war, the war of the angels, and the pertinent reflections. In the second, a deepening of the prejudices that today cause an implied war on humanity. The purpose of the book is to discover a little of destiny, our history, the current reality of human society and invites us to take the lead in our decisions and who knows how to change old paradigms. It is only enough to want to follow the commandments of Yahweh and then the impossible will become possible. These are the six books published so far in the series "The Seer". I still have many other titles. In the poetry genre, "Soneteando the love" is a set of poetry with main background love, this strong and enduring feeling that many have already experienced. In the text, we have the profound revelations in the most varied contexts applied to this genre. I hope these writings contribute even more to the poetic and loving world. The second title, Verses sertanejos, talks a little about the typical regional elements of the Northeast. In this genre were these two titles. I also have, Parables of the kingdom and of wisdom, a compilation of tales surrounding the wisdom and kingdom of God. Invitation Wisdom is a collection of phrases in the proverbial style. Destiny is a brief account of my life bringing important learning. Book Synopsis: We all have a mission, some with bigger ones and some with smaller ones. The important thing in this is to have a positive attitude towards life even if the obstacles are enormous. Destination comes to bring a little of Divinha, a young Northeast who grew up in the face of the challenges of a dry, poor and prejudiced region. The example of Divinha can be inspiring so that you do not give up easily of your dreams. So, what to expect to know Divinha? A good reading and success in your endeavors. The two paths present the opposing faces of good and evil. In life, we have two choices. Knowing how to choose one of them is a matter of wisdom. Learn to reflect on this with a young man who has the predicates for such and who can point out solutions to common indecision problems in life. Christians bring hope. Many unmotivated and unguided people live by asking themselves what the meaning of life is in the face of an increasingly cruel world. The Christians come to bring that little bit of encouragement, guiding and advising on the most diverse aspects of life leading us to a deep reflection. When you finish reading the text, the goal is for the person to change their pace of life and be happier. To win by faith brings good reflections. Life is really a Ferris wheel: One day you are at the peak of success and happiness and in the other, you can fall into disgrace. In these difficult times, the most important thing is to keep the faith in a larger force and try to rebuild. Seeking to win by the power of faith is the ideal to resume the routine and the promise of better days. Believe it is possible! The word revealed is a set of texts that aim to make explicit the various questions of life. Inspired by God, these short thoughts will inspire you to make important decisions that will lead you to the right path. It will be a balm for the soul troubled and weary of the inclemency of life. From weakness comes strength to bring the breath to distressed and troubled souls. Life is made of phases. Knowing how to extract from pain the experience you need to move forward and win is what few know. Discover the secret of success. In relation to the just and the relationship with Yahweh, it is a tale focused on religiosity. This tale brings practical advice in the relationship with the parent and encourages optimism and perseverance. If you are in a difficult time this is the best time to read it and resume your hopes. Sophia is the soul of God raised to the point of touching the human heart. Through slight strokes, the purpose of the story is to elucidate the main topics so that the human soul can finally realize how important it is. In the Law of Return, in this life we only have what we deserve and what we sow. To know how to live with it and to act in order to succeed is what few know. Know a little of this universal law. Lastly, the series "Sons of Light have two titles published." The voices of light is the first book from Series “Sons of light”, series whose main theme is religious and relationships between people. It aims to inform, reflect, question values and put ourselves before historical facts. I invite the reader to delve deep into this adventure full of entertainment, mystery and information that will certainly contribute to a new vision of life and future. With compliments, feel free. The second, Bruised Wounds, brings some of the pain we have gone through and ways to live with it. We all carry important marks of pain and discouragement in the face of life's events. What to do with this is what many people ask themselves. Wounded brands come to bring a script