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God, the Cat and I

Linda L. R. Bennett

This book is an odyssey of a lifelong marriage from its start until its conclusion, illustrating the diverse roads and upheavals along the journey.

The Land of Witches: The Sorcerer?s Dream

Jewell Claxton

This book is about an act of kindness in someone's time of need. The sorcerer outwitted Emily and won the valley but when he tried to be a leader and friend he was an outcast. The little witch came to his aide, not laughing at him or belittling him, but standing by him in his time of need.

Emily never spoke a bad word of the sorcerer nor did she condemn him for crying or being afraid of the creatures that lived there, but she stepped in and gave a helping hand or spell.

One act of kindness can create a beautiful world only if we believe that. When a person is in need and if we can lift them up, then why don't we, instead of pushing them back down?

An act of kindness creates joy in another person's life that touches others near and far. Do your part.


T. Michael Miller

In a not-so-perfect world, Sharon Lordes is living in a not-so-perfect life. Being a single mother of two, she longs for a bit of happiness in her stressful life. So when she meets the man of her dreams, she becomes so lovestruck that she ignores all of her womanly intuitions. Having a teenage daughter in high school and a grown son who lives the life no mother wants for her son.
Sharon Lordes asks no questions. Having a teenage daughter at home never crossed her mind when letting her new boyfriend stay with several nights a week. Until one night, the unthinkable happens and the mother’s drunken boyfriend walks into her daughters room and rapes her. This becomes a weekly thing, and to her daughter’s surprise, her mother just acted as if she does not know what is happening under her own room.
Unique looks up to her older brother so much that she begins to do music to impress him. He was not only her brother, but he is also her father. Unique keeps her dark secret from her brother out of fear what he would do, not just to his mother’s sick boyfriend but to her mother as well. So Unique pours her heart and emotions into her journal, telling no one of the pain and hurt that she feels. Unique is blessed with beauty and brains, and a gift for wordplay that she can out rap any boy at her school, and that makes her very popular and very unpopular with some of the girls at her school.
Major is the biggest fan of his little sister’s music and always listens to it while driving. Major is the most ruthless young hustler that the local drug pushers have seen in a long while. He is kind and poised and respectful, but cross him and it is lights out. Major catches the attention of one of Los Angeles’ most crooked drug dealers who controlled two-thirds of the drugs in the city. Not one outdone by his pupil. Mr. Jon puts in play a plan to take Major out the game for good. But what he has failed to realize was that the very people he sets Major up with, is actually gunning for him.

The Ascension Legacy

Gary Richardson

The Ascension Armor – Book I: The Shamed Ranger

Forced to live in shame for his father’s accused crime of murder, Riorik, a young elf, vows to restore his family’s honor and prove his father’s innocence. After Riorik discovers an ancient legend might be connected to his father’s circumstances, Riorik and his friends leave all that they know behind in the search for the truth.


Never Quit Again

Shannon Metcalf

The human psyche is a remotely amazing, mostly strong, yet sometimes an incredibly fragile thing. The brain protects its host, like a parent does their child. But what&rsquo;s to become of a child who&rsquo;s brain seemingly abandoned all hope? Deceit, and rape lead Samantha Hive to a world she has never known. A world where there is more than one state of mind. The good and behaved; the confused and altered&hellip; The decrepit, and deadly. Karma has a sick sense of delivering its justice.</

Recovery Uncovered

Al Demers


Addiction and the 12 steps as a program are designed to help be a roadmap for a better tomorrow. We all struggle with hurts and pain because of broken trust which lead to broken relationships. It doesn’t matter if our hurts come from the workplace, community organizations, neighborhoods, friends, family, or former relationships; wounds leave scars.
In dealing with our hurts and pain, we develop behavior patterns designed to protect ourselves from any further hurt. Often times, these behaviors have devastating consequences for ourselves, our loved ones, and others.
Recovery Uncovered will guide you through the process of healing, restoration, and character development. The discovery and application portion will help you become the amazing human being you were destined to be.
Recovery Uncovered is a big picture approach to growth and healing which is designed to uncover this process so there is comprehensive practical application. Many people have benefitted from recovery programs worldwide. Recovery Uncovered is another tool to help people understand, grow, and become productive human beings who provide healing, help, and hope to those who are hurting. Let’s work to make restoring, repairing, and rebuilding relationships a priority. This will help our world be a better place, one day at a time, one relationship at a time.

Mariel's Messy Mission

Yolanda Guess

Mariel and her friends sneak away from their caravan in search of her prized possession and the secret it holds.

The Prophecy: The Blood War Over Humanity


The saga of the DeWitt and Dubois families continues, fighting against all odds with friends and foes alike to fight for the balance of good and evil over all of humanity. Now, it’s possible that God’s left-hand angel Jonathan DeWitt and Esmeree Dubois are missing and presumed dead. Generals on both sides are jockeying for a place at the head of the table for power. Bloody power confrontations are mudding the waters. What next, who next is the question. Jessie, Johnny, and Michael have to maintain their strengths together, but Jonathan’s generals and council members want the three of them spread into three groups along with a small handpicked party to finish the mission in order to end this annihilation
of all human life as it is on earth. Time is of the essence if the prophecy is to be fulfilled. Three parts of the prophecy have to be completed and the ceremony of Life and Death has to be consecrated in Mexico in the City of the Dead. Along the way, new friendships are formed and bonded, but it seems Sirius still has his council members infiltrating, gathering information, and undermining all bonds of trust. Satan has his foot soldiers striking and leveling all known sanctuaries that the twins, Michael, and their soldiers could go to and regroup together, but each group has to make it to Mexico independently. Every step of the way is done with a sharp eye and even sharper knives. Death is stalking their every move, and there is no room for negotiations or parlays.

A Life Or as Much of It as I Can Factually Recall

Sam Grotte

It’s said there is no such thing as total honesty, but this narrative is as close to total as you will probably ever read. Sam’s understanding of the places he’s lived is filled with great empathy and feeling, yet he is also capable of seeing unvarnished truth.
He has somehow been in places and at moments that allowed his innate skills to be shown to the utmost, though he is prone to state he is quite an ordinary man.
Sam grew up during the Great Depression of the 1930s, World War II, and writes of Forest Service lookouts, fires, and the Smokejumpers of the 1950s and 60s. Hunting stories are replete with action, as are those having to do with all manner of small propeller planes in Alaska to jet fighters in Alaska, Germany, Vietnam, and Airliners throughout the United States and more. The prose you read here is certainly not “highbrow” but meant to be readable for nearly everyone. In short, there’s something here for everyone with curiosity built into his or her soul.

Zippy's Not So Big Adventure

Sandy Beard Immel

Zippy wants to explore but quickly finds out there is really no place like home.