The Deceased speak out. Dieter Scharnhorst

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Название The Deceased speak out
Автор произведения Dieter Scharnhorst
Жанр Документальная литература
Издательство Документальная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783752902884

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gone, their beds empty. Detlef explained to me: "Soon others will come and take these places, because they too need rest for the time being."

      And when I wanted to know why I had to sleep first, he said: "You know, such a sudden departure from earth life always leaves something in the soul of most people.

      Suddenly one feels remorse, one worries about the bereaved. You cannot fulfil the tasks that are imposed on you because of all your worries and fears here, and you are withdrawn too often and too much from the tears of the bereaved. But after the sleep of the soul this time has passed. They cried for you, and gradually they got hold of themselves and found their way again. When the time has come, you will no longer be so drawn to them by the tears and grief of those left behind, and then you will be better able to pursue and fulfil your new tasks in our world.

      "But surely I may find out how mine are doing?" I asked. "They have found peace and their way again", Detlef tried to reassure me, "you were promised, and the three angels made sure that all of yours continued to get their bread, and that some sunshine came into their house again. On occasion we will lead you to them one day, but now be carefree and try to fulfil your task in the spiritual realm.

      Now I wanted to know what tasks were waiting for me, and I also wanted to know whether this building was called a hospital only because a newcomer had to spend a bedtime in it?

      "Yes", my friend replied, "but you know, with you only one drink was enough. But that is not the case with everyone. Many drink it and still can't sleep. They are still full of fear and concern for their loved ones. They still cannot resign themselves to being in the Kingdom of God and without it. Then these helpers are needed who serve in this clinic; there are doctors here. "

      "Doctors"? ", I repeated in amazement, "what is the point of having doctors in the kingdom of God?"

      "Especially for those," my friend instructed me, "who died a sudden death. They must help such souls to find their way, and that is not a matter of course. It depends on the relationship you had with God and His world during your lifetime. Whether it was a relationship of trust, or whether you didn't want to know anything about God."

      "What happens to someone who can't sleep because of worries and fears?" I asked.

      And my Detlef explained it to me:

      "These doctors are trained for this. What they can do to you, I could not do to you. A spiritual doctor is an angel of God who has his helpers again. They would put you to sleep with gentle force. "

      "With gentle force? How does it work?", I wanted to know, and Detlef said:

      "There are quite other things with us, which are available to those who cannot be calmed down, but which are worth the service.

      We also have means like humans to put a being under anaesthesia. We have similar means in the spiritual realm to bring about this spiritual sleep where there is need, where one has to rest at all costs. Moreover, where it is necessary, angels of God will coat the forehead of the sleeping person with the finest spiritual oil, or they will rub his hands with spiritual balm.

      You know, here in the Kingdom of Heaven, each one stands up for the other. One must serve one another and walk upward together, toward God, step by step. But this can only be done by those who are harmonious in their innermost being. When one has this balance, this inner peace, this only desire for God and for Christ, to serve them, to work for them and to be in fullest trust with them. You have to be able to be in this state, then the heights are approaching faster and faster.

      And further he explained to me:

      "The more earthbound you are, the farther you are from God and the less you have the possibility to enter his service and you are in the service of the lower and you do not help yourself. One must enter into the service of God, into his great family, and into communion with Jesus Christ."

      Yes, I listened in amazement and felt as if I had to be explained endlessly before I could understand it all. Then one of the three angels addressed me with the words:

      "Guenter, get up and leave this house. Your friend will guide you."

      I thanked everyone and felt I owed everyone I saw a debt of gratitude. And as I left my chamber others came in again and I could still see how my bed was occupied again. But the one who settled down there was full of sorrow and cried. He could not believe that he was now far from his family, that he had left behind everything that was dear to him. But I was also allowed to see how a loving being took care of him, comforted him until the redeeming sleep came over this suddenly deceased.

      Now it had become clear to me that this peace, this wonderful atmosphere could only be found in this house, for I still remembered the way I had gone. There was already quite a lot of activity on my way to the hospital, for I heard shouts from all sides, and there was also a lot of activity to be seen. But now I was to be given a task, but Detlef first invited me to his house. There I wanted to know what he was doing here at all. I had no idea about life in this spiritual world. Then he explained to me that life here was just as varied as that of people on earth. But I wanted to know what his activities were. He said:

      "Yes, see, I want to explain to you that I was taken away from my actual work to your reception. You know, during my lifetime I carved a lot as a secondary income. Here in the spiritual kingdom I also have the opportunity to do so, but here I do not carve wood but spiritual stones are available to me. I can carve and form them. I have my teachers for that. This activity suits me, you know that.

      I could only marvel, then I asked:

      "I wonder what they'll come up with for me."

      "I guess you have a choice," Detlef said, "of how you want to spend your time. Maybe something like that? Or perhaps you would like to put yourself entirely at the service of your neighbor?

      Then he showed me a large stone structure from which I could not yet see what would come of it. Then those three beings of whom you were so afraid came to me and told me

      "Get ready, a friend of yours is coming."

      But I didn't know who yet. So I immediately interrupted my work and held myself ready to be called away at any time. They couldn't tell me exactly when it would be. At last the three angels had taken me away and they led me towards you in the mountains up to your house, which you lived in. Then we had accompanied you into the mountains, all the way up the steep path, and we were already ready to receive you, to release you from your earthly body after your fall and to take you with us into our spiritual world.

      So I wanted to know if they could have prevented my fall of death?

      "No', he said, 'it was destiny, we were not allowed to prevent it. We knew that you intended to go this way and would go it. So we had simply come and were ready to receive you and lead you into the spiritual life.

      So it was so destined for me that I had to leave earth already. Well, I did not really have to complain about it any more. The pain of separation had healed in me and I knew that my bereaved were in good care. I had been carefully received and they had given me a loving welcome. So now I had decided to appear like my friend Detlef. I wanted to do service to others in the spiritual world, or perhaps also service to a human being, if I could get the approval of the higher angels. That is why I entered into conversation with the three of them, for they were for me, so to speak, leading spirits of God. They had then suggested to me that I could go to those people who were ill and bedridden, or take care of those who were spending their last hours on earth. Then I could sit down beside them and pray with their spirit for God's mercy and grace. I should pray with them as they had prayed with me when I lay on the resting bed in the spiritual world. Yes, that had been a bliss and blessing for me. So I had decided to pray with dying people when they were about to die. I wanted to pray for them on my own. I wanted to make contact with the spirit of dying people, as it happened.

      I also wanted, if I was allowed to, to be ready if someone should die a sudden death like mine. Then I wanted to lead him. I also had the wish to be allowed to accompany people in their everyday life, to lead them on the right path and to point them to the higher life. I wanted to try to make contact with the spirit still in the earthly body and teach him: