The Art of Love. Elizabeth Edmondson

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Название The Art of Love
Автор произведения Elizabeth Edmondson
Жанр Зарубежные любовные романы
Издательство Зарубежные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007283705

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Dishes of potatoes, carrots and cabbage were placed on the table, and the waiters withdrew.

      Pritchard spooned redcurrant jelly on to his plate beside his lamb. Max plunged a spoon into the golden crust of his pie and transferred a generous portion to his plate.

      ‘If it’s a police matter, I don’t see what it has to do with us,’ Max said.

      ‘Then you haven’t heard that I was transferred last year,’ said Pritchard. ‘To Special Branch.’

      That surprised Max. The soft-spoken Welshman had a keen mind and that extra grain of intuition that singled out the exceptional policeman from the ordinary. But Special Branch? Perhaps it was a sign of the times, an indication of how alarmed the powers that be were about the rising anger and intensity of those who felt life hadn’t offered them a fair deal. Which, in many cases it hadn’t. Extremism was on the rise, certainly in continental Europe, possibly now even in England.

      In which case, Special Branch would need capable officers like Pritchard. There was, after all, more to maintaining the peace of the realm than catching criminals.

      Special Branch and the intelligence services worked in an uneasy alliance, with some bitter spats about territorial demarcations. If Pritchard’s and Max’s superiors were working together on this, it would mean that they were after someone who had dealings that went beyond the merely local and criminal.

      ‘Out with it,’ he said. ‘What particular game is afoot?’

      ‘I don’t see you as Watson, nor myself as Sherlock Holmes,’ said Pritchard, spearing a roast potato and chewing it carefully. He wiped his mouth with his napkin and took a draught of beer. ‘I believe you know Sir Walter Malreward?’

      ‘Ah,’ said Max. ‘Malreward. Yes.’

      ‘By reputation, in the way of business, or personally?’

      ‘He is a man much in the public eye, and I have a slight personal acquaintance with him. As to his business affairs, no, I have nothing to do with them.’

      Pritchard was playing with him. Pritchard must know perfectly well who Sir Walter’s constant companion was, to use the coy words of the lower kind of newspaper. Mrs Harkness. Cynthia Harkness, recent divorcée, and Max’s sister.

      ‘Surely he isn’t up to any mischief? He runs what passes for a reputable publishing empire, gives money to the poor, is active in middle-of-the-road politics, keeps his nose perfectly clean.’

      ‘Do you like him?’

      Max took refuge in his tankard of beer. Like, dislike, what did that have to do with it? ‘If your lot are interested in Malreward, it’s hardly relevant how I may or may not feel about him. I don’t go in for feelings.’

      ‘I know that. But you’re a fair judge of a man, for all that.’

      ‘I wouldn’t climb a mountain with Malreward on the other end of the rope, if that’s what you mean.’

      ‘I didn’t know you went in for climbing,’ said Pritchard, glancing down involuntarily to where he knew Max’s bad leg would be stretched out beneath the table.

      ‘I speak figuratively.’

      ‘He is said to be tough but honest in his business dealings.’

      ‘In which case you need to examine your sources more carefully,’ said Max. ‘No one gets to be as rich as Sir Walter is without being ruthless and sailing pretty close to the wind somewhere along the line. Risks are how fortunes are made. If you believe any businessman as successful as Malreward got there in any other way, I have some fairies at the bottom of my garden that I’m willing to sell to you for a reasonable sum.’

      Pritchard smiled. ‘Leave the fairies to us Celts, Mr Lytton. No, but Sir Walter’s record appears to be cleaner than most. Which makes him a sensitive subject, which is why we’re here and not in my or your office. Our lords and masters like Sir Walter. There’s talk of him being offered a junior post in the government.’

      Max frowned. It wasn’t unusual for there to be some official vetting of a man’s background before he was recommended for a difficult post or high honours, but it was hardly his line of work. ‘Surely they went into his habits and antecedents before he got his knighthood.’

      He fell silent as the waiter appeared to scoop up the empty plates and dishes.

      ‘Very good, the lamb,’ Pritchard said to him.

      ‘Thank you, sir. Apple pie to follow? With cream or custard?’

      The apple pie duly arrived, and Max poured cream over his portion. ‘What’s Sir Walter been up to that’s caused these twinges of alarm? It can’t just be the possibility of a government position.’

      ‘We found out about it quite by chance. As you know, we take an interest these days in some of the smaller political groups. Both left-wing and right-wing outfits.’

      ‘Trotskyists and Marxist Leninists on the one hand, and the blackshirts and others of a fascistic tendency on the other, you mean.’

      ‘You’d know more about the fascists than I would, you’ve been in Italy recently, haven’t you?’

      ‘Yes, and although quite a few of the great and the good hold that fascism is our only bulwark against a Bolshevik takeover, my superiors are suspicious of any group that wants to overthrow society, challenge Parliament, or generally go in for rabble-rousing.’

      ‘There’s a group of anarchists we at the Special Branch are keeping our eye on, too, since we don’t want to see any trouble from that direction, either.’

      ‘You’re hardly going to tell me that Malreward is a secret anarchist or Leninist?’

      ‘No. It’s stranger than that, and therefore possibly more sinister. He’s given quite a substantial sum of money to the Communist Party, but also to several groups of quite a different persuasion. And to the aforesaid anarchists.’

      ‘It doesn’t smack of intense political conviction.’

      ‘It does not. And it doesn’t fit in with the reasonable, moderate Conservative person he appears to be.’

      ‘It sounds to me as though he’s intent on stirring up trouble. Of one kind or another.’

      ‘Exactly. And the sums involved are quite large, and we’d like to know where they’re coming from.’

      Max shook his head. ‘That’s no mystery. He’s a very rich man.’

      ‘Yes, and we have access to his accounts and to his bank, and these funds haven’t passed through any of what you might call normal channels.’

      ‘That just means he’s had the sense and know-how to cover his tracks.’

      ‘We have reasons to believe that Sir Walter has sources of income other than those arising from his perfectly open and respectable business dealings.’

      Max’s heart sank. He didn’t like what he was hearing, not one bit. What had Cynthia got herself into? ‘Out with it. Drugs?’

      ‘It doesn’t look like it, although that was our first thought. Yet he is up to something crooked, I’m convinced of it, and when you read the file, you’ll come to the same conclusion.’

      ‘It seems incredible to me. Why should a man who has built himself a large fortune and reached the position Sir Walter has feel a need to have any underhand or criminal dealings? Why jeopardize the chance of a post in the government?’

      ‘Then tell me why, if he’s an honest and upright citizen, does he pour large sums of money into subversive organizations?’

      ‘Perhaps he feels this country needs a wider political base, so that matters are more thoroughly debated from both sides of the political divide.’

      ‘And perhaps a flight of purple pigs are going to sail past the window,’