Quantum Consciousness: The Power of Thought. Oleg Smirnoff

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Название Quantum Consciousness: The Power of Thought
Автор произведения Oleg Smirnoff
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006411234

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our lives and our actions. We stop seeing ourselves as a victim of circumstances and begin to realize that we create our own reality. Our inner world, our thoughts, beliefs and emotions have a direct impact on what is happening around us. We become active participants in shaping our destiny, not passive observers. Thus, awareness of the relationship between our consciousness, inner world and external reality opens up new opportunities for personal growth and change. We can gain control of our lives by transforming our thoughts and beliefs to create a more harmonious and supportive environment for ourselves and others. It is a call to awareness and self-knowledge that allows us to unlock our potential and achieve a deep understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

      Our consciousness is something deeper and more complex than we can imagine. We, as particles of this infinite universe, intertwine with it at the level of quantum entanglement and interact with the outside world and other people. Our consciousness, at first glance, may seem unshakable and unshakable, but in fact it is influenced by various factors. Imagine how the society we live in shapes our views and beliefs. Norms, values, ideals – all this affects our consciousness, determining our behavior and reactions. Cultural characteristics also play an important role in shaping our worldview. Family values, passed down from generation to generation, form the basis of our perception of the world. Our environment, the people with whom we communicate, also influence our consciousness, bringing their own shades into our inner world. However, our consciousness is not a static phenomenon. It is constantly changing under the influence of our emotions and states. Mood plays an important role in how we perceive the world around us. When we experience stress or anger, our perceptions can be distorted, causing us to see everything in dark colors. On the other hand, positive emotions can open up new perspectives and opportunities for us, making the world brighter and more joyful. Understanding how our consciousness interacts with the outside world and our emotions opens up the possibility for us to change our reality. Developing awareness, working on our beliefs, choosing how we see and shape the world around us – all this helps us become masters of our own lives. We can create our reality by being aware of the influence of external factors and our internal states. Thus, our consciousness is not just a reflection of our thoughts and ideas, it is the key to understanding ourselves and the world as a whole. We can influence our consciousness, change its direction and, thereby, change our lives for the better. It is important to remember that we are not just passive observers in this endless universe, but active participants capable of creating our own reality.

      Each of us forms our own image of ourselves based on various factors. Our own actions play an important role here, which we analyze and evaluate. We also take into account other people’s opinions, which can affect our sense of self. In addition, our self-image is shaped by our experiences, successes and failures. When we hear opinions about ourselves from other people, it becomes part of our personality picture. Our psyche accepts this opinion as true, and we begin to act in accordance with this idea of ourselves. This interaction between self-understanding and external assessments creates the basis for the formation of our self-esteem perception. Our beliefs about ourselves can be both positive and negative, and they can be reinforced by both our own reflections and the opinions of others. For example, if we perceive ourselves as creative and capable of self-development, this can be an incentive for us to strive for new achievements and overcome obstacles on the way to success. On the other hand, if we give in to negative opinions about ourselves, it can lead to a decrease in self-esteem and loss of motivation. It is important to realize that our self-perception and behavior are closely interrelated, and that we have the power to change our self-image through conscious self-perception and positive thinking. In addition, our self-esteem perception may be influenced by sociocultural factors, standards of beauty, success, and social status. For example, in a society where certain standards of appearance or professional achievements are valued, we can begin to evaluate ourselves based on these criteria. This can create pressure on our sense of self and lead to a constant desire to meet external expectations. Thus, our self-image is dynamic and can change under the influence of various factors. It is important to be aware of our power to influence the formation of our own personal picture and strive for a positive self-perception, not allowing external assessments to determine our sense of self.

      Our self-image, our “I”, plays a key role in how we perceive and interact with the world around us. When we create a certain image of ourselves, we tend to adjust our actions and thoughts to this image. For example, if we see ourselves as confident and successful, we tend to act accordingly – accept challenges, look for new opportunities and not be afraid to take risks. On the other hand, if we consider ourselves incapable and insecure, we can avoid new tasks, fear failures, and limit ourselves. However, it is important to remember that our self-image is not permanent. It can change under the influence of our experiences, achievements, and even failures. For example, success in a certain area can strengthen our sense of self and confidence, whereas failures can undermine our self-esteem. This underlines the importance of a realistic assessment of one’s own qualities and capabilities. Self-esteem plays a key role in our lives, influencing our behavior and relationships with others. Overestimating or underestimating yourself can lead to problems communicating with others and achieving personal goals. Therefore, it is important to strive for balance and objectivity in your self-image. Our self-image is formed from various sources, including our actions, the opinions of others, and our own inner experiences. This is a complex process that affects our well-being and behavior. It is important to be able to analyze and understand how these factors affect us and how we can improve our self-understanding. Thus, our “I” is something flexible and changeable, which can evolve and change depending on our life circumstances. Understanding ourselves and our capabilities helps us build healthier relationships with ourselves and others, as well as successfully move forward to achieve our goals and dreams.

      Recent research by scientists has shown an amazing feature of our brain associated with the storage and processing of information. It turns out that there is a certain area in our brain that is responsible for both preserving real experiences and imagining scenarios that we can create in our head. And the most interesting thing is that our subconscious mind does not see the difference between them. This discovery has profound implications for understanding how we perceive and remember information. Previously, we thought that our brain strictly separates the real and the imaginary, but now it becomes clear that there are no boundaries between them. The researchers conducted a series of experiments to test this hypothesis. They asked participants to recall as many details as possible about real events from their past, and then imagine scenarios that would have taken place. The participants were able to describe both real events and imaginary situations with the same accuracy and detail. This means that our brain processes the information received from our experience and the information we create in our imagination in the same way. We can perceive and remember events that never happened, as well as real events. This brain behavior may explain why we sometimes recall events that never actually happened. Our imagination can be so vivid and realistic that we begin to perceive it as reality. This discovery is also important for understanding how we can use our imagination to achieve goals and solve problems. If we can create such powerful visual images in our mind, then we can use them to inspire, motivate, and shape the world around us. Thus, our imagination plays a more important role in our lives than we previously thought. It not only helps us to reproduce past events, but also expands our capabilities and helps us see the world in a new light. We can use our imagination to create the future we want to see and transcend the boundaries of reality.

      Human memory is one of the most amazing phenomena that allows us to save and reproduce information about the past. However, our brain remembers events in a peculiar way – it tends to embellish and distort memories, sometimes making them more vivid or less painful than they actually were. This memory phenomenon is often used in psychology and sports to improve results and achieve goals. For example, in the field of sports, psychological visualization techniques are widely used to improve athletes’ performances. For example, repeated visualization of a successful basketball player’s throw leads to an increase in his efficiency on the court. This exercise helps him improve his accuracy and efficiency as the brain begins to perceive