Quantum Consciousness: The Power of Thought. Oleg Smirnoff

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Название Quantum Consciousness: The Power of Thought
Автор произведения Oleg Smirnoff
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006411234

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in work, relationships, and daily life. This is due to the fact that the inner image of the “I” is something changeable, amenable to formation and development. In order to change your life for the better, it is important to consciously work on forming your inner image. This can be done in various ways: through introspection, goal setting, the use of affirmations and other psychological techniques. Scientists believe that the activity of the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for the formation and storage of memories, plays a key role in this process. As mentioned above, the brain processes imaginary events in the same areas as real ones, which allows us to “experience” them just as intensely. The effectiveness of visualization depends on several factors, including the brightness of the image, its detail, emotional involvement and regularity of practice. Forming a positive self-image has the potential to change your life for the better. However, it is important to remember that this requires constant effort, self-discipline and a conscious approach. Working on the inner Self is an ongoing process that can lead to significant changes in your life and well-being.

      Visualization is a powerful tool that allows us not only to create imaginary scenes and events, but also to influence our consciousness and subconscious. When we imagine a desired outcome or situation, our brain begins to perceive it as reality. This is because our brain does not distinguish between the real and the imaginary, and therefore visualization plays an important role in achieving goals and changing life for the better. When we visualize ourselves successful, healthy and happy, we send signals to our subconscious and the surrounding reality about what kind of result we want to achieve. These signals influence our behavior, our attitude towards ourselves and towards life in general. The practice of visualization helps us to strengthen the belief that we are able to succeed and be happy. At the quantum level, visualization also plays an important role. According to quantum physics, our intention and attention can influence the surrounding reality. Thus, visualization not only affects our consciousness, but can also change the world around us. Quantum physics claims that our thoughts and emotions create a collective energy field that influences events in our lives. Visualization is not just a process of imagination, it is a tool for changing reality. Practice visualization regularly, imagine yourself as you would like to be, and believe that it is possible. Your subconscious mind and quantum reality will work to achieve your goals and bring the desired changes to your life.

      Visualization is the process of creating images and scenarios in the mind, being a powerful tool in achieving success in various areas of life. It allows a person to visualize the desired result, which contributes to its achievement. One of the areas where visualization is widely used is sports. Athletes often turn to visualization to improve their athletic skills and achieve outstanding results in competitions. By imagining themselves successfully performing difficult tricks or winning victories, they can build their confidence, increase motivation, and improve their performance. Visualization helps athletes focus on their goals, improve their exercise technique, and develop psychological resilience. In addition, visualization helps to form positive thinking and create vivid images of success, which in turn can affect an athlete’s self-esteem and confidence. This method also helps in managing stress and anxiety, which is especially important during competitions. Research shows that athletes who practice visualization regularly have a higher chance of achieving their athletic goals. In addition, visualization can be used to improve coordination of movements and develop athletic intuition.

      Visualization is a powerful tool that can be used not only in meditation or sports, but also in everyday life. Imagine that you are facing an important job interview. You can visualize yourself calm, confident, answering questions with ease. This will help reduce anxiety and increase self-confidence. It is equally important to visualize success in various areas of life. If you see yourself in a prosperous environment, surrounded by kindness and positivity, you begin to attract and shape such events in objective reality. Thus, visualization helps not only to improve well-being, but also to change the perception of reality around you, to form the reality that you want. The picture you create in your mind has the power to attract and shape similar images in real life. When you visualize yourself in happy scenarios, your brain starts working towards their realization. It’s a kind of mental training that allows you to see the world from a new, more optimistic perspective. Thus, you create a positive cycle, attracting positive emotions and events to yourself, shaping them. In addition, visualization can be used to improve concentration and achieve goals. Imagine that you have already achieved your goal – this will help you keep your focus on the path to success. You should visualize every step that will lead you to the desired result, and this will help make the path clearer and more conscious. In addition, visualization can be an effective way to manage stress. When you imagine yourself in a calm environment, your body and mind begin to respond to this image, reducing stress and tension levels. This is especially useful in situations where you feel overwhelmed or anxious. Thus, visualization is not just an exercise for the mind, but also a powerful tool for changing your inner world and influencing external reality. Imagine the best, and it will begin to manifest and form in your life.

      Chapter 4 Fundamental basis

      When we talk about the perception and organization of our existence and the environment, it is important to understand that all this is rooted in the deep mechanisms of our consciousness. Consciousness plays the role of the fundamental basis on which our entire reality is built and shaped. It is more than just a reflection of the surrounding world – consciousness is actively involved in the construction of this reality. Our consciousness, in fact, is the true substance and source of all the events that unfold in our lives. Without consciousness, we lose not only the ability to perceive the world around us, but also the very foundations of our existence. This concept implies that our consciousness forms not only our inner worldview, but also the external reality, defining our living space and organizing our perception of the universe. We become architects of our own reality, building the world around us through the prism of our consciousness. I wonder how this idea affects our daily decisions and interactions with the outside world. After all, if we realize that our consciousness plays such an important role in shaping our reality, then perhaps we can become more responsible for how we perceive and interact with people and events around us. We can begin to ask ourselves questions about what beliefs and beliefs underlie our perception of the world and how they affect our behavior. Thus, our consciousness not only reflects the surrounding reality, but also actively participates in its creation and formation. We can see ourselves as artists using consciousness as a brush to create unique pictures of our lives.

      Understanding the nature of consciousness is a key element in the formation of mature life attitudes and their subsequent implementation into reality. This means that in order to change your beliefs and successfully implement them, you need to carefully examine your consciousness and reconsider your self-image. Consciousness plays a crucial role in how we perceive the world around us, how we react to events and what actions we take. When we become aware of how our consciousness works, we can begin to consciously influence our thoughts, beliefs, and behavior. This opens up new opportunities for personal growth and self-development. The process of changing our inner world can lead to a transformation of the external world, since our inner state is often reflected in external events and circumstances. Understanding ourselves and our place in the world helps us better understand our goals, motivations, and values. This allows us to make more informed decisions, build more harmonious relationships with people around us and achieve our goals more successfully. The development of self-awareness and self-understanding contributes to our emotional well-being and psychological stability. So, understanding the nature of consciousness not only helps us understand ourselves better, but is also the key to developing a more conscious and balanced life. This process requires constant introspection, openness to new knowledge and readiness for change. As a result, awareness of our consciousness opens up endless opportunities for personal growth and self-knowledge.

      Understanding the essence of consciousness is a cornerstone in shaping our views on life and their subsequent implementation into reality. When we seek to change our beliefs and put them into practice, it is necessary first of all to change