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Автор произведения John Burley
Жанр Триллеры
Издательство Триллеры
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007559510

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Myers? The stealthy one. The meanest of the four. The only one with murder in his eyes.

      “I ran along the edge of the gulley, my ankle beginning to ache. The path of my flight was looping around toward home. If I can get inside the house, lock the doors, I thought, then maybe I’ll be okay. They were chasing me through the brush, shouting to one another: ‘There he is!’ ‘Up ahead!’ ‘Get him!’ But I was getting close to the house, could recognize the thatch of trees that bordered our street, and even with my messed-up ankle, they were lagging behind, out of breath, all words and no steam. I remember thinking that my escape was almost too easy. It didn’t make sense that I was outdistancing them like this. And on the heels of that I kept thinking, Where’s Billy?

      “It was a trap, wasn’t it? They were flushing you toward him.”

      Jason nodded. “Billy stood waiting for me at the edge of the woods. I was pretty winded by then, and as he came hurtling toward me down the slight hill there was no chance of dodging him. He meant to tackle me head-on, but I saw it coming and at the last second dropped to one knee and his forward momentum allowed me to take him out at the legs. He hurtled over me, somersaulting once in the air, and before I heard his body crunch against the ground behind me I was back on my feet and moving up the hill.

      “But he was fast, so fast, and I felt him snag my ankle from behind, bringing me to the ground. I kicked out with my other foot, caught him in the face with the sole of my shoe, but that only seemed to anger him. The others were bullies and opportunists, but Billy Myers was crazy—and he will kill me, I thought as he clawed his way up my body, pinning me to the ground, his eyes wild, spittle flying off his lower lip.

      “‘You’re gonna get what’s comin’ to ya, faggot,’ he hissed in my face, and he wasn’t talking about another beating this time, because he reached into the back pocket of his jeans, pulled out a black-handled thing that he dangled in front of my face, and with the flick of a spring-loaded switch, a six-inch blade shot out from one of its ends.

      “I was plenty scared then because—like I said—the look in Billy Myers’s eyes told me he had every intention of using that thing. I started bucking and thrashing beneath him, trying to throw him off me, but by then his reinforcements had arrived and they piled on top of me, too, holding down my arms and legs.

      “‘Hold him still, goddammit!’ Billy instructed as he yanked up my shirt and placed the cold point of the blade against my stomach.

      “‘Hey, Billy,’ Tim Maddox whispered, as if the rest of us couldn’t hear him, ‘you’re not gonna really cut him, right? You’re just messin’ with him.’ There was a pleading tremor in his voice, and I realized that he, too, was scared of Billy—of what he was, and what he was capable of doing.

      “‘Just shut up and hold him,’ Billy said. He looked calm now—tranquil even—as if a thin curtain had fallen across his face, leaving him devoid of emotion. Only his eyes betrayed him, revealing the nastiness beneath, and I stopped wondering if he was going to cut me and braced myself for the silent punch of steel through the flesh of my abdomen.

      “‘Excuse me,’ a female voice interjected, and I watched as all four of their faces looked up in unison. It was almost comical, the synchronized upswing of their heads, their jaws dropping open slightly. In the next second there was a whooshing noise as something cut through the air and connected with Billy’s forearm. I heard a resounding crack as the bat made contact. Billy screamed and rolled backward, clutching an arm that now hung at a grotesque angle from his elbow. The knife fell with a soft plop onto my stomach, and I looked down to see a single bead of blood welling up where the point had pressed against my skin. Billy’s arm had taken most of the bat’s force, but the follow-through of my sister’s swing caught Tim Maddox in the temple, sending him flying backward—ironic, since he’d been the one who’d brought the Louisville Slugger to the ambush in the first place but had tossed it onto the ground in order to get a better hold of me. If the bat hadn’t struck Billy first, if the bones in his arm hadn’t absorbed a good portion of the force of that swing, I’m fairly certain the direct impact to Tim’s head would’ve killed him.

      “Bret made a half lunge for the Slugger, but she brought it down in an ax chop onto his outstretched hand, and there was another crunch of bone and a howl of pain. She turned to Clayton next, who was scuttling away from her in a crab walk across the ground. She was three years older than all of us, but moved like an apparition, the bat rising above her head once more as she readied herself for the next swing. She’s going to kill them, I thought. She’s going to keep swinging that thing until they’re all stone quiet and dead. I called out her name, but she didn’t seem to hear me. She brought the bat down as hard as she could, and Clayton—thank God—rolled to the left so the fat wood slammed into the earth instead of his face, and then he was on his feet and running, blubbering, slipping down the embankment in a wake of sobs and ratcheting, gasping breaths. I got up and ran to her, the knife slipping from my belly and landing, forgotten, in the leaves. I put my arms on her shoulders just as she was turning her attention back to Billy. She spun around to face me, and her eyes were just … vacant … not registering me at all. I remember looking right into that face and not recognizing her, either, wondering to myself, Who is this person? And there was … I don’t know, a moment … during which I thought she was about to turn that bat on me. Because she didn’t know me, you see? She was just … gone.”

      He looked at me beseechingly, implored me to understand. I swallowed once and nodded.

      “I screamed her name, screamed it right into her face. I’d forgotten about Billy Myers and the rest of his pathetic band of delinquents. I’d forgotten that, less than a minute before, he’d pressed a knife against the skin of my belly, threatened to carve into me. All I could think about was that empty, shapeless space between my sister and me. It was like she had taken an unsuspecting step backward off a precipice, and I was standing there watching her body plummet downward, her upturned face becoming smaller and smaller until I could no longer make out her features. She could have been anyone—or no one—and that scared me more than anything that had come before.

      “I kept yelling her name, shook her a bit, and at last her eyes seemed to focus. She blinked and looked at me—finally—like I was someone she knew. The other boys were gone, scattered like roaches beneath the threat of her merciless foot. I took the bat from her hands, let it clunk to the ground, and we stood there in the woods—just the two of us—for a long time. ‘You okay?’ I asked, and I guess it was strange that I was the one doing the asking, but she seemed to understand what I was talking about and nodded back at me. ‘Yeah,’ she said, ‘I’m good.’

      “That was the most we ever talked about it—that day. I asked if she was okay, and she answered, ‘Yeah, I’m good.’ And that was the end of it. Billy Myers was absent from school for a week, and when he showed up again his right arm was in a cast and cradled in a sling. He didn’t look at me, didn’t say anything to me when I spotted him in the hall. None of them did. They averted their eyes when we passed one another, flinched away from me as if I were something venomous that might strike out at them again. I suppose I should’ve taken some satisfaction in that. But I didn’t. Instead, I felt sick, the nausea rolling over me in waves, my body lifting and falling in its surf. All I could think about when I saw them was the whoosh of wood through the air, the splintering crack of bone, and Clayton rolling to the left as the bat buried itself in the earth where his head had been lying a split second before.

      “And the vacant expression in my sister’s eyes as she turned in my direction. That I thought of most of all.”

Part Two

       Chapter 15

      Marj’s Kitchen is a culinary and social mecca for locals in my town. The front entrance is so slight and unassuming that, if you arrived by car, you could easily miss it during your first lap