In the Yellow Sea. Frith Henry

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Название In the Yellow Sea
Автор произведения Frith Henry
Жанр Зарубежная классика
Издательство Зарубежная классика
Год выпуска 0

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jumping of the boat was excessive, and imparted a weird movement to the body of the sailor.

      He lay perfectly uninjured to all appearance. There was a blue mark on his neck, and his jersey had been split. Those were the only signs of dissolution. Poor Murry! He was a fine hearty sailor, and I am sure all his mates missed him for many a day.

      This terrible incident affected us both deeply. Tim said a few words only, but I could perceive that he was feeling deeply, though his training and habit did not tend to sentiment. My intention was to get back as quickly as possible, and I said so. Let us get home!

      "Whatever course are you steering, Tim?" I asked. "We're making out, not home."

      "We shall never get home unless by land – unless we run ashore," replied Tim grimly. "She's leakin' like old boots."

      "Leaking! What do you mean?" I asked in alarm.

      "I means leakin', that's plain enough, I think. She's takin' the sea in fine, and I dessay in a few hours we'll see her beached."

      "Where?" I asked quickly. "You're keeping off shore now."

      "Can't land under these cliffs, anyhow. We must bail and run soon. That's our only chance I take it, Mister Jule. 'Spose you looks and bails; there's a dipper there. See to the well. Come, we'll lash the tiller, and she'll lie up a while in the wind if the mainsel catches her astern."

      "But surely we can get ashore well enough. There are several vessels yonder; let us run out and board one."

      "And be swamped likely. No, sir; let's weather the point and then we may get in on the eddy a bit. See here, we're driftin' now; we can't signal, the weather's thick a'ready, and likely as not a fog will come up to-night. There's bad weather about now. So let's try for the leak anyhow, and fix it."

      We made an investigation which occupied some little time. We found the vessel was leaking, not badly; and if we could set the mainsail we could sail fairly well. The wind was unfortunately rising fast, and the day had completely changed.

      I was surprised to find that time had passed so rapidly; it was three o'clock already. We were some miles out then, and still drifting out.

      We determined to repair the gaff as a preliminary, so Tim set to work, and I assisted him as much as I could. That was not much, however, and all the time the day declined, the sea rose, the wind increased, and the Osprey jumped so that our efforts were not quickly successful.

      "I say, Tim, can't we rig up the sail on the stump, and let her drive? We shall surely run against something bound homewards, or to London, or somewhere, and get ashore."

      "I'm thinkin' we must chance it! The drift is dashing up too thick, and I'm feelin' like tea-time. Tell ye the truth, Mister Jule, I ain't the spirit for this. Think o' father there! How can we go back with that story? I'm gettin' 'down' over it."

      "Oh, I say, Tim, none of that, please! Cheer up! we mustn't say die, you know. We have had a bad time, I know that, but we can't alter the facts. It's Providence, you know."

      "Ye didn't say that this mornin' when you was savage about your eyesight," retorted Tim. "There was no 'Providence' in that. It was bad words and hanging people then."

      "I was savage then, I know, and sick of things. But 'there's worse things happen at sea,' remember; and this is the worst I ever knew. Besides, it's a matter of self-defence and preservation, Tim. So let her drive; we'll be picked up certain. Let's do our best!"

      "Very well, sir; you're master! Only, just see the weather! If we gets out yonder we'll never get back!"

      "And if we lie here dipping and leaking we shall get nowhere! We can't hoist the sail, can we? No; well, then, loose the jib-sheet and drive out, there's plenty of steamers in the offing. I don't want to go home in such a hurry, and if it was not for" —

      I stopped suddenly, my eyes had rested upon the outline of the poor old skipper's form, covered with the tarpaulin, amidships.

      "Beg your pardon, Tim; do as you think best. I'll say no more. Let us lay to as you say, and try it."

      There was a pause for a few moments. The spin-drift drenched us anew.

      "Mister Jule," said he, – Jule being, of course, short for Julius, – "I think I understand ye. But, sir, you're the 'boss,' and arter all, the old dad – he can't hurt. He's 'done his bit,' and done it well! We'm alive-like, and we mustn't give in, must us? No, sir; we'll trim the boat, and run into the sea-way, and take what the Lord sends us. What d'ye say?"

      "Done with you, Tim! Here's my hand on it. We'll sink or swim together. Is that right?"

      "Yes, sir; that's hearty! I rather thinks it's sink more than swim. What you says I dessay's right; we may sink, and lay-to that way. Let's drive!"

      "Ay, indeed! I am inclined to make a run for it, and do something."

      Before I had finished speaking this ultimatum Tim had loosed the jib-sheet, and I shifted the helm a bit. The wind was lashing us then across Channel; the afternoon was glooming, the sun had disappeared to our starboard beam, and the sea became higher as the tide turned and carried us away from the "dirty cliffs."

      "We shall smile at our fears to-morrow," I said, in an effort to be cheerful which my heart did not respond to.

      Tim Murry made no reply, and we still ran seaward silently. Then I suddenly became dreamy – listless. I did not realise the circumstances, the sea seemed rocking me to sleep. Tim approached and looked at me, took the tiller from me, and I fell into a calm dream of home. I remember it well even now. The whole dream was for me a reality. My stepfather was looking at me, while I appeared to be on board a large ship like a man-of-war. Guns were mounted fore and aft, a number of men were running about, there was some great excitement. Yet I was not on the large vessel long; I was on a steamship next. The large man-of-war attacked us, I could not say how, and the ship I was in sank with a roar of steam and whistling and —

      "Rouse up, sir, look alive! Steamer close aboard of us. She's whistling; she's seen us. I waved to her. Now we must leave this sinking boat."

      I started up. The evening had fallen. The Osprey was half full of water. I had been dreaming of sinking – the reality was very near.

      "Let us shout," I cried. "Say we're sinking, Tim."

      "That's no lie, Mister Jule. The steamer sees us right enough. Will she be in time?"

      "What a time she takes," I muttered. "Somehow I can't believe it all. Is it really true, Tim?"

      "Rather!" replied Tim. "There's the boat launched! Don't you believe the water's up to your boots now? Look at it!"

      I suppose I was still half asleep. I gazed at the swishing sea, and had no fear.

      "All right, I can swim! You said we wouldn't, Tim!"

      "You're nearer sinkin'," he answered. "Dad will never see the home again, arter all. Well, well, it's the Lord's will, that it is."

      It was a sad and painful ending to a boating excursion. But at least we were saved, and going home. How delightful it would be to see mother again, to tell her all my adventures, to confess my temper, and to try to do all she had told me to please Mr. Bentham. Yes, I made up my mind to behave well, and give up the sea – if I must.

      "Step in youngster," said someone.

      My reverie had been suddenly cut short. I looked up, the steamer's boat was alongside.

      "Just in the nick," remarked the officer. "How did you lads get into this pickle o' fish? Lucky we sighted you."

      "Yes," I responded in a sleepy voice. "Is Tim there?"

      "Aye, I'm here," he said.

      "And your father's – body?" I asked. "Bring him out, please."

      "What?" exclaimed the steersman. "A body – a dead body! Not for us. Push off, lads."

      "You won't take it?" I cried. "Won't you bring it ashore?"

      "No time to go ashore, youngster! There, you see, just in time! See! – she's sinking!"

      I looked. The Osprey