The Greek's Tiny Miracle. Rebecca Winters

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Название The Greek's Tiny Miracle
Автор произведения Rebecca Winters
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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indefinitely. The man at the desk didn’t give me any additional information, so I was trying to find someone on this yacht who might tell me where you were. But no one was about.”

      “Evidently that didn’t stop you from waiting around.” He spoke in a low wintry tone so unlike him she shivered in fresh pain. “In your desperation, I’m surprised you didn’t come to Egnoussa much sooner.”

      Her desperation? What on earth was wrong? How could he have changed into a completely different person? He might not like seeing her again, but his demeanor bordered on loathing.

      Though terrified at the thought he might be seriously ill, and stung by his hostile behavior, Stephanie still held her ground. “I would have been here the next day if I’d known where you lived. But the note you put with the gardenias didn’t tell me where I could find you.”

      “How remiss of me.” Coupled with his sarcasm was an icy smile, devastating her further. “Still, with the help you were given, you managed to track me down easily enough.”

      “If you’re talking about God’s help, you’re right.”

      Evidently he didn’t like her response, because he straightened to his full height. “Even knowing you as I thought I did, I have to admit I’m surprised you’d use that excuse to cover who you really are.”

      “Who I really am?” Despite being stymied, she lifted her chin proudly. “Then we’re on even footing, because I don’t know who you are either. The man I met in the Caribbean was named Dev Harris, an international exporter from New York on a scuba diving holiday. A man who made our dive master, Angelo, look like a beginner.”

      Below black brows, Dev’s dark eyes pierced her to the core of her being. This frontal view of his face exposed shadows beneath them, and carved lines around his mouth that hadn’t been there before. Despite her anger it grieved her that he could have been suffering all this time.

      “And you made quite the seductress.”

      A gasp escaped her throat over the unexpected remark thrown out at her like that. Incredulous, she shook her head. “Seductress? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

      “Come on, Stephanie. The game is over. Working for Crystal River Water Tours, you don’t make the kind of money to send you all over the world, on two occasions in the last three months, without a definite agenda.”

      For a moment she was so shocked, she couldn’t make a sound.

      “However, I have to admit you played your hand with such finesse, you almost took me to the cleaners, as you Americans say. I barely got out of there in time.”

      “In time? For what?” She couldn’t begin to understand him. In a slow rage over his indictment of her, she moved closer. “Curious you’d say that, because it seems I flew out of Providenciales too late.”

      He folded his powerful arms. “And now you’re in trouble up to the last silvery-gold strand of hair on your beautiful head.”

      “Yes,” she answered in a quiet voice, without blinking. Trouble that came wrapped in a baby quilt, with a bottle of formula, among other things.

      A white ring encircling his mouth gave evidence of the negative emotion fueling him. “So you’re here to continue where you left off.”

      She swallowed hard. Two could play at this game he’d accused her of. If she could keep him talking, maybe she’d find out what was going on. He wasn’t the same Dev. “Only if you still want me.”

      “That’s an interesting proposition. Why don’t you make me...want you.” His voice grated the words. “If you can accomplish that feat, I’ll let you name your price.”

      “What price are you talking about?” she cried in absolute shock.

      His eyes narrowed to black slits. “One way or another, money is the reason you’re here.”

      “You think?”

      In spite of his cruelty to her, his dare emboldened Stephanie to take him up on it. Much as she wished she could turn off her desire for this man whose child she was carrying, it didn’t work that way. With her only thought being to get to the bottom of this nightmare, she reached for him and slid her arms around his neck.

      “I’ve missed you,” she whispered, before pressing her mouth to his, needing to be convincing so he’d listen to her. “You have no idea how much.” After three months deprivation, her longing for him was at full strength, despite her pain at being abandoned. She needed to feel his arms around her and be kissed the way he’d done before, as if he was dying for her.

      At first she could wring no response from him, and couldn’t bear it. Then, suddenly, she felt his groan before he pulled her closer, as if he couldn’t help himself. Every remembered memory came flooding back...the rapture, the ecstasy of his mouth and hands doing incredible things to her.

      If anything, the flame of heat licked at both of them even more strongly than before. She rejoiced that she’d found him and that he still wanted her. His response couldn’t be feigned. He was definitely covering up something. But right this minute intense desire was the one truth between them, and she’d cling to it with every breath she possessed until she knew what had happened to him.

      Their bodies swayed due to the intensity of their passion. He clung to her with surprising strength. Voluptuous warmth enveloped them, bringing her inestimable pleasure that was spiraling, taking her over the edge of coherent thought. “Could we go someplace private?” she begged against his lips. “I’ve needed to feel you like this for so long, but I’m afraid someone will see us.”

      After a slight hesitation, he tore his lips from hers and released her. Before he pulled away she thought she saw torment in his eyes. “Come with me.” He sounded out of breath.

      “Wait. I dropped my purse.” She retrieved it from the deck floor.

      “No luggage?” he asked, falling back into that accusatory tone she hated.

      “I only planned to come here for a few hours, so I left it in my hotel room on Chios.”

      He studied her through veiled eyes, no doubt assessing the validity of her statement before grasping her hand. “We’ll go below.” Nikos pulled her to the top of the stairs and they descended. He led her down the hallway past the lounge. Beyond it was the galley and a laundry room. The master bedroom was on the end, with its en suite bathroom.

      The bed was unmade. Had he slept on board last night? While she stood there, bombarded with questions she needed answers to, he shrugged out of his T-shirt. After throwing it on a chair, he sat on the end of the bed to remove his sandals. She took a quick breath when he stood up to get out of his cargo pants. Despite his weight loss, he was such a striking man her mouth went dry looking at his hard-muscled frame.

      “What are you doing?”

      He shot her a penetrating glance. “I thought this was what you wanted. I’ll pay your price after we’re finished. Let me help you.” In a lightning move he reached for her purse and tossed it on the chair on top of his shirt, panicking her.

      “Wait, Dev—”

      But he was beyond listening to her. “Delightful as that blouse is, I’m aching to see you again without any artifice. It’s been a long time since our all-nighter. Kissing you has caused me to remember how delightful you are. Do you want to remove it, or shall I?”

      Suddenly apprehensive, she stepped away from him. The challenge she’d initiated, to break him down, had backfired and she started to be afraid. “Please don’t be like this, Dev. We need to talk.” She refused to tell him why she’d come all this way, until she understood the reason he’d changed into someone else. If he made love to her, he’d know what she was hiding.

      His smile had a wicked curl. “I don’t remember you being this coy with me before. Come here.” He inched closer and caressed her cheek. “We were lovers. Why pretend