Computational Statistics in Data Science. Группа авторов

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Название Computational Statistics in Data Science
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Математика
Издательство Математика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119561088

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       Ayodele Adebiyi

      Landmark University

      Omu‐Aran, Kwara


       Anirban Bhattacharya

      Texas A&M University

      College Station, TX


       Peter Calhoun

      Jaeb Center for Health Research

      Tampa, FL


       Wu Changye

      Université Paris Dauphine PSL



       Xueying Chen

      Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.

      East Hanover, NJ


       Jerry Q. Cheng

      New York Institute of Technology

      New York, NY


       Hugh Chipman

      Wolfville, Nova Scotia


       Olawande Daramola

      Cape Peninsula University of Technology

      Cape Town

      South Africa

       Katarina Domijan

      Maynooth University



       Víctor Elvira

      School of Mathematics

      University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh


       Juanjuan Fan

      Department of Mathematics and Statistics

      San Diego State University

      San Diego, CA


       James M. Flegal

      University of California

      Riverside, CA


       Marc G. Genton

      King Abdullah University of Science and Technology


      Saudi Arabia

       Edward George

      The Wharton School

      University of Pennsylvania

      Philadelphia, PA


       Robert B. Gramacy

      Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

      Blacksburg, VA


       Richard Hahn

      The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

      Arizona State University

      Tempe, AZ


       Botao Hao




       Andrew J. Holbrook

      University of California

      Los Angeles, CA


       Mingyi Hong

      University of Minnesota

      Minneapolis, MN


       Cho‐Jui Hsieh

      University of California

      Los Angeles, CA


       Jessica Hullman

      Evanston, IL


       David R. Hunter

      Penn State University

      State College, PA


       Catherine B. Hurley

      Maynooth University

