The Addiction Progress Notes Planner. Группа авторов

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Название The Addiction Progress Notes Planner
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Жанр Медицина
Издательство Медицина
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119793076

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to read The Anger Control Workbook (McKay & Rogers).The client was assigned to read Anger Management for Everyone (Kassinove & Tafrate).The client has read the assigned material on anger management and key concepts were reviewed.The client has not read the assigned material on anger management and was redirected to do so.

      24 Teach Calming Techniques (24)The client was taught deep-muscle relaxation, rhythmic breathing, and positive imagery as ways to reduce muscle tension when feelings of anger are experienced.The client has implemented the relaxation techniques and reported decreased reactivity when experiencing anger; the benefits of these techniques were underscored.The client has not implemented the relaxation techniques and continues to feel quite stressed in the face of anger; the client was encouraged to use the techniques.

      25 Explore Self-Talk (25)The client's self-talk that mediates angry feelings was explored.The client was assessed for self-talk, such as demanding expectations reflected in “should,” “must,” or “have to” statements.The client was assisted in identifying and challenging biases and in generating alternative self-talk that corrects for the biases.The client was taught about how to use correcting self-talk to facilitate a more flexible and temperate response to frustration.

      26 Assign Self-Talk Homework (26)The client was assigned a homework exercise in which they identify angry self-talk and generate alternatives that help moderate angry reactions.The client was assigned the exercise “Journal and Replace Self-Defeating Thoughts” in the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner (Jongsma & Bruce).The client's use of self-talk alternatives was reviewed within the session.The client was reinforced for success in changing angry self-talk to more moderate alternatives.The client was provided with corrective feedback to help improve use of alternative self-talk to moderate angry reactions.

      27 Role-Play Relaxation and Cognitive Coping (27)The client was assisted in visualizing anger-provoking scenes and then using relaxation and cognitive coping skills.The client engaged in role-plays regarding the use of relaxation and cognitive coping in anger-provoking scenes.The client was gradually moved from low to high anger-inducing scenes.The client was assigned to implement calming techniques in daily life and when facing anger-triggering situations.The client's experience of using relaxation and cognitive coping in daily life was processed, with reinforcement for success and problem-solving for obstacles identified.

      28 Assign Thought-Stopping Technique (28)The client was directed to implement a thought-stopping technique on a daily basis between sessions.The client was assigned “Making Use of the Thought-Stopping Technique” in the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner (Jongsma & Bruce).The client's use of the thought-stopping technique was reviewed.The client was provided with positive feedback for helpful use of the thought-stopping technique.The client was provided with corrective feedback to help improve use of the thought-stopping technique.

      29 Teach Assertive Communication (29)The client was taught assertive communication through instruction, modeling, role-playing, rehearsal, and practice.The client was referred to an assertiveness training class.The client was assigned Your Perfect Right (Alberti & Emmons) or “Assertive Communication of Anger” in the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner (Jongsma & Bruce).The client displayed increased assertiveness and was provided with positive feedback in this area.The client has not increased level of assertiveness and was provided with additional feedback in this area.

      30 Teach Problem-Solving Skills (30)The client was taught problem-solving skills through the use of instruction, modeling, role-playing, rehearsal, and practice.The client was taught about defining the problem clearly, brainstorming multiple solutions, listing the pros and cons of each solution, seeking input from others, selecting and implementing a plan of action, and evaluating and readjusting the outcome.The client was assigned “Problem Solving: An Alternative to Impulsive Action” in the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner (Jongsma & Bruce).The client displayed a clear understanding of the use of the problem-solving skills and displayed this through examples.The client struggled to understand the use of problem-solving skills and was provided with remedial feedback in this area.

      31 Teach Conflict Resolution Skills (31)The client was taught conflict resolution skills through instruction, modeling, role-playing, rehearsal, and practice.The client was taught about empathy and active listening.The client was taught about “I messages,” respectful communication, assertiveness without aggression, and compromise.The client was reinforced for clear understanding of the conflict resolution skills.The client displayed a poor understanding of the conflict resolution skills and was provided with remedial feedback.

      32 Conduct Conjoint Session for Skill Generalizations (32)The client was asked to invite their significant other for a conjoint session.The client and significant other were seen together in order to help implement assertiveness, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills.The client was assigned “Applying Problem-Solving to Interpersonal Conflict” in the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner (Jongsma & Bruce).The client was reinforced for increased use of assertiveness, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills with the significant other.The client's significant other was urged to assist the client in use of assertiveness, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills.The client has not regularly used assertiveness, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills with the significant other and was assisted in identifying barriers to this success.

      33 Construct Strategy for Managing Anger (33)The client was assisted in constructing a client-tailored strategy for managing anger.The client was encouraged to combine somatic, cognitive, communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills relevant to their needs.The client was reinforced for their comprehensive anger management strategy.The client was redirected to develop a more comprehensive anger management strategy.

      34 Select Challenging Situations for Managing Anger (34)The client was provided with situations in which they may be increasingly challenged to apply new strategies for managing anger.The client was asked to identify likely upcoming challenging situations for managing anger.The client was urged to use strategies for managing anger in successively more difficult situations.

      35 Consolidate Anger Management Skills (35)Techniques were used to help the client consolidate new anger management skills.Techniques such as relaxation, imagery, behavioral rehearsal, modeling, role-playing, or in vivo exposure/behavioral experiences were used to help the client consolidate the use of new anger management skills.The client's use of techniques to consolidate anger management skills was reviewed and reinforced.

      36 Monitor/Decrease Outbursts (36)The client's reports of angry outbursts were monitored, toward the goal of decreasing their frequency, intensity, and duration.The client was urged to use new anger management skills to decrease the frequency, intensity, and duration of anger outbursts.The client was assigned “Alternatives to Destructive Anger” in the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner (Jongsma & Bruce).The client's progress in decreasing angry outbursts was reviewed.The client was reinforced for success at decreasing the frequency, intensity, and duration of anger outbursts.The client has not decreased the frequency, intensity, or duration of anger outbursts and corrective feedback was provided.

      37 Differentiate Between Lapse and Relapse (37)A discussion was held with the client regarding the distinction between a lapse and a relapse.A lapse was associated with an initial and reversible return of angry outbursts.A relapse was associated with the decision to return to the old pattern of anger.The client was provided with support and encouragement as they displayed an understanding of the difference between a lapse and a relapse.The client struggled to understand the difference between a lapse and a relapse and was provided with remedial feedback in this area.

      38 Discuss Management of Lapse Risk Situations (38)The client was assisted in identifying future situations or circumstances in which lapses could occur.The session focused on rehearsing the management of future situations or circumstances in which lapses could occur.The client was reinforced for appropriate use of lapse management skills.The client was redirected in regard to poor use of lapse management skills.

      39 Encourage Routine Use of Strategies (39)The client was instructed to routinely use the strategies learned in therapy (e.g., calming adaptive self-talk, assertion, and/or conflict resolution).The client was urged to find ways to build new strategies into daily life as much as possible.The client was reinforced while reporting ways in which they have