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Everyday Meditation

Tobin Blake

We all know that meditation helps to lower stress and can even prevent disease. It has no negative side effects and no cost, and requires only a few minutes a day. So why is it so challenging to begin and sustain? Tobin Blake offers innovative ways to start meditating and to invigorate an existing practice. He begins with the basics: how to sit, how long to practice, and how to use various techniques, such as zazen, mantra, and visualization; and then covers topics such as dealing with thoughts, restlessness, and overcoming the deeper obstacles to meditation. Written with our modern challenges in mind, including electronic distractions, stress, and the constant sense of overwhelm, – Everyday Meditation – will help you: make your mind an ally; undo restlessness and anxiety; build spiritual relationships; heal your body; overcome depression and anxiety; find balance, meaning, and life purpose.

Ethical Intelligence

Bruce Weinstein, PhD

Ethical intelligence may not get as much attention as other forms of “smarts,” but as Bruce Weinstein shows, it is the most practical, valuable, and even courageous form, determining success on the job, ful?llment in relationships, and sense of self-worth. After reviewing the ?ve basic ethical principles agreed upon by cultures and religious traditions around the world and throughout time, Weinstein shows readers how to develop their ethics IQ by applying these principles in daily life. Real-world examples and interviews – with CEOs, athletes, celebrities, and political leaders – illustrate ethics in action, and their absence. Most strikingly, Weinstein shows that ethical principles aren’t just good; they are good for us, bene?ting our health, happiness, and prosperity. While ethical ignorance grabs headlines, it is ethical intelligence that creates the most ful?lling life.

Essential Aromatherapy

Valerie Ann Worwood

Here is a complete guide to aromatherapy, a modern healing technique with ancient origins. Essential Aromatherapy organizes essential oils into alphabetical listings, providing their profiles, applications, and the physical and emotional conditions that warrant their use. Also included are detailed treatments for a variety of ailments and special circumstances.

Embracing Each Other

Hal Stone, PhD

A revolutionary, refreshingly no-fault, no-nonsense approach to relationship! The Stones, who introduced you to your inner family of selves using the Voice Dialogue process, show how understand, learn from, and enjoy the dance of these selves in relationship.

Embracing Ourselves

Hal Stone, PhD

This highly acclaimed, groundbreaking work describes the Psychology of Selves and the Voice Dialogue method. Internationally renowned psychologists Hal and Sidra Stone introduce the reader to the Pusher, Critic, Protector/Controller, and all the other members of your inner family. They have refined the process to the point where voice dialogue is considered one of the most effective techniques in psychology today.

El poder del ahora

Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now is a guide to spiritual awakening from a man who is emerging as one of this generation's clearest, most inspiring teachers on the subject. Eckhart Tolle is not aligned with any particular religion but does what all the great masters have done: shows that the way, the truth, and the light already exist within each human being. There is no need to look elsewhere.

At the heart of this book is Tolle's own story of early despair that culminated in a life-transforming experience of enlightenment at the age of twenty-nine. He emerged to share insights on the perils of the mind, the power of the present, and the accessibility of one's true nature. According to Tolle, «To regain awareness of Being and to abide in that state of 'feeling-realization' is enlightenment.»

Echoes of the Soul

Echo Bodine

One Palm Sunday, Echo Bodine prayed to be granted a better understanding of worlds beyond this one, and three days later she found herself on an amazing voyage. Leaving her body behind, she traveled through life, death, and then beyond in a breath-taking vision of what awaits us all after this life.
Echoes of the Soul is heartwarming and enlightening. In simple prose, Echo Bodine gently leads readers through realms of existence we all have yet to experience. Her inspiring images leave us with a hopeful vision of life after death – or, as Echo calls it, graduation, when we go to our real home.
This inspiring and positive vision of the afterlife leaves the reader filled with hope, and even awe.

Developing Intuition

Shakti Gawain

Intuition is a birthright, but many have lost touch with it. If embraced and followed, intuition can be an accurate force that permeates all facets of life. Shakti teaches readers how to tap into their inner knowledge and use it to enhance their lives and attain their goals.

Chapters explore the role of intuition in health, creativity, work, and prosperity. Exercises based on Shakti's workshops and seminars help readers listen to their inner guide but also evaluate the worthiness of such knowledge in the context of the real world. Stories from her clients and her own life illustrate the practical advice she gives.

Creating True Prosperity

Shakti Gawain

This practical handbook presents Shakti Gawain's definition of prosperity, one that places importance on the fulfillment of our real desires rather than the amount of money we have. Most people equate prosperity with money – if they only had more of it, they would prosper. In this new, innovative look at self-fulfillment, personal-growth pioneer Shakti Gawain shows us the pitfalls of such thinking – how people, regardless of their wealth, eventually find money fails to offer true contentment.

Shakti Gawain presents a new definition of prosperity, one that places importance on fulfillment of the heart and soul rather than on monetary gain. She dismantles the cause-and-effect relationship most people construct around money and happiness, without ignoring the important role money plays in our lives. She challenges us to pay attention to our deepest longings, and yet to discard false desires.

Shakti shows us how to create true prosperity, which includes satisfying relationships, happiness, and fulfillment. Her unique method of self-examination helps readers recognize the paradoxical relationships they establish with money. Instead of either denying its value or giving it too much importance, Gawain shows how money can be used to teach people to identify where they need more balance in their lives, freeing them to pursue fulfilling relationships and personal satisfaction – the main ingredients of true prosperity. She speaks with authority and warmth as she sheds new understanding on a subject that concerns us all.

Creating Time

Marney K. Makridakis

Most of us have said, “If only I had more time,” as a way of explaining why we aren’t leading our most fulfilling lives. This book turns the concept of time management upside down by presenting exciting new tools for viewing and experiencing your time. Creating Time combines creativity with science in a gorgeous colorful format that presents a fascinating adventure in which you will imagine, create, and completely reshape the way you experience time. Each chapter presents a shift-making concept illustrated by real-life examples, step-by-step introspective processes, and powerful creative projects that inspire a new sense of time, a liberating view of self, and a fresh perspective on the meaning of being human, empowered, and fully alive.

Includes a download link to your FREE Time Expansion Kit!