Idol. Carrie Duffy

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Название Idol
Автор произведения Carrie Duffy
Жанр Зарубежные любовные романы
Издательство Зарубежные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007421527

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      ‘She’ll be fine, Nick. Which is more than can be said for you,’ muttered Zac.

      ‘Would that be okay?’ Jenna asked Ryan uncertainly. ‘I hate to bother my driver so late, and if you’re sure it’s not out of your way …?’

      ‘Not a problem,’ Ryan replied generously. ‘I haven’t been drinking anyway, ’cos Kelly hates it when I come home trashed.’

      ‘Thanks,’ replied Jenna, giving him a broad smile that lit up her face.

      ‘Jenna, I will give you a ride home,’ declared Nick, attempting to get to his feet as he waved his arms expansively. ‘It is absolutely no problem for me – don’t listen to what these bastards are saying. Or we can just share a cab to my hotel,’ he added, with a wink.

      ‘It’s fine, it really is,’ Jenna insisted, tempted though she was to take up Nick’s offer and spend the night in some decadent suite where they could fuck so hard she wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. But she didn’t think that would go down too well with the others – Zac would probably fire her for lack of professionalism. ‘I’ll get a lift with Ryan.’

      ‘Ryan,’ Nick whined, his forehead creased in an expression of bitter disappointment. ‘But that’s not fair. You’re married!’

      ‘Which is why she’ll be safer with him than with you,’ explained Don firmly. ‘Now let’s call you a car.’

      ‘This is totally unfair,’ complained Nick.

      ‘Quit acting like a jerk,’ snapped Zac, tiring of Nick’s behaviour. ‘I’ll see you guys tomorrow,’ he added shortly, as he headed for the door.

      ‘Do you want a ride too?’ asked Ryan. ‘I don’t mind the drive.’

      ‘No, thanks. I’ll make my own way back.’

      Zac glared at Jenna and walked out of the door.


      ‘Ryan?’ asked Jenna.

      She settled back comfortably into the vast seats of his Range Rover, watching the bright lights of London flash by. It was drizzling lightly outside, and Jenna’s breath on the window caused it to steam up, obstructing her view. She shivered slightly, realizing with a stab of annoyance that she’d left her jacket in the studio.

      ‘Yeah?’ asked Ryan. Following his GPS he signalled right, turning from the main street with its parade of shops into a wealthy-looking residential area, lined with beautiful white stucco-fronted houses.

      Jenna hesitated. ‘Why does Zac dislike me so much?’ she finally asked.

      Ryan’s hands tightened slightly on the steering wheel, and he kept his eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead. ‘He does like you Jenna,’ he began uncertainly, his words lacking sincerity. ‘It’s just that … oh, I don’t know. He does like you Jenna, don’t worry about it,’ he reiterated.

      ‘Oh come on, Ryan,’ shot back Jenna, her voice rising slightly as she felt herself beginning to get upset. ‘You’ve seen what he’s like with me – he can’t stand me. He won’t talk to me, he barely looks at me …’

      ‘Hey, it’s not that bad,’ Ryan insisted, worriedly glancing across at her. ‘He’s having a little trouble adjusting after working with Josh, but he doesn’t hate you Jenna.’

      ‘I don’t know what else I can do,’ she continued desperately, as though he hadn’t spoken. ‘I’ve tried to make him like me, I really have. I so want this to work. And now it’s causing a problem with the band, and Don’s getting pissed off with me …’ Jenna trailed off, her breath coming fast.

      ‘Don’s not pissed off with you,’ reassured Ryan, sounding surprised. ‘Why do you think that?’

      ‘Next street on the left,’ snuffled Jenna, trying to keep her voice steady as she felt the tears gathering in her eyes. She almost wished she hadn’t started the conversation, knowing that if she began to cry she wouldn’t stop. But she had to know. The situation was depressing her, stifling her enjoyment of what should have been one of the most exciting and creative periods of her career.

      ‘Look, don’t take any notice of Zac,’ said Ryan dismissively, trying to keep his tone light. ‘That’s just what he’s like.’

      ‘No, he’s not,’ Jenna protested. ‘Everyone who’s worked with him says he’s the sweetest guy, and I’ve seen what he’s like with everyone else. He gets on fine with them, and they all love him. It’s just me he’s got a problem with.’

      ‘Jenna, sweetheart, please don’t beat yourself up about this,’ Ryan implored, wishing there was something he could say to make her feel better. It was heartbreaking listening to how upset and vulnerable she sounded. ‘Zac’s obviously got some problems at the moment – he is being a little different, yeah. But we’re all feeling the brunt of it too.’

      Jenna bit her lip, looking unconvinced.

      Ryan sighed. ‘I promise you, Jenna, it’s got nothing to do with you,’ he insisted, not knowing if it was true or not, but feeling that it was the right thing to say.

      ‘There’s parking just here on the right,’ Jenna told him with a sniff. ‘He’s said he thinks I’m lazy, but I swear I’m not, Ryan,’ she insisted, her eyes shining wet with tears.

      ‘Jenna, don’t get upset,’ pleaded Ryan, his brow creasing in worry as he swung into the parking spot and turned off the ignition.

      ‘I’m working so hard to please everyone, and he just doesn’t care!’ The tears began to flow and Jenna let them run freely.

      ‘Jenna …’ began Ryan, reaching across the seat towards her. He held her awkwardly and she clung to him, her body wracked with sobs. Ryan took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. He wished he knew what to say to her; he felt so useless and awkward, unaccustomed to dealing with such emotional outbursts. His hands felt large and protective as he held her tiny frame, breathing in the faint smell of her perfume.

      ‘Jenna,’ Ryan began, as he sat up and disentangled himself from her. Gently, he brushed her hair away from her face. ‘I think you should head on in and get yourself a good night’s sleep. It’s been a stressful night, and I’m sure you’ll feel better tomorrow. Get a big glass of juice or something, help you sober up.’ The words came out clumsily, reflecting Ryan’s discomfort. He was tired and he wanted to get home to his wife and kids – Kelly would probably be waiting up for him, he realized.

      ‘Oh shit, I’m so sorry Ryan,’ Jenna apologized, embarrassed as she wiped her eyes. ‘I’m just being silly – you’ve been so good to put up with me.’

      ‘No problem,’ Ryan mumbled.

      Neither of them spoke for a few moments as Jenna rubbed her eyes tiredly, running a finger underneath her eyelashes to try and wipe off the smudged mascara. Finally, she spoke. ‘I hate to ask after all this, but could you do me one favour?’

      ‘I guess,’ Ryan shrugged.

      ‘I really don’t like getting in by myself – the house is so big and quiet. It was stupid of me to buy it really,’ she smiled. ‘It’s far too big for one person, and I sometimes get a little freaked out. Tonight especially, I’m feeling so on edge. Would you come in with me, just for a few minutes until I’m settled?’ Ryan paused and Jenna forced a smile. ‘You’ll get a free cup of coffee out of it.’

      ‘I don’t know …’ he began slowly. ‘I should be heading back. Kelly’s expecting me, and I don’t want to be too late.’

      ‘But it would only be for a few minutes …’ Jenna saw Ryan hesitate and felt her cheeks grow hot as the anger rose in her chest. Deep down, she knew it wasn’t his fault, but she desperately needed someone to lash out at. ‘Okay, fine. Forget it,’ she snapped furiously, her eyes blazing.