Kalevala : the Epic Poem of Finland – Volume 02. Неизвестный автор

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Название Kalevala : the Epic Poem of Finland – Volume 02
Автор произведения Неизвестный автор
Жанр Поэзия
Издательство Поэзия
Год выпуска 0

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destruction hovers over!"

        Spake the reckless Lemminkainen,

        These the words of Kaukomieli:

        "Death is seen by aged people,

        Everywhere they see perdition,

        Death can never frighten heroes,

        Heroes do not fear the spectre;

        Be that as it may, dear mother,

        Tell that I may understand thee,

        Name the first of all destructions,

        Name the first and last destroyers!"

        Lemminkainen's mother answered:

        "I will tell thee, son and hero,

        Not because I wish to speak it,

        But because the truth is worthy;

        I will name the chief destruction,

        Name the first of the destroyers.

        When thou hast a distance journeyed,

        Only one day hast thou travelled,

        Comes a stream along the highway,

        Stream of fire of wondrous beauty,

        In the stream a mighty fire-spout,

        In the spout a rock uprising,

        On the rock a fiery hillock,

        On the top a flaming eagle,

        And his crooked beak he sharpens,

        Sharpens too his bloody talons,

        For the coming of the stranger,

        For the people that approach him."

        Spake the reckless Lemminkainen,

        Handsome hero, Kaukomieli:

        "Women die beneath the eagle,

        Such is not the death of heroes;

        Know I well a magic lotion,

        That will heal the wounds of eagles;

        Make myself a steed of alders,

        That will walk as my companion,

        That will stride ahead majestic;

        As a duck I'll drive behind him,

        Drive him o'er the fatal waters,

        Underneath the flaming eagle,

        With his bloody beak and talons.

        Worthy mother of my being,

        Name the second of destroyers."

        Lemminkainen's mother answered:

        "This the second of destroyers:

        When thou hast a distance wandered,

        Only two clays hast thou travelled,

        Comes a pit of fire to meet thee,

        In the centre of the highway,

        Eastward far the pit extending,

        Stretches endless to the westward,

        Filled with burning coals and pebbles,

        Glowing with the heat of ages;

        Hundreds has this monster swallowed,

        In his jaws have thousands perished,

        Hundreds with their trusty broadswords,

        Thousands on their fiery chargers."

        Spake the reckless Lemminkainen,

        Handsome hero, Kaukomieli:

        "Never will the hero perish

        In the jaws of such a monster;

        Know I well the means of safety,

        Know a remedy efficient:

        I will make of snow a master,

        On the snow-clad fields, a hero,

        Drive the snow-man on before me,

        Drive him through the flaming vortex,

        Drive him through the fiery furnace,

        With my magic broom of copper;

        I will follow in his shadow,

        Follow close the magic image,

        Thus escape the frightful monster,

        With my golden locks uninjured,

        With my flowing beard untangled.

        Ancient mother of my being,

        Name the last of the destructions,

        Name the third of the destroyers."

        Lemminkainen's mother answered:

        "This the third of fatal dangers:

        Hast thou gone a greater distance,

        Hast thou travelled one day longer,

        To the portals of Pohyola,

        To the narrowest of gate-ways,

        There a wolf will rise to meet thee,

        There the black-bear sneak upon thee-,

        In Pohyola's darksome portals,

        Hundreds in their jaws have perished,

        Have devoured a thousand heroes;

        Wherefore will they not destroy thee,

        Since thy form is unprotected?"

        Spake the reckless Lemminkainen,

        Handsome hero, Kaukomieli:

        "Let them eat the gentle lambkins,

        Feed upon their tender tissues,

        They cannot devour this hero;

        I am girded with my buckler,

        Girded with my belt of copper,

        Armlets wear I of the master,

        From the wolf and bear protected,

        Will not hasten to Untamo.

        I can meet the wolf of Lempo,

        For the bear I have a balsam,

        For his mouth I conjure bridles,

        For the wolf, forge chains of iron;

        I will smite them as the willow,

        Chop them into little fragments,

        Thus I'll gain the open court-yard,

        Thus triumphant end my journey."

        Lemminkainen's mother answered:

        "Then thy journey is not ended,

        Greater dangers still await thee,

        Great the wonders yet before thee,

        Horrors three within thy pathway;

        Three great dangers of the hero

        Still await thy reckless footsteps,

        These the worst of all thy dangers:

        When thou hast still farther wandered,

        Thou wilt reach the Court of Pohya,

        Where the walls are forged from iron,

        And from steel the outer bulwark;

        Rises from the earth to heaven,

        Back again to earth returning;

        Double spears are used