Kalevala : the Epic Poem of Finland – Volume 02. Неизвестный автор

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Название Kalevala : the Epic Poem of Finland – Volume 02
Автор произведения Неизвестный автор
Жанр Поэзия
Издательство Поэзия
Год выпуска 0

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south-east came the whirlwind,

        Tore away the ship's forecastle,

        Tore away the vessel's rudder,

        Dashed the wooden hull to pieces.

        Thereupon wild Lemminkainen

        Headlong fell upon the waters;

        With his head he did the steering,

        With his hands and feet, the rowing;

        Swam whole days and nights unceasing,

        Swam with hope and strength united,

        Till at last appeared a cloudlet,

        Growing cloudlet to the westward,

        Changing to a promontory,

        Into land within the ocean.

        Swiftly to the shore swam Ahti,

        Hastened to a magic castle,

        Found therein a hostess baking,

        And her daughters kneading barley,

        And these words the hero uttered:

        "O, thou hostess, filled with kindness,

        Couldst thou know my pangs of hunger,

        Couldst thou guess my name and station,

        Thou wouldst hasten to the storehouse,

        Bring me beer and foaming liquor,

        Bring the best of thy provisions,

        Bring me fish, and veal, and bacon,

        Butter, bread, and honeyed biscuits,

        Set for me a wholesome dinner,

        Wherewithal to still my hunger,

        Quench the thirst of Lemminkainen.

        Days and nights have I been swimming,

        Buffeting the waves of ocean,

        Seemed as if the wind protected,

        And the billows gave me shelter,"

        Then the hostess, filled with kindness,

        Hastened to the mountain storehouse,

        Cut some butter, veal, and bacon,

        Bread, and fish, and honeyed biscuit,

        Brought the best of her provisions,

        Brought the mead and beer of barley,

        Set for him a toothsome dinner,

        Wherewithal to still his hunger,

        Quench the thirst of Lemminkainen.

        When the hero's feast had ended,

        Straightway was a magic vessel

        Given by the kindly hostess

        To the weary Kaukomieli,

        Bark of beauty, new and hardy,

        Wherewithal to aid the stranger

        In his journey to his home-land,

        To the cottage of his mother.

        Quickly sailed wild Lemminkainen

        On the blue-back of the ocean;

        Sailed he days and nights unceasing,

        Till at last he reached the borders

        Of his own loved home and country;

        There beheld he scenes familiar,

        Saw the islands, capes, and rivers,

        Saw his former shipping-stations,

        Saw he many ancient landmarks,

        Saw the mountains with their fir-trees,

        Saw the pine-trees on the hill-tops,

        Saw the willows in the lowlands;

        Did not see his father's cottage,

        Nor the dwellings of his mother.

        Where a mansion once had risen,

        There the alder-trees were growing,

        Shrubs were growing on the homestead,

        Junipers within the court-yard.

        Spake the reckless Lemminkainen:

        "In this glen I played and wandered,

        On these stones I rocked for ages,

        On this lawn I rolled and tumbled,

        Frolicked on these woodland-borders,

        When a child of little stature.

        Where then is my mother's dwelling,

        Where the castles of my father?

        Fire, I fear, has found the hamlet,

        And the winds dispersed the ashes."

        Then he fell to bitter weeping,

        Wept one day and then a second,

        Wept the third day without ceasing;

        Did not mourn the ancient homestead,

        Nor the dwellings of his father;

        Wept he for his darling mother,

        Wept he for the dear departed,

        For the loved ones of the island.

        Then he saw the bird of heaven,

        Saw an eagle flying near him,

        And he asked the bird this question:

        "Mighty eagle, bird majestic,

        Grant to me the information,

        Where my mother may have wandered,

        Whither I may go and find her!"

        But the eagle knew but little,

        Only knew that Ahti's people

        Long ago together perished;

        And the raven also answered

        That his people had been scattered

        By the swords, and spears, and arrows,

        Of his enemies from Pohya.

        Spake the hero, Lemminkainen:

        "Faithful mother, dear departed,

        Thou who nursed me in my childhood,

        Art thou dead and turned to ashes,

        Didst thou perish for my follies,

        O'er thy head are willows weeping,

        Junipers above thy body,

        Alders watching o'er thy slumbers?

        This my punishment for evil,

        This the recompense of folly!

        Fool was I, a son unworthy,

        That I measured swords in Northland

        With the landlord of Pohyola,

        To my tribe came fell destruction,

        And the death of my dear mother,

        Through my crimes and misdemeanors."

        Then the ministrel [sic] looked about him,

        Anxious, looked in all directions,

        And beheld some gentle foot-prints,

        Saw a pathway lightly trodden

        Where the heather had been beaten.

        Quick as thought the path he followed,
