Vanishing Point. Danielle Ramsay

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Название Vanishing Point
Автор произведения Danielle Ramsay
Жанр Триллеры
Издательство Триллеры
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007478392

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pitted acne scars, some partially hidden by a permanent five o’clock shadow, but there all the same. Irritably Gates pulled the cuffs of his expensive white shirt down past his black uniform as he glared at Brady.

      ‘Can I help you, Jack?’

      Brady tensed. He now realised that he had made a mistake coming in. What had he been looking for? He didn’t know. But the last thing he wanted was disapproving glances from colleagues who had heard the rumours about his relationship with the victim.

      But worse than that, he was certain he had recognised the caller’s voice, despite the attempt at disguising it. He cleared his throat, aware that the entire room was watching him.

      ‘I was just waiting until the briefing ended so I could have a word, sir,’ Brady answered, inwardly cursing.

      ‘My office in ten minutes.’

      ‘Yes, sir,’ Brady answered.

      ‘If that’s all, you can leave,’ Gates ordered. ‘I’m sure you’ve got enough work to do.’

      Brady caught the mocking stare of DI Robert Adamson who was clearly enjoying his downfall. Brady held his breath as Gates shot him a cold, penetrating glare before he turned to Adamson and quietly muttered something. Adamson nodded in response as he shot Brady a dismissive look.

      Brady turned and left the room, feeling more certain than ever that his career was shot to hell.

      More so, if he was right about the identity of the caller.

       Chapter Eight

      Brady walked downstairs and careered straight into DS Tom Harvey.

      ‘Bloody hell, Jack! You look like shit,’ Harvey confided.

      Brady just looked at him. He didn’t need Harvey pointing out the obvious.

      ‘Are you OK? What with …’ Harvey mumbled, realising that he’d obviously heard.

      Brady nodded as he ran his right hand through his hair. He was trying his best to keep his head together. ‘Yeah,’ he muttered. ‘Just … you know? It’s hard to believe that anyone would want to … to hurt her like that …’

      Harvey simply nodded, at a loss for what to say.

      Brady had known Harvey for years. They went way back to the early days where they both had worked long hard shifts followed by equally long sessions over too many pints. Harvey was a good copper and a long-standing friend. And most importantly, he was someone Brady could trust.

      Brady had gone on to get promoted to DI whereas Harvey had stayed as a DS. The fact that Brady was now his boss had never come between them. Harvey was more than happy with his role and had no intention of furthering his career. He liked the job too much to get involved with the politics that came naturally with a more senior role. Not that Brady could blame him. If Brady had known how the politics of the role got in the way of the job itself, he wasn’t so sure that he would have ever taken on the role of DI.

      Brady shook his head as he met Harvey’s eyes. ‘The worst thing is I wouldn’t trust Adamson to wipe his own arse never mind head something as crucial as this …’

      ‘I know,’ agreed Harvey. ‘He’s one fuck-up if ever I’ve met one. He’ll screw up big-time, Jack. Just wait.’

      ‘The problem is I don’t want to be proved right about him with this case. Christ, this is Simone we’re talking about.’

      ‘I know …’ Harvey mumbled awkwardly.

      Brady looked at Harvey, realising he wasn’t the only one who had been deeply affected by what had happened to her.

      ‘There’s nothing we can do, Jack. How about we get started on this investigation and leave Adamson and his team to find out who’s responsible for attacking Simone?’

      Brady’s mute reaction told Harvey he didn’t agree.

      ‘Jack?’ warned Harvey, recognising the look on his face. ‘Leave it, will you?’

      ‘Tell the others I want to hold a briefing at 1pm, will you?’ ordered Brady, changing the subject.

      Brady needed time before the briefing. He had too many questions that needed answering first.

      ‘Where?’ asked Harvey.

      ‘I’ll tell you that after I’ve talked to Gates. I need to see what kind of resources he’s allocating us, which includes where we can set up the Incident Room.’

      Harvey nodded, relieved that Brady was now thinking about the murder investigation.

      ‘And, Tom? I want a list of every girl that’s been reported missing over the past year between the age of sixteen and thirty.’

      ‘Why the past year and not more recent reports?’ Harvey asked, puzzled.

      ‘Just trust me, will you?’ replied Brady. ‘And make it a national search. I have a feeling that this is bigger than the North East.’

      ‘You seriously want us to search through all that data?’

      ‘That’s what I said,’ answered Brady. ‘And given the fact I want that information ready for the briefing you better get a move on.’

      ‘You’re the boss,’ accepted Harvey as he turned and started to make his way up the stairs to the first-floor computer room. He turned and looked back at Brady. ‘Despite the fact I think Adamson’s a fool he will get whoever did this to Simone.’

      Brady looked as unconvinced as Harvey sounded.

      ‘Look, regardless of Adamson, his team will,’ Harvey continued. ‘I know most of them and I can guarantee that not one of them will rest until they catch whoever’s responsible. And when they do, God help him!’

      Brady didn’t argue with Harvey.

      The last thing he was going to do was tell Harvey that he would be making enquiries of his own into who could have done this to her. And he was certain he’d get to the bastard responsible before Adamson got even close.


      ‘What do you think you are playing at?’ demanded Gates as he sat down.

      ‘Sir?’ Brady asked.

      His boss’s attitude came as no surprise. He’d been expecting to get it in the neck.

      ‘Walking into that briefing when you did.’

      ‘I didn’t realise that it was off-bounds, sir.’

      ‘Christ, Jack, do I have to spell it out for you?’

      Brady didn’t answer.

      ‘Don’t mess with me,’ warned Gates.

      He sighed heavily as he deliberated what to say next. Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his desk and clasped his hands together as he looked Brady in the eye.

      ‘Look, I understand this must be difficult for you,’ Gates said, choosing his words carefully. ‘It’s hard enough for the rest of us.’

      Brady didn’t reply.

      ‘But I want to make myself perfectly clear. You are to go nowhere near this investigation. Understand?’

      ‘Yes, sir,’ replied Brady coolly.

      ‘DI Adamson is in charge of the Henderson investigation. You have your own investigation to deal with and I can’t have you compromising that because you’re not giving it your undivided attention.’

      Brady watched as the DCI sat back in his chair. He looked agitated and Brady knew the reason why. Gates didn’t trust him not to get involved.

      ‘You’ve got your usual team; I wish I could give you more but unfortunately that’s all I can offer you under