The Addiction Progress Notes Planner. Группа авторов

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Название The Addiction Progress Notes Planner
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Медицина
Издательство Медицина
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119793076

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life and routine.The client was redirected about ways to incorporate new strategies into their routine and life.

      40 Develop a “Coping Card” (40)The client was provided with a “coping card” on which specific coping strategies were listed.The client was assisted in developing the “coping card” in order to list helpful coping strategies.The client was encouraged to use the “coping card” when struggling with anger-producing situations.

      41 Schedule “Maintenance” Sessions (41)The client was assisted in scheduling “maintenance” sessions to help maintain therapeutic gains and adjust to life without angry outbursts.Positive feedback was provided to the client for maintenance of therapeutic gains.The client has displayed an increase in anger symptoms and was provided with additional relapse prevention strategies.

      42 Encourage Disclosure (42)The client was encouraged to discuss anger management goals with trusted persons who are likely to support the change.The client was assisted in identifying individuals who are likely to support the change.The client has reviewed anger management goals with trusted persons and their responses were processed.The client has not discussed anger management goals and was redirected to do so.

      43 Use the ACT Approach (43)The use of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) was applied.The client was assisted in accepting and openly experiencing angry thoughts and feelings, without being overly affected by them.The client was assisted in committing time and efforts to activities that are consistent with identified personally meaningful values.The client has engaged well with the ACT approach and applied these concepts to their symptoms and lifestyle.The client has not engaged well with the ACT approach and remedial efforts were applied.

      44 Teach Mindfulness Meditation (44)The client was taught mindfulness meditation techniques to help recognize negative thought processes associated with anger.The client was taught to focus on changing their relationship with the anger-related thoughts by accepting the thoughts, images, and impulses that are reality-based while noticing, but not reacting to, nonreality-based mental phenomenon.The client was assisted in differentiating between reality-based thoughts and nonreality-based thoughts.The client has used mindfulness meditation to help overcome negative thought processes that trigger anger and was reinforced for this.The client has struggled to apply mindfulness meditation and was provided with remedial assistance in this area.

      45 Assign ACT Homework (45)The client was assigned homework situations in which the client practices lessons from mindfulness meditation and ACT.The client was assisted in consolidating mindfulness meditation and ACT approaches into everyday life.

      46 Assign Reading on Mindfulness and ACT (46)The client was assigned reading material consistent with mindfulness and the ACT approach to supplement work done in session.The client has read assigned material and key concepts were processed.The client has not read assigned material and was redirected to do so.

      47 Identify Anger Expression Models (47)The client was assisted in identifying key figures in their life who have provided examples of how to positively or negatively express anger.The client was reinforced in identifying several key figures who have been negative role models in expressing anger explosively and destructively.The client was supported and reinforced while acknowledging that they manage anger in the same way that an explosive parent figure had done when the client was growing up.The client was encouraged to identify positive role models throughout their life whom they could respect for their management of angry feelings.The client was supported while acknowledging that others have been influential in teaching destructive patterns of anger management.The client failed to identify key figures in their life who have provided examples as to how to positively express anger and was questioned more specifically in this area.

      48 Teach Anger Effects (48)The client was educated regarding the ways in which anger blocks the awareness of pain, discharges uncomfortable feelings, erases guilt, and places the blame on others for problems.The client verbalized an understanding of how anger blocks the awareness of pain, discharges uncomfortable feelings, erases guilt, and places the blame for problems on others; this insight was reinforced.The client's understanding of the effects of anger has resulted in the client demonstrating improved anger management; this progress was highlighted.The client did not accept the relationship between how anger blocks the awareness of pain, discharges uncomfortable feelings, erases guilt, and places the blame on others for problems; the client was urged to continue to consider this relationship.

      49 Develop Forgiveness (49)The client was assisted in identifying whom they need to forgive.The client was educated as to the long-term process that is involved in forgiveness versus it being a magical, single event.The client was encouraged to read Forgive and Forget (Smedes) to learn more about the process of forgiveness.The client identified a list of individuals whom they need to forgive.The client was reluctant to emphasize forgiveness and was provided with additional support in this area.

      50 Turn Perpetrators Over to the Higher Power (50)The client was taught about the 12-step recovery program concept of a higher power.The client was taught about the choice to turn the perpetrators of pain over to a higher power for judgment.The client indicated understanding of the concept of a higher power and using the higher power for judgment of perpetrators of pain; this insight was processed.The client rejected the idea of a higher power as a way to provide judgment for perpetrators of pain and was urged to consider this further.

      51 Focus on Exercise Program (51)The client was taught the importance of regular exercise in improving anger control and reducing addictive behavior.The client was referred for assistance in developing an individually tailored exercise program that is approved by their personal physician.The client was reinforced while accepting the need for regular exercise and has developed a program of implementation.The client reported implementing an exercise program, and level of relaxation was reviewed.The client has resisted implementation of an exercise regimen and was redirected to do so.

      52 Teach the Importance of a 12-Step Recovery Program (52)The client was taught the importance of actively attending a 12-step recovery program, getting a sponsor, reinforcing people around them, and sharing feelings.The client has verbalized an acceptance of the need for a 12-step recovery program, getting a sponsor, reinforcing people around them, and sharing feelings; this progress was reinforced.The client was resistive to acceptance of a 12-step recovery program, and additional examples of how helpful this can be were provided.

      53 Develop 5-Year Plan (53)The client was asked to set goals for recovery from anger traits at 6 months, 12 months, and 5 years.The identification of specific steps toward recovery was emphasized.The client was assigned the Personal Recovery Plan exercise in The Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Client Workbook (Perkinson).The client was unable to set goals for recovery and roadblocks were assessed and managed.

      54 Assess Satisfaction (54)A treatment satisfaction survey was administered to the client.The client's survey responses indicated a high level of satisfaction with treatment services; these results were processed.The client's survey responses indicated a medium level of satisfaction with treatment services; these results were processed.The client's survey responses indicated a low level of satisfaction with treatment services; these results were processed.Although the client was encouraged to complete a treatment satisfaction survey, it was refused.

      1 * The numbers in parentheses correlate to the number of the Behavioral Definition statement in the companion chapter with the same title in The Addiction Treatment Planner, Sixth Edition, by Perkinson, Jongsma, & Bruce (Wiley, 2022).

      2 * The numbers in parentheses correlate to the number of the Therapeutic Intervention statement in the companion chapter with the same title in The Addiction Treatment Planner, Sixth Edition, by Perkinson, Jongsma, & Bruce (Wiley, 2022).


      1 Rule-Breaking History (1)*The