Regency Scandals: High Seas To High Society / Masquerading Mistress. Sophia James

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Название Regency Scandals: High Seas To High Society / Masquerading Mistress
Автор произведения Sophia James
Жанр Зарубежные любовные романы
Издательство Зарубежные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0

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been overly fond of ornate things.’

      Wellingham’s bark of laughter behind him worried Emerald; looking around, she could also see that this last statement was patently false. Everything in this room was overly embellished and elaborately decorated. Still, given the fact that eighty pounds and a few pieces of jewellery were all that stood between her and bankruptcy, she could hardly afford to be magnanimous.

      ‘I am so terribly sorry.’ Desperation stripped her voice to its more familiar and husky tone. She wanted to be away from here. She wanted the wide-open spaces of Jamaica and enough room to move in. She wanted to be safe with Ruby and her aunt and far, far away from a man who could ruin her completely.

      But she needed the cane first.

      Without the cane, nothing would be possible. Squeezing her eyes together, she was pleased to feel moisture. These Englishmen loved women who were fragile and needy. She had seen this to be true ever since she had arrived here. In the ballrooms. In the drawing rooms. Even in the park where women sat beside their men and watched them tool horses Emerald thought so docile that a child in Jamaica might have managed them. It was just the way of things in England.

      She was surprised, therefore, by the Duke of Carisbrook’s withdrawal. She had done something wrong, she was sure of it, for his amusement now fled and awkwardness hung between them. Re-evaluating her options, she bit at her lower lip. He was not as the others were here. In looks. In temperament. In size.

      Damn it.

      Another month and her funds would be spent. Another month and the servants they had hired would be demanding payment and all of London would despise them.

      For herself the prospect was not as daunting as the effect such hatred might have on her aunt, for Miriam was old and deserved some comfort in her last years, and her title, although venerable, carried little in the way of income.


      How she hated the fact that it always came back to that. If it had been just her she would have managed, but it wasn’t just her anymore. She shivered and pulled the shawl more firmly around her saturated bodice. ‘It’s cold.’ She needed to think, needed to mull over the reaction that the enigmatic Duke seemed to inspire in her, needed to get away and rethink her strategies in this endlessly grey and complex land.

      ‘I will have a footman call up my carriage.’ Asher Wellingham was turning even as Miriam stopped him.

      ‘It will not be necessary, your Grace. We are quite able to procure a hackney.’

      Emerald, however, having suddenly devised a plan, jumped in.

      ‘We shall be delighted to accept your most generous offer, your Grace, and I trust that the time taken should not inconvenience you.’ She glanced at the ornate clock on the mantelpiece. ‘Twenty past one, sir. You should have your conveyance back easily before the clock strikes two.’

      His shadow dark gaze ran across her. Taking in everything she suspected, and finding her lacking. Face. Manners. Dress. Hair.

      ‘Then I will bid you both good evening.’ As she watched him go, she noticed for the first time that he walked with a limp.

      The cane, she thought. The cane with the hidden treasure map that Beau swore concealed a fortune. The cane she had come to London for in a last bid to shake off the debtors from her heels and reclaim at least a little of life as it had been.

      Doubt passed across her, but she dismissed it. She had to believe in the story Azziz had heard twelve weeks ago in the taverns of Kingston Town. The story that the Duke of Carisbrook had been seen in London using a distinctive carved ebony cane.

      Her father’s cane, encrusted with emeralds and rubies, the secret catch hidden beneath an overhanging rim of ivory.

      Lord, it was all so nebulous, but she had to have faith that it was here, because if it wasn’t …? She shook her head. Hard. The alternative didn’t bear thinking of and with the covering of darkness the night was still long.

      Long enough to waylay a duke?

      Her first real chance?

      Dressed as a lad, she might be able to shake some clue from Wellingham as to the whereabouts of the map, and if Azziz accompanied her …? Excitement flushed her cheeks as she threaded her hand through her aunt’s and helped her from the room. All they needed to know was the location of the cane. With this in hand they could find it and be gone from England on the next outgoing tide. Disappearing was easy when you had the promise of enough money to cover your tracks.

       Chapter Two

      Two hours later the carriage she had been waiting for thundered out of the Derrick town house, the heavy velour curtains on each side drawn. Signalling to Azziz to urge the team forward and follow, Emerald searched for a place to cut the conveyance off, though as it turned into the docks on the south side of the river, she bade him to hang back.

      ‘What is the Duke doing here at this time of night?’

      She asked the question of Toro, who sat beside her, and when he shook his head the ring in his left ear gleamed in the moonlight.

      ‘The tide will be up before morning. Perhaps he means to take ship somewhere.’

      Puzzlement was replaced by surprise as a woman she had not seen before climbed down from the now-stationary coach.

      No, not a woman, but a girl, she amended, and hardly happy at that. The older man who met with her had his fingers tightly about her forearm and he wasn’t looking pleased as they walked to the porch of a shabby doss-house and stopped. Or at least the girl stopped. Emerald could quite plainly hear her speaking.

      ‘I do not think this is the place we want, Stephen. You cannot mean to have brought me here.’

      ‘It is just for tonight, Lucy. Just until I can find ship on the morrow.’

      ‘Nay. You promised we would be wed first.’ Her distress was increasing. ‘If my brother found out I have come to this place …’ He did not let her finish.

      ‘I did not force you into the carriage, Lucinda. You came, I thought, of your own free will. An adventure, you said, to spice up the boring routine of your existence. Now come along, for we do not have all night.’ His words were slightly slurred.

      ‘Are you drunk?’ The young woman’s consternation was becoming more obvious as the driver of the Wellingham coach joined them.

      ‘The master would be most displeased, my lady. My instructions were to take you straight home.’

      ‘I shall be with you in a moment, Burton. Please, could you wait in the carriage?’

      The servant wavered, plainly uncertain as to what he should do next and his hesitancy fired the younger man into an angry response. Without any warning, his fist shot out and the driver fell dazed onto the pathway.

      ‘Come, my love, no servant should question a lady’s motives and we have waited long enough for this chance.’

      Emerald grimaced. She had heard that tone before and knew what was to come next. A young and inexperienced girl would have no idea how to counter such overt masculine pressure. And would suffer for it.

      Breathing out, she pushed forward, signalling to Toro and Azziz to stay behind.

      ‘Let her go.’ Her voice was as low and rough as she could make it, the glint of her sharpened blade in the moonlight underlining the message.

      ‘Who the hell are you?’

      Ignoring his question, she addressed the girl. ‘Think hard and long before you accompany this gentleman, miss, for I think he is not as reputable as you might hope. If I were you, I would take the safer option and return home.’

      Emerald tensed as the one named Stephen came towards her and, slipping her blade into the intricate folds of cravat at his neck, she held him still. ‘I would advise you, sir, to keep very quiet