Insectivorous Plants. Darwin Charles

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Название Insectivorous Plants
Автор произведения Darwin Charles
Жанр Зарубежная классика
Издательство Зарубежная классика
Год выпуска 0

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walls of the cells ceases to be visible; I observed this fact repeatedly, but will give only one instance. A pale purple leaf was placed in a few drops of a solution of one part to 292 of water, and in 2 hrs. some fine purple spheres were formed in the upper cells of the pedicels, the stream of protoplasm round their walls being still quite distinct; but after an additional 4 hrs., during which time many more spheres were formed, the stream was no longer distinguishable on the most careful examination; and this no doubt was due to the contained granules having become united with the spheres, so that nothing was left by which the movement of the limpid protoplasm could be perceived. But minute free spheres still travelled up and down the cells, showing that there was still a current. So it was next morning, after 22 hrs., by which time some new minute spheres had been formed; these oscillated from side to side and changed their positions, proving that the current had not ceased, though no stream of protoplasm was visible. On another occasion, however, a stream was seen flowing round the cell-walls of a vigorous, dark-coloured leaf, after it had been left for 24 hrs. in a rather stronger solution, namely, of one part of the carbonate to 218 of water. This leaf, therefore, was not much or at all injured by an immersion for this length of time in the above solution of two grains to the ounce; and on being afterwards left for 24 hrs. in water, the aggregated masses in many of the cells were re-dissolved, in the same manner as occurs with leaves in a state of nature when they re-expand after having caught insects.

      In a leaf which had been left for 22 hrs. in a solution of one part of the carbonate to 292 of water, some spheres of protoplasm (formed by the self-division of a bag-like mass) were gently pressed beneath a covering glass, and then examined under a high power. They were now distinctly divided by well-defined radiating fissures, or were broken up into separate fragments with sharp edges; and they were solid to the centre. In the larger broken spheres the central part was more opaque, darker-coloured, and less brittle than the exterior; the latter alone being in some cases penetrated by the fissures. In many of the spheres the line of separation between the outer and inner parts was tolerably well defined. The outer parts were of exactly the same very pale purple tint, as that of the last formed smaller spheres; and these latter did not include any darker central core.

      From these several facts we may conclude that when vigorous dark-coloured leaves are subjected to the action of carbonate of ammonia, the fluid within the cells of the tentacles often aggregates exteriorly into coherent viscid matter, forming a kind of bag. Small spheres sometimes appear within this bag, and the whole generally soon divides into two or more spheres, which repeatedly coalesce and redivide. After a longer or shorter time the granules in the colourless layer of protoplasm, which flows round the walls, are drawn to and unite with the larger spheres, or form small independent spheres; these latter being of a much paler colour, and more brittle than the first aggregated masses. After the granules of protoplasm have been thus attracted, the layer of flowing protoplasm can no longer be distinguished, though a current of limpid fluid still flows round the walls.

      If a leaf is immersed in a very strong, almost concentrated, solution of carbonate of ammonia, the glands are instantly blackened, and they secrete copiously; but no movement of the tentacles ensues. Two leaves thus treated became after 1 hr. flaccid, and seemed killed; all the cells in their tentacles contained spheres of protoplasm, but these were small and discoloured. Two other leaves were placed in a solution not quite so strong, and there was well-marked aggregation in 30 m. After 24 hrs. the spherical or more commonly oblong masses of protoplasm became opaque and granular, instead of being as usual translucent; and in the lower cells there were only innumerable minute spherical granules. It was evident that the strength of the solution had interfered with the completion of the process, as we shall see likewise follows from too great heat.

      All the foregoing observations relate to the exterior tentacles, which are of a purple colour; but the green pedicels of the short central tentacles are acted on by the carbonate, and by an infusion of raw meat, in exactly the same manner, with the sole difference that the aggregated masses are of a greenish colour; so that the process is in no way dependent on the colour of the fluid within the cells.

      Finally, the most remarkable fact with respect to this salt is the extraordinary small amount which suffices to cause aggregation. Full details will be given in the seventh chapter, and here it will be enough to say that with a sensitive leaf the absorption by a gland of 1/134400 of a grain (.000482 mgr.) is enough to cause in the course of one hour well-marked aggregation in the cells immediately beneath the gland.

      The Effects of certain other Salts and Fluids. – Two leaves were placed in a solution of one part of acetate of ammonia to about 146 of water, and were acted on quite as energetically, but perhaps not quite so quickly, as by the carbonate. After 10 m. the glands were black, and in the cells beneath them there were traces of aggregation, which after 15 m. was well marked, extending down the tentacles for a length equal to that of the glands. After 2 hrs. the contents of almost all the cells in all the tentacles were broken up into masses of protoplasm. A leaf was immersed in a solution of one part of oxalate of ammonia to 146 of water; and after 24 m. some, but not a conspicuous, change could be seen within the cells beneath the glands. After 47 m. plenty of spherical masses of protoplasm were formed, and these extended down the tentacles for about the length of the glands. This salt, therefore, does not act so quickly as the carbonate. With respect to the citrate of ammonia, a leaf was placed in a little solution of the above strength, and there was not even a trace of aggregation in the cells beneath the glands, until 56 m. had elapsed; but it was well marked after 2 hrs. 20 m. On another occasion a leaf was placed in a stronger solution, of one part of the citrate to 109 of water (4 grs. to 1 oz.), and at the same time another leaf in a solution of the carbonate of the same strength. The glands of the latter were blackened in less than 2 m., and after 1 hr. 45 m. the aggregated masses, which were spherical and very dark-coloured, extended down all the tentacles, for between half and two-thirds of their lengths; whereas in the leaf immersed in the citrate the glands, after 30 m., were of a dark red, and the aggregated masses in the cells beneath them pink and elongated. After 1 hr. 45 m. these masses extended down for only about one-fifth or one-fourth of the length of the tentacles.

      Two leaves were placed, each in ten minims of a solution of one part of nitrate of ammonia to 5250 of water (1 gr. to 12 oz.), so that each leaf received 1/576 of a grain (.1124 mgr.). This quantity caused all the tentacles to be inflected, but after 24 hrs. there was only a trace of aggregation. One of these same leaves was then placed in a weak solution of the carbonate, and after 1 hr. 45 m. the tentacles for half their lengths showed an astonishing degree of aggregation. Two other leaves were then placed in a much stronger solution of one part of the nitrate to 146 of water (3 grs. to 1 oz.); in one of these there was no marked change after 3 hrs.; but in the other there was a trace of aggregation after 52 m., and this was plainly marked after 1 hr. 22 m., but even after 2 hrs. 12 m. there was certainly not more aggregation than would have fol- lowed from an immersion of from 5 m. to 10 m. in an equally strong solution of the carbonate.

      Lastly, a leaf was placed in thirty minims of a solution of one part of phosphate of ammonia to 43,750 of water (1 gr. to 100 oz.), so that it received 1/1600 of a grain (.04079 mgr.); this soon caused the tentacles to be strongly inflected; and after 24 hrs. the contents of the cells were aggregated into oval and irregularly globular masses, with a conspicuous current of protoplasm flowing round the walls. But after so long an interval aggregation would have ensued, whatever had caused inflection.

      Only a few other salts, besides those of ammonia, were tried in relation to the process of aggregation. A leaf was placed in a solution of one part of chloride of sodium to 218 of water, and after 1 hr. the contents of the cells were aggregated into small, irregularly globular, brownish masses; these after 2 hrs. were almost disintegrated and pulpy. It was evident that the protoplasm had been injuriously affected; and soon afterwards some of the cells appeared quite empty. These effects differ altogether from those produced by the several salts of ammonia, as well as by various organic fluids, and by inorganic particles placed on the glands. A solution of the same strength of carbonate of soda and carbonate of potash acted in nearly the same manner as the chloride; and here again, after 2 hrs. 30 m., the outer cells of some of the glands had emptied themselves of their brown pulpy contents. We shall see in the eighth chapter that solutions of several salts of soda of half the above strength cause inflection, but do not injure the leaves. Weak solutions of sulphate of quinine, of nicotine, camphor, poison of the cobra, &c.,