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Stefan G. Hofmann

Euroopa, esteedid ja elulähedus. Semperi ja Barbaruse kirjavahetus 1911–1940. I köide

Koostanud: Paul Rummo

Johannes Semperi (1892–1970) ja Johannes Barbaruse (1890–1946) sõprus sai alguse juba koolipingis ja kestis läbi elu, neid sidus huvi kirjanduse vastu, hiljem juba osalemine kirjanike ja tõlkijatena Eesti kirjandus- ja kultuurielus. Nende kirjavahetus on haruldane oma mahukuse (675 kirja) ja kestuse (1911–1940) poolest, aga ka seetõttu, et on peaaegu tervikuna säilinud mõlemapoolselt. Siin räägitakse avameelselt nii loomingulistest probleemidest, kirjastamisest, kultuurisündmustest, reisidest, harrastustest kui ka argielust. See on panoraamne vaade nii Eesti kui ka Euroopa tollasele kultuurielule.
Toimetanud ja kommenteerinud: Paul Rummo, Abel Nagelmaa, Tiina Saluvere ja Ülo Treikelder Peatoimetaja: Marin Laak Saatesõna: Harald Peep Järelsõna: Marin Laak Kujundaja ja küljendaja: Kalle Müller

Leia maailma parimad aktsiad

Marcus Hernhag

Warren Buffetti väärtusaktsiate strateegiast

Paljud on väärtusaktsiatega kena kopika teeninud, legendaarne Warren Buffett teiste seas. Ta on noppinud turult silmapaistvaid ettevõtteid ammu enne seda, kui nende tegelik väärtus aktsiahindadest vastu vaatab. Marcus Hernhag nimetab neid oma raamatus maailma parimateks aktsiateks. Kuigi edu võivad tuua erinevad strateegiad, on just väärtusaktsiatesse investeerimine Buffettile ning tema mõttekaaslastele toonud enim tulu. Väärtusaktsiatega vähendab investor küll riske, kuid mitte tootlust, sobides hästi neile, kes soovivad üsnagi lihtsal viisil riske juhtida. Miks mitte ka traditsioonilisele pensionikogumisele kena alternatiiv tagada. Hernhag rõhutab, et muutuv maailm nõuab investorilt paindlikkust ning võimet aktsiaturu pikki trende ette näha. Oluline on ka mõista ühiskonna ootusi ning suundumusi, et välja sõeluda ettevõtted, mis tegelikult klientidele ja aktsionäridele väärtust loovad. Ta jagab Benjamin Grahami, David Doddi, Warren Buffetti ja Charles Mungeri najal juhatust, millised on väärtusaktsiate strateegiate arengud ja eelised, kuidas leida väärtusaktsiaid kasvufirmadest, millal on õige aeg osta ja müüa ning kuidas riske maandada. 216 lk

Euroopa, esteedid ja elulähedus. Semperi ja Barbaruse kirjavahetus 1911–1940. II köide

Koostanud: Paul Rummo

Johannes Semperi (1892–1970) ja Johannes Barbaruse (1890–1946) sõprus sai alguse juba koolipingis ja kestis läbi elu, neid sidus huvi kirjanduse vastu, hiljem juba osalemine kirjanike ja tõlkijatena Eesti kirjandus- ja kultuurielus. Nende kirjavahetus on haruldane oma mahukuse (675 kirja) ja kestuse (1911–1940) poolest, aga ka seetõttu, et on peaaegu tervikuna säilinud mõlemapoolselt. Siin räägitakse avameelselt nii loomingulistest probleemidest, kirjastamisest, kultuurisündmustest, reisidest, harrastustest kui ka argielust. See on panoraamne vaade nii Eesti kui ka Euroopa tollasele kultuurielule.

Towards a Political Education Through Environmental Issues

Melki Slimani

The growing field of political education through environmental issues is organized around processes, which reach beyond the formal ones found in academic disciplines and national curricula into informal processes (such as social mobilization) and nonformal processes (such as those found in various international educational recommendations). <p>Using theoretical approaches from the fields of political philosophy and the social sciences, this book develops a simultaneously conceptual and analytical framework for the political in educational content involving environmental issues. This framework is then used to empirically analyze educational content on sustainable development formulated by UNESCO, as well as the Tunisian curriculum. <p>The theoretical and empirical studies carried out in this book lead to proposed curriculum tags for political education through environmental issues, with the intent of opening this field to inclusion in the didactics of curriculum research.

The Scent of Empires

Karl Schlogel

Can a drop of perfume tell the story of the twentieth century? Can a smell bear the traces of history? What can we learn about the history of the twentieth century by examining the fate of perfumes? In this remarkable book, Karl Schlögel unravels the interconnected histories of two of the world’s most celebrated perfumes. In tsarist Russia, two French perfumers – Ernest Beaux and Auguste Michel – developed related fragrances honouring Catherine the Great for the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. During the Russian Revolution and Civil War, Beaux fled Russia and took the formula for his perfume with him to France, where he sought to adapt it to his new French circumstances. He presented Coco Chanel with a series of ten fragrance samples in his laboratory and, after smelling each, she chose number five – the scent that would later go by the name Chanel No. 5. Meanwhile, as the perfume industry was being revived in Soviet Russia, Auguste Michel used his original fragrance to create Red Moscow for the tenth anniversary of the Revolution. Piecing together the intertwined histories of these two famous perfumes, which shared a common origin, Schlögel tells a surprising story of power, intrigue and betrayal that offers an altogether unique perspective on the turbulent events and high politics of the twentieth century. This brilliant account of perfume and politics in twentieth-century Europe will be of interest to a wide general readership.

Archives in the Digital Age

Abderrazak Mkadmi

Archiving has become an increasingly complex process. The challenge is no longer how to store the data but how to store it intelligently, in order to exploit it over time, while maintaining its integrity and authenticity. <p>Digital technologies bring about major transformations, not only in terms of the types of documents that are transferred to and stored in archives, in the behaviors and practices of the humanities and social sciences (digital humanities), but also in terms of the volume of data and the technological capacity for managing and preserving archives (Big Data). <p><i>Archives in The Digital Age</i> focuses on the impact of these various digital transformations on archives, and examines how the right to memory and the information of future generations is confronted with the right to be forgotten; a digital prerogative that guarantees individuals their private lives and freedoms.