Without You. Mary Baxter Lynn

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Название Without You
Автор произведения Mary Baxter Lynn
Жанр Современная зарубежная литература
Издательство Современная зарубежная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472046659

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the notion passed. Woman’s work. He had more important things to do. Slapping on his hat, he made his way to the door.

      “You’d better look out, Jackson Cole,” he muttered. “I’m about to become your worst nightmare.”

      The morning was gorgeous but rather chilly. Hallie had wanted to have coffee on her patio, but the brisk wind had sent her scurrying back inside.

      With that in mind, she’d dressed accordingly, while still conscious of what the day would bring. In the end, she had probably gone a bit overboard in dressing as the true professional. However, her dark-green designer suit did nothing to subdue her thin, shapely figure, or diminish her creamy skin and the punky hairstyle that often aroused obvious disfavor with the judges. But she didn’t care. She wasn’t good at being anything or anyone other than herself.

      Hallie stared at the mirror for the umpteenth time, deciding she looked as good as she was ever going to. She was about to turn away, only to pull up short. When was the last time she’d given herself such a going-over before leaving for the office? She answered her own question: a long time ago.

      So what was different about today? A sigh parted her lips when that answer also came to mind. She was seeing Jackson. For a moment the old weakness invaded her body again, and she was powerless to move. Then she gave herself a savage shake.

      Jackson was just another client. It was imperative she keep that in the forefront of her mind. But if she couldn’t handle the chemistry between them, if it really became a problem, then she would have no choice but to turn Jackson over to Nathan.

      Thirty minutes later, she pulled into the parking garage at the firm and made her way up the elevator and into her office. Pearl wasn’t behind her desk, though she noticed a cup of coffee by her assistant’s phone. Most likely she was in the ladies’ room.

      Hallie had intended for Pearl to get Nathan on the line, but since Pearl wasn’t nearby, she decided to make the call herself. She wanted to speak with him before Jackson made his appearance.

      Preoccupied with thoughts of Jackson’s case, she hadn’t realized she wasn’t alone. Her first clue was the subtle smell of cologne. She froze mid-stride as her gaze swept the room. Like it had yesterday, her stomach dropped to her toes.

      Jackson was standing in almost the same spot by the window. He turned and their eyes met and held. The exchange was smoldering. Another repeat of yesterday. Squaring her shoulders, Hallie moved forward, keeping her shock and dismay under wraps.

      “This is getting to be a habit,” she said, dropping her purse and briefcase. “A bad one.”

      “Sorry,” he said.

      Hallie knew better. He wasn’t sorry in the least. Her anger flared, but she kept her feelings hidden. A better time for teaching Jackson his place would present itself. Until then, she’d maintain her professional cool. To let him know he’d disconcerted her wouldn’t be wise.

      However, she couldn’t help but notice that his handsome features appeared more strained than ever. Even his eyes were bloodshot, from too much booze or too little sleep. She couldn’t say, nor did she care.

      “You’re looking exceptionally good this morning,” he said in that husky tone that never failed to send her pulse rate skyrocketing.

      “Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about you,” she responded with intended bluntness, hoping to diffuse the sexual tension that had notched the temperature up several degrees.

      He smiled. “I didn’t sleep last night.”

      “Not by choice, I assume,” she said, moving farther into the room.

      “Nope. Too much on my mind.”

      A silence fell between them while they simply stared at each other.

      Jackson’s eye’s darkened. “I really had no intention of crashing in on you again.”

      “Then, why did you?”

      “I wanted to try and talk you out of meeting with the other attorney.”

      “That other attorney’s name happens to be Nathan James, which I’m sure you’re aware of.” She folded her arms cross her chest. When she felt the rapid rate of her heart, she dropped her arms. “And not talking to him isn’t an option.”

      Jackson shrugged as his blue eyes bore back into hers. She turned away. “At least I get an A for effort.”

      Her gaze whipped back to him. “If you’re trying to be funny, you’re wasting your time. I’m not in the mood.”

      For a moment his eyes seemed to linger on her chest. She turned her entire body away from him this time, fearing he might see her distended nipples.


      Reluctantly, she turned back around, schooling her features to show none of her mixed emotions. “Yes.”

      “Never mind,” he muttered.

      With determination, she walked to her desk and punched a button on her phone. “Pearl, please ask Mr. James to come to my office.”

      “There’s nothing I can say to make you change your mind?”

      “No, Jackson, and I can’t see why you’d want to. You’re going to need all the help you can get.”

      Suddenly the door opened, and a man walked in. “Good morning,” he said. “Shall we get down to business?”


      Hallie smiled at the dapper attorney. Nathan James was dressed to kill, in his custom-made suit and expensive tie. He was medium height and slender, with sharp features and eyes that seldom missed a thing.

      “Thanks for coming, Nathan,” she said, her smile broadening.

      “Anything for you, my dear.”

      “Save your charm.” Hallie’s lips twitched. “You know it’s lost on me.”

      Nathan grabbed his chest in mock despair. “Why must you continue to break my heart?”

      Hallie rolled her eyes. “Will you please behave yourself?”

      Of all the attorneys in the firm, Nathan was her favorite, the one whom she respected the most. He was an excellent lawyer whose superior intelligence provided him the ability to think on his feet, which was a great asset in the courtroom.

      But her liking of him went deeper. Although he wasn’t quite old enough to be her father, he treated her like the daughter he didn’t have. Happily married with three grown boys, he and his wife, Donna, had made her welcome in their home. She considered him her mentor, and was ever conscious that he genuinely liked and respected her, as well.

      “I’m Nathan James. You must be Jackson Cole.” Nathan extended his hand.

      The sound of the attorney’s well-modulated voice drew Hallie back to the moment at hand, and she watched the interplay between the two men. Nathan’s features had sobered and his narrowed eyes were focused on Jackson, as if sizing him up.

      “Right.” Jackson responded without any real warmth, though his gaze didn’t shy away from Nathan’s piercing one.

      “Before we get down to business,” Hallie said, “would either of you care for coffee?”

      Both men nodded. She pressed the button on her phone and asked Pearl to accommodate them, then they all sat down. The silence had turned suddenly hostile, something she’d feared but had hoped to avoid. She quelled a sigh and was about to speak, when Jackson jumped in.

      “I have to tell you right off, Nathan, that I wasn’t in favor of bringing in a second party.”

      “That’s your call, of course,” Nathan responded, turning his attention to Hallie, his eyebrows raised as if to ask what she had gotten him into.