Studies in the Theory of Descent, Volume I. Weismann August

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Название Studies in the Theory of Descent, Volume I
Автор произведения Weismann August
Жанр Зарубежная классика
Издательство Зарубежная классика
Год выпуска 0

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must likewise be regarded as the parent-form of the species surviving from the glacial epoch, although it cannot be asserted, as can be done in the case of Bryoniæ, that the type has undergone no change since that epoch, for Bryoniæ from Lapland is identical with the Alpine form,26 whilst E. Simplonia does not appear to occur in Polar countries.

      Very interesting also is the case of Polyommatus Phlæas, Linn., one of our commonest Lycænidæ, which has a very wide distribution, extending from Lapland to Spain and Sicily.27 If we compare specimens of this beautiful copper-coloured butterfly from Lapland with those from Germany, no constant difference can be detected; the insect has, however, but one annual generation in Lapland, whilst in Germany it is double-brooded; but the winter and summer generations resemble each other completely, and specimens which had been caught in spring on the Ligurian coast were likewise similarly coloured to those from Sardinia. (Fig. 21, Plate II.). According to these facts we might believe this species to be extraordinarily indifferent to climatic influence; but the South European summer generation differs to a not inconsiderable extent from the winter generation just mentioned, the brilliant coppery lustre being nearly covered with a thick sprinkling of black scales. (Plate II., Fig. 22.) The species has thus become seasonally dimorphic under the influence of the warm southern climate, although this is not the case in Germany where it also has two generations in the year.28 No one who is acquainted only with the Sardinian summer form, and not with the winter form of that place, would hesitate to regard the former as a climatic variety of our P. Phlæas; or, conversely, the north German form as a climatic variety of the southern summer form – according as he accepts the one or the other as the primary form of the species.

      Still more complex are the conditions in another species of Lycænidæ, Plebeius Agestis (= Alexis Scop.), which presents a double seasonal dimorphism. This butterfly appears in three forms; in Germany A and B alternate with each other as winter and summer forms, whilst in Italy B and C succeed each other as winter and summer forms. The form B thus occurs in both climates, appearing as the summer form in Germany and as the winter form in Italy. The German winter variety A, is entirely absent in Italy (as I know from numerous specimens which I have caught), whilst the Italian summer form, on the other hand, (var. Allous, Gerh.), does not occur in Germany. The distinctions between the three forms are sufficiently striking. The form A (Fig. 18, Plate II.) is blackish-brown on the upper side, and has in the most strongly marked specimens only a trace of narrow red spots round the borders; whilst the form B (Fig. 19, Plate II.) is ornamented with vivid red border spots; and C (Fig. 20, Plate II.) is distinguished from B by the strong yellowish-brown of the under side. If we had before us only the German winter and the Italian summer forms, we should, without doubt, regard them as climatic varieties; but they are connected by the form B, interpolated in the course of the development of both, and the two extremes thus maintain the character of mere seasonal forms.

      III. Nature of the Causes producing Climatic Varieties

      It has been shown that the phenomenon of seasonal dimorphism has the same proximate cause as climatic variation, viz. change of climate, and that it must be regarded as identical in nature with climatic variation, being distinguished from ordinary, or, as I have designated it, simple (monomorphic) climatic variation by the fact that, besides the new form produced by change of climate, the old form continues to exist in genetic connexion with it, so that old and new forms alternate with each other according to the season.

      Two further questions now present themselves for investigation, viz. (1) by what means does change of climate induce a change in the marking and colouring of a butterfly? and (2) to what extent does the climatic action determine the nature of the change?

      With regard to the former question, it must, in the first place, be decided whether the true effect of climatic change lies in the action of a high or low temperature on the organism, or whether it may not perhaps be produced by the accelerated development caused by a high temperature, and the retarded development caused by a low temperature. Other factors belonging to the category of external conditions of life which are included in the term “climate” may be disregarded, as they are of no importance in these cases. The question under consideration is difficult to decide, since, on the one hand, warmth and a short pupal period, and, on the other hand, cold and a long pupal period, are generally inseparably connected with each other; and without great caution one may easily be led into fallacies, by attributing to the influence of causes now acting that which is but the consequence of long inheritance.

      When, in the case of Araschnia Levana, even in very cold summers, Prorsa, but never the Levana form, emerges, it would still be erroneous to conclude that it is only the shorter period of development of the winter generation, and not the summer warmth, which occasioned the formation of the Prorsa type. This new form of the species did not come suddenly into existence, but (as appears sufficiently from the foregoing experiments) originated in the course of many generations, during which summer warmth and a short development period were generally associated together. From the fact that the winter generation always produces Levana, even when the pupæ have not been exposed to cold but kept in a room, it would be equally erroneous to infer that the cold of winter had no influence in determining the type. In this case also the determining causes must have been in operation during innumerable generations. After the winter form of the species has become established throughout such a long period, it remains constant, even when the external influence which produced it (cold) is occasionally withdrawn.

      Experiments cannot further assist us here, since we cannot observe throughout long periods of time; but there are certain observations, which to me appear decisive. When, both in Germany and Italy, we see Polyommatus Phlæas appearing in two generations, of which both the German ones are alike, whilst in Italy the summer brood is black, we cannot ascribe this fact to the influence of a shorter period of development, because this period is the same both in Germany and Italy (two annual generations), so that it can only be attributed to the higher temperature of summer.

      Many similar cases might be adduced, but the one given suffices for proof. I am therefore of opinion that it is not the duration of the period of development which is the cause of change in the formation of climatic varieties of butterflies, but only the temperature to which the species is exposed during its pupal existence. In what manner, then, are we to conceive that warmth acts on the marking and colouring of a butterfly? This is a question which could only be completely answered by gaining an insight into the mysterious chemico-physiological processes by which the butterfly is formed in the chrysalis; and indeed only by such a complete insight into the most minute details, which are far beyond our scrutiny, could we arrive at, or even approximate to, an explanation of the development of any living organism. Nevertheless an important step can be taken towards the solution of this problem, by establishing that the change does not depend essentially upon the action of warmth, but upon the organism itself, as appears from the nature of the change in one and the same species.

      If we compare the Italian summer form of Polyommatus Phlæas with its winter form, we shall find that the difference between them consists only in the brilliant coppery red colour of the latter being largely suffused in the summer form with black scales. When entomologists speak of a “black dusting” of the upper side of the wings, this statement must not of course be understood literally; the number of scales is the same in both forms, but in the summer variety they are mostly black, a comparatively small number being red. We might thus be inclined to infer that, owing to the high temperature, the chemistry of the material undergoing transformation in Phlæas is changed in such a manner that less red and more black pigment is produced. But the case is not so simple, as will appear evident when we consider the fact that the summer forms have not originated suddenly, but only in the course of numerous generations; and when we further compare the two seasonal forms in other species. Thus in Pieris Napi the winter is distinguished from the summer form,


According to a written communication from Dr. Staudinger, the female Bryoniæ from Lapland are never so dusky as is commonly the case in the Alps, but they often have, on the other hand, a yellow instead of a white ground-colour. In the Alps, yellow specimens are not uncommon, and in the Jura are even the rule.


[According to W. F. Kirby (Syn. Cat. Diurn. Lepidop.), the species is almost cosmopolitan, occurring, as well as throughout Europe, in Northern India (var. Timeus), Shanghai (var. Chinensis), Abyssinia (var. Pseudophlæas), Massachusetts (var. Americana), and California (var. Hypophlæas). In a long series from Northern India, in my own collection, all the specimens are extremely dark, the males being almost black. R.M.]