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Ethnic Boundaries in Turkish Politics

Zeki Sarigil

The Kurdish Movement in Turkey’s growing alliance with Islam One of the fault lines of Turkish politics traditionally has been the divide between religious and secular movements. However, as Zeki Sarigil argues, the secular Kurdish movement in Turkey has increasingly become aligned with Islam. As a result, Islam has become part of the movement’s political discourse, strategies and actions. Ethnic Boundaries in Turkish Politics traces the evolving relations between the leftist, secular Kurdish movement and Islam, from an apathetic and/or antagonistic attitude in the 1970s and 1980s to an increasingly Islam-friendly approach in the 1990s to an attitude of accommodation and the rise of Kurdish-Islamic synthesis in the early 2000s. Based on 104 interviews in several provinces in Turkey (primarily Ankara, Diyarbakir, Istanbul, and Tunceli) between 2011 and 2015 as well as ethnographic data, public opinion surveys and statements from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and Kurdish leaders, Sarigil shows how the secular Kurdish movement increasingly has been endorsing Islam and Islamic actors. The reasons for this Islamic opening are global, national, and local; Sarigil demonstrates that a group of strategic and ideological factors have encouraged and/or forced Kurdish leaders to redraw symbolic and social boundaries of the movement. Namely, with the end of the Cold War support for Marxist ideas collapsed, creating increasingly more favorable responses towards religion. In addition, the movement’s need to expand its social basis and popularity; electoral politics; and legitimacy struggles against rival political actors were other major factors, which triggered the Kurdish movement’s boundary expansion (i.e. its Islamic opening). The study also shows that the Kurdish boundary making was not without any tension or contestation. The boundary expansion by Kurdish ethnopolitical elites triggered both internal and external boundary contestations. The movement’s embrace of Islam on a more widespread level has major ramifications for politics in Turkey and in the region. Ethnic Boundaries in Turkish Politics has important insight into the PKK, modern Turkish and Islamic societies and highlights the increasing role of Islam in global politics.

Karl May, Winnetou II

Karl May


Piotr M. Szpunar

An insightful study of how identity is mobilized in and for war in the face of homegrown terrorism. [b][/b]“You are either with us, or against us” is the refrain that captures the spirit of the global war on terror. Images of the “them” implied in this war cry—distinct foreign “others”—inundate Americans on hit television shows, Hollywood blockbusters, and nightly news. However, in this book, Piotr Szpunar tells the story of a fuzzier image: the homegrown terrorist, a foe that blends into the crowd, who Americans are told looks, talks, and acts “like us.” Homegrown delves into the dynamics of domestic counterterrorism, revealing the complications that arise when the terrorist threat involves Americans, both residents and citizens, who have taken up arms against their own country. Szpunar examines the ways in which identities are blurred in the war on terror, amid debates concerning who is “the real terrorist.” He considers cases ranging from the white supremacist Sikh Temple shooter,,to the Newburgh Four, ex-convicts caught up in an FBI informant-led plot to bomb synagogues, to ecoterrorists, to the Tsarnaev brothers responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing. Drawing on popular media coverage, court documents, as well as “terrorist”-produced media, Szpunar poses new questions about the strategic deployment of identity in times of conflict. The book argues that homegrown terrorism challenges our long held understandings of how identity and difference play out in war—beyond “us versus them”—and, more importantly, that the way in which it is conceptualized and combatted has real consequences for social, cultural, and political notions of citizenship and belonging. The first critical examination of homegrown terrorism, this book will make you question how we make sense of the actions of ourselves and others in global war, and the figures that fall in between.

МК Московский Комсомолец 126-127-2020

Редакция газеты МК Московский комсомолец

Московский комсомолец – популярная российская газета. Выходит во всех крупных городах России. Ежедневно обновляемые статьи, обзоры, комментарии. Собственная лента новостей. Выходит с 11 декабря 1919 г. Распространяется по всей России, в ближнем зарубежье, в Европе и Америке.Тематика: общественно-политическое издание, органично сочетающее острые социальные и политические материалы, экономические обзоры, городские новости, светскую хронику и развлекательную информацию.

Вечерняя Москва 110-2020

Редакция газеты Вечерняя Москва

«Вечерняя Москва» – ежедневная российская вечерняя газета, старейшее из вечерних изданий в России, учрежденное в 1923 году. Выходит пять дней в неделю, кроме субботы и воскресенья. Отличается тем, что рассказывает о событиях еще не завершившегося дня. Оперативно освещает хронику и особенности жизни Москвы, охватывает все слои общества и большинство профессиональных и возрастных групп читателей.Издание представлено тремя выпусками – утренним ежедневным, вечерним (выходит три раза в неделю), еженедельным (выходит по четвергам).Утром газета рассказывает москвичам о новостях экономики, политики и общества, дает городскую хронику, предлагает аналитику и прогнозы.Вечером на страницах «Вечерки» появляются эксклюзивные интервью ньюсмейкеров культуры и шоу-бизнеса, репортажи журналистов по вечерней Москве, афиша нашего города. Один раз в неделю выходит специальный студенческий вечерний номер.Еженедельный выпуск «Вечерней Москвы» – это значимые события недели, афиша города, новости из сферы отдыха и развлечений, телепрограмма с анонсами и комментариями, авторские колонки журналистов и авторитетные мнения экспертов, детская страничка, специальная рубрика «Золушка», интересные репортажи о необычных судьбах московских жителей, постоянные конкурсы и викторины.«Вечерняя Москва» оперативно информирует жителей мегаполиса об основных проектах мэрии Москвы, обладая прямым доступом к актуальной информации от правительства нашего города.