Living science. Naturalist Comics. Rem Word

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Название Living science. Naturalist Comics
Автор произведения Rem Word
Жанр Биология
Издательство Биология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785449660749

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the course along the interferometer arms, the rays are deflected by the ether stream. Waves entering the detector are initially deflected towards the flow of ether. The scheme for constructing a real interference pattern is much more complicated than Michelson’s drawings. In addition, according to the above reasoning about the Mössbauer effect, which makes observable photons only having a “standard C” speed, in any case, only light waves having a strictly 300 thousand km are clearly recorded. with. 1. Light source 2. Detector (screen for observing the interference pattern). 3. Beam, initially reflected perpendicular to the interferometer arm, and deflected by the ether stream to the left. 4. The beam emitted towards the flow of the ether, and therefore participating in the construction of the interference pattern. 5. The beam reflected from the mirror of the interferometer arm, presumably directed along the stream. This beam is also bent by the ether. Figure above. The experience of the author, with the deviation of the laser beam, presumably due to the enthusiasm of the ether. 1. Laser (rigidly fixed, having a remote power source and switch, laser pointer). 2. Laser beam when turned on at 9 am. 3. The beam when the laser is turned on at 17 o’clock. For clarity, the angle of deflection of the beam is increased. 4. Place the beam mark on the screen at 9 am. 5. Place the mark of the beam at 17 o’clock. The screen and the laser are separated by a distance of 90 m. The difference in the positions of the light spot in the morning and evening (during the five days of the study) is 3 cm. If the ether is carried along by the beam, the flow velocity is 100 km. with. This value is in good agreement with the speed of the Earth’s orbit around the center of the Galaxy, 200—220 km. with. (considering that the natural turnover of the device with the planet during this time is an angle of 90 degrees). Why did they not notice this before? In any operation of laser communication systems, the system is “displayed to zero”, automatically or manually. This rule applies to all instruments, and is generally considered the norm. A more plausible explanation. During the day, the air in the room where the experiments are conducted gets warm. An air lens is formed that distorts the beam. And yet, I suppose, this experience is interesting. At least, nothing of the kind has been found on the Web.

      The original idea of one of the experiments of the author. Rays (waves) of coherent (laser) light, slightly shifted relative to each other by the interference grating, should be folded in antiphase and simply disappear. In this form, they do not interact with matter. Therefore, gradually divided, the rays should appear behind any screens – which is in itself very curious. A diagram of the possible disappearance of the rays is presented (of the two components of the electromagnetic wave, the vectors B and E, only one is shown

      The scheme of the experimental setup for obtaining “black rays” (for clarity, the angle of convergence of the rays is greatly increased). 1,2 – antiphase rays 3. source of coherent rays (laser) 4. phase shift device (diffraction grating) 5. start of the “black zone” 6. screen (foil) 7. photosensitive material (“Konica”, 400 units). The light that appeared behind the screen – aluminum foil, would have to be fixed in a few hours by photographic film. However, neither an increase in the shutter speed, nor a change in the length of the tube lens, yielded a result. In the process of work, a persistent feeling arose that the dark zones in the beam of the beam are not formed at all by the addition of light waves. They appear due to the fact that the direction of flight of photons determines the interference grid. Something like this is indicated in the textbooks of physics – “there is nothing there,” without any further explanation. What is the interference grid in our view? A set of identical strips. They spread light into the spectrum, give dark and light stripes, even if the light does not have a high initial coherence. The strips are like piano strings, responding to each other’s vibrations. One thing is clear: mutually similar “bars” of the lattice are interconnected, and distribute light only in selected directions. Are they unique? Apparently not. These are similar material objects from a great many. They do not belong to the microworld, they have a length and width that is visible to the eye. Any mutually similar objects illuminated by a single point source of light are synchronized. Note that the rays of two lasers, equal in wavelength and amplitude, directed at one point at a small angle of convergence, do not add up. There are no such cases, how many do not adjust the mirrors. Classical superposition of light waves does not work. The excited atoms of lasers themselves, feel the presence of their twin microparticles in another object, and do not send photons to where, having been combined in the opposite phase with rays of similarity, they could violate the law of energy conservation.

      A superlight or pre-light quantum exists, obeys the ballistic law of addition of speeds, but it is rather difficult to weed out and register. It is important not only what to look at, but also HOW and WHAT. To “catch” a conventional superlight signal is just the same as trying to fix x-rays with an electronic camera. Let us turn to the article by V. Belyaev, published in “TM” No. 9, distant Olympic 1980. The author reproduces the experiments of prof. N. Myshkina (as well as, to some extent, V. Crookes), produced at the beginning of the twentieth century. The disk, suspended on a thin, non-counter-tightening thread, for no apparent external reason, periodically rotates through one or another angle. These movements correlate with solar activity, the position of the moon, even when the torsion balance is in the basement, protected from electromagnetic and heat fluxes. As a first approximation, torsion balance is the sensor of the hidden component of the light beam. Unlike the thinnest translucent petal, which measures pressure in the most famous experiments of academician P. Lebedev, our recorder is a rather massive screen. I (R.W.) did not manage to measure the pressure of the light beam behind an obstacle (but this is how the attraction of parallel plates in air was revealed). Everything is somewhat more complicated. However, the topic is interesting.

      .What else might look like sensors that are configured to “hidden” light? Let us turn to the “unformatted” experiments of astrophysics N. Kozyrev to determine the path of a star in the sky. Let us reject theorizing about the “effect of Time on physical processes,” leaving a pure experiment. So, the academician directs a telescope at a remote star. Focuses the thermal resistor in the eyepiece focus. The change in the resistance of the sensor does not occur in a thin surface layer (as in a “normal” photocell), but over the entire volume of this relatively massive object. And – the signal is recorded on the already traveled path of the star. Option – we already know the torsional scales with the screen. According to our opinion, this way the detector captures the author’s “superluminal” and “pre-light” photons. A device made according to a similar scheme, it must be assumed, can “see” a light bulb even behind a dense wall. The study of the hidden light can open new horizons. In the practical plane, this is primarily the creation of instruments capable of shining through various objects with ordinary light, without the use of X-rays.

      Energy is coming back. Is always

      …How to return the energy scattered in space, as if asleep, dissolved in the hustle of particles? There are probably natural processes that increase its quality to its original value. These are not complex devices. Everything happens as if by itself. It is necessary only to be able to see. A boiled kettle placed on the table gives off energy to the table, air currents, etc. It cools down with time. Movement of molecules is distributed in the environment. Energy of high order is replaced by a uniform thermal background. Is the reverse process possible? Whether impulses of the environment will be transferred to a teapot. Will it boil up for no apparent reason right on the kitchen table? The question is strange. But this is exactly what should happen if there is a circulation of energy in nature from the beginning of time. One of the first publications of the author on this topic is an article in TM, No. 4, 2000: