hydrates with temperature and was the first to use the equation to determine gas hydrate compositions.
Chancel and Parmentier reported a simple hydrate of chloroform. This was one of the first so‐called “liquid hydrates” whose guest components are liquids at ambient temperature.
Bakhuis Roozeboom applied the Gibbs phase rule to heterogeneous equilibria and systematically classified chemical and physical processes according to number and nature of the components and phases present. He published on the treatment of the invariant points at which equilibrium lines meet.
Villard prepared hydrates of CH4, C2H6, C2H4, N2O, and propane (1890).
Villard recognized the stabilizing effect of air on the decomposition of gas hydrates. In the search for other “help‐gases” he identified both hydrogen at 23 atm and oxygen at 2.5 atm as increasing the decomposition temperature of ethyl chloride.
On the basis of careful measurements on the large number of hydrates then available, Villard presented a definition of the composition of gas hydrates (Villard's law).
de Forcrand and Thomas discovered new help‐gases (CO2, C2H4, C2H2, and SO2).
de Forcrand used calorimetric data and a generalization of Trouton's rule to calculate hydrate compositions for 15 hydrates. About half had compositions in agreement with Villard's law.
Bouzat produced summary statements giving the then current definition of hydrates, their structure, and composition.
Schroeder wrote an influential monograph summarizing the state of knowledge of gas hydrate to that date.
Hammerschmidt, after reading Schroeder's book, showed that gas hydrates are more likely to form plugs in natural gas pipelines than ice.
Nikitin prepared mixed hydrates of noble gases and SO2 and showed that the noble gases could be separated by partitioning between the solid hydrate and the gas. His observations were first consistent with the “solid solution” nature of hydrates.
Deaton and Frost presented experimental data on hydrate phase equilibria of natural gas components and methods of hydrate prevention.
Miller and Strong proposed natural gas storage in hydrate form.
Powell coined the term “clathrate” for materials having a guest molecule residing in a cavity formed in a host lattice.
von Stackelberg used X‐ray diffraction data to propose a structure for a gas hydrate of chloroform and H2S. Although the structure, based on a lattice with holes for guests, was incorrect, it was a radical departure from the molecular structure current up until that time. von Stackelberg had studied the X‐ray diffraction of gas hydrates prior to this time, but his original photographic plates had been destroyed in aerial bombardment during World War II.
Clausen introduced the pentagonal dodecahedron as a structural component of gas hydrates, and von Stackelberg and Muller's X‐ray diffraction data confirmed the crystal structure of the “structure II” (sII or CS‐II) hydrate proposed by Clausen.
Clausen, von Stackelberg, and Pauling and Marsh provided a structure for “structure I” (sI or CS‐I) gas hydrates.
Delsemme and Swings suggested the presence of gas hydrates in comets and interstellar grains. Delsemme later suggested that the outgassing of comets on approaching the sun could be due to decomposition of hydrates.
Barrer and coworkers studied hydrate thermodynamics, kinetics, and separation of gas mixtures with hydrate formation.
Jeffrey and coworkers used single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction to obtain structural data for clathrate hydrates, semi‐clathrates, and salt hydrates.
van der Waals and Platteeuw presented the “solid solution” statistical thermodynamics model for clathrate hydrates.
Miller and Pauling hypothesized hydrate formation as a mechanism for anesthesia arising from inert noble gases, in particular xenon.
Miller suggested the presence of gas hydrates in the planets, planetary rings, and interstellar space in the solar system.
Davidson used dielectric methods to study clathrate hydrates. He discovered new water‐soluble (polar) guests for clathrate hydrates, measured the dynamics of guest and host molecules, found that water molecule reorientation rates depend on the nature of the guest molecule, and postulated the presence of guest–host hydrogen bonding capable of generating Bjerrum defects.
Makogon reported on natural gas hydrates found in the Siberian permafrost.
Kobayashi and coworkers applied the Kihara intermolecular potential to van der Waals–Platteeuw theory to represent the guest–cage interactions.
Davidson and coworkers started nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements on clathrate hydrates and demonstrated that the SF6 guest in sII clathrate rotates isotropically even at 77 K.
Glew and Rath showed that the equilibrium compositions of Cl2 and EO clathrate hydrates are variable, in accordance with van der Waals–Platteeuw theory.
Glew and Haggett studied EO hydrate growth kinetics and showed that the process is governed by heat transfer over a wide range of concentrations.
Miller predicted air hydrates should be present in glacier ice, CO2 hydrates on Mars, and CH4 hydrates on the outer planets and moons.
Ginsburg studied natural gas hydrates in geological settings.
Stoll, Ewing, and Bryan found that anomalous wave velocities (bottom‐simulating reflectors) are associated with marine offshore natural gas hydrate deposits.
Parrish and Prausnitz developed convenient computer code for applying the van der Waals–Platteeuw theory to the calculation of gas hydrate phase diagrams.