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War and Peace - The Unabridged Maude Translation

Leo Tolstoy

War and Peace is regarded as one of the central works of world literature and was first published in its entirety in 1869. The novel charts the history of the French invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society, through the stories of five Russian aristocratic families. Time magazine ranked War and Peace third in its poll of the 10 greatest books of all time. This complete English version translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude was originally published in 1922. The Maudes are classical translators of Leo Tolstoy who worked directly with the author and gained his personal endorsement. This edition includes all 15 books + the first and second epilogue along with reminiscences. Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy or Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. Born to an aristocratic Russian family in 1828, he is best known for the novels War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877) which are often cited as pinnacles of realist fiction. He also wrote plays and numerous philosophical essays. Table of Contents: Introduction Leo Tolstoy: A Short Biography «Tolstoy the Artist» and «Tolstoy the Preacher» by Ivan Panin «Count Tolstoi and the Public Censor» by Isabel Hapgood War and Peace Book One: 1805 Book Two: 1805 Book Three: 1805 Book Four: 1806 Book Five: 1806 – 07 Book Six: 1808 – 10 Book Seven: 1810 – 11 Book Eight: 1811 – 12 Book Nine: 1812 Book Ten: 1812 Book Eleven: 1812 Book Twelve: 1812 Book Thirteen: 1812 Book Fourteen: 1812 Book Fifteen: 1812 – 13 First Epilogue: 1813 – 20 Second Epilogue Reminiscences Reminiscences of Tolstoy, by His Son by Graf Ilia LvovichTolstoi My Visit to Tolstoy by Joseph Krauskopf Check out Ruwix to learn the solution of the Rubik's Cube and other twisty puzzles like Pyraminx, Square-1 etc.

Tolstoï: L'homme derrière les mots (Toutes les Œuvres Autobiographiques de Léon Tolstoï)

León Tolstoi

Ce livre numérique présente «Tolstoï: L'homme derrière les mots (Toutes les Œuvres Autobiographiques de Léon Tolstoï)» avec une table des matières dynamique et détaillée. Notre édition a été spécialement conçue pour votre tablette/liseuse et le texte a été relu et corrigé soigneusement. Léon Tolstoï (1828 -1910) est un des écrivains majeurs de la littérature russe. Ses premières publications sont des récits autobiographiques Enfance, Adolescence, Jeunesse (1852-1856). Ils rapportent comment un enfant, fils de riches propriétaires terriens, réalise lentement ce qui le sépare de ses camarades de jeu paysans. Il est frappé dès son enfance par le sentiment de l'absurdité de la vie (à la suite de la mort de son père) et il refuse l'hypocrisie des relations sociales. Tolstoï rejette l'État et l'Église. Sa critique radicale de l'État, ses préoccupations envers les masses opprimées, l'importance de ses réalisations pédagogiques, sa recherche de cohérence sur le plan personnel, en ont fait un penseur proche de l'anarchisme. Marqué par des conflits comme la Guerre de Crimée durant laquelle il a été mobilisé et qu'il a relatée dans Récits de Sébastopol, ou les conflits passés telles les Guerres napoléoniennes, qui constituent la trame de son œuvre majeure, Guerre et Paix. Tolstoï entame à partir des années 1870 une sorte d'introspection, en forme de quête spirituelle. En 1879, Tolstoï se retourne vers le christianisme qu'il évoque dans Ma confession. Sa critique des institutions oppressives et sources de violence inspirera le Mahatma Gandhi, ainsi que Romain Rolland. Leur message sera ensuite repris par Martin Luther King, Steve Biko, Aung San Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela et bien d'autres. Table des matières: Enfance (1852) Adolescence (1854) Jeunesse (1855) Récits de Sébastopol (1855) Ma confession (1879-1882) Une lettre inédite (1902) Tolstoï et les Doukhobors (1902) Correspondance Dernières Paroles (1905) Prank sombody with the fake Windows 10 upgrade screen which never ends.

El Retrato de una Dama

Henry James

Este ebook presenta «Retrato de una dama» con un sumario dinámico y detallado. Retrato de una dama (The Portrait of a Lady) es una novela de Henry James, publicada originariamente de forma seriada durante los años 1880 y 1881, y como libro ese último año. La historia gira en torno a la joven y atractiva Isabel Archer, quien se ve obligada a trasladarse a Inglaterra desde su Estados Unidos natal. Una vez allí, establece distintas relaciones con otros americanos trasplantados, así como con la sociedad británica. La belleza y distinción de las que hace gala no pasan inadvertidas y son varios y de distinta laya los que la pretenden. Su elección final la llevará, paradójicamente, a poner de manifiesto toda su grandeza. Henry James (1843 – 1916) fue un escritor y crítico literario estadounidense (aunque pasó mucho tiempo en Europa y se nacionalizó británico casi al final de su vida) de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, conocido por sus novelas y relatos basados en la técnica del punto de vista, que le permite el análisis psicológico de los personajes desde su interior. Fue hijo de Henry James Sr. y hermano menor del filósofo y psicólogo William James.

Yo acuso

Emile Zola

Este ebook presenta «Yo acuso» con un sumario dinámico y detallado. En 1894, el caso Dreyfus sale a la luz, y se acusa al capitán Alfred Dreyfus, de treinta y cinco años, judío y alsaciano, de alta traición. Pese a las declaraciones de inocencia del acusado, declaraciones que no se hacen públicas, se lo condena a cumplir cadena perpetua en la isla del Diablo, en la Guayana francesa. En marzo de 1896, el nuevo responsable del Servicio de Información (Service de Renseignements), el coronel Picquart, descubre un telegrama que no deja dudas de que Dreyfus no es el informador de los alemanes en el Estado Mayor francés, sino que el verdadero traidor había sido el comandante Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy. Picquart informa a sus superiores y expresa su convicción de que fue un error atribuir el escrito a Dreyfus. No obstante, el Estado Mayor destina a Picquart a la frontera del este y, posteriormente, a Túnez. Los tribunales militares se niegan a revisar el caso Dreyfus y tratan de sofocar el escándalo, pero no logran evitar que algunos rumores alerten a personalidades de la izquierda. En 1897, con la ayuda del periodista Bernard Lazare, del senador Scheurer-Kestner y del diputado Joseph Reinach, Mathieu Dreyfus, hermano de Alfred, promueve una campaña en Le Figaro para exigir que se investigue a Esterhazy y se revise el juicio de 1894. Los conservadores reaccionan de inmediato. Indignado, Émile Zola, próximo a la izquierda radical y a grupos socialistas, entra en liza. La campaña de Le Figaro rompe la conspiración de silencio. En diciembre de 1897, Esterhazy, cuya letra es idéntica a la de los facsimiles del escrito que la prensa ha reproducido, es inculpado y comparece ante un tribunal militar; los jueces lo absuelven en enero de 1898....

Anna Karenina - The Annotated & Unabridged Maude Translation

Leo Tolstoy

Widely considered a pinnacle in realist fiction, Tolstoy considered Anna Karenina his first real novel and Dostoevsky declared it to be «flawless as a work of art». His opinion was shared by Vladimir Nabokov, who especially admired «the flawless magic of Tolstoy's style», and by William Faulkner, who described the novel as «the best ever written». The novel is currently enjoying enormous popularity, as demonstrated by a recent poll of 125 contemporary authors by J. Peder Zane, published in 2007 in The Top Ten, which declared that Anna Karenina is the «greatest novel ever written». Plot: A bachelor, Vronsky is willing to marry her if she would agree to leave her husband Karenin, a government official, but she is vulnerable to the pressures of Russian social norms, her own insecurities and Karenin's indecision. Although Vronsky eventually takes Anna to Europe where they can be together, they have trouble making friends. Back in Russia, she is shunned, becoming further isolated and anxious, while Vronsky pursues his social life. Despite Vronsky's reassurances she grows increasingly possessive and paranoid about his imagined infidelity. About the Maude translation: the translation by Aylmer Maude (1858-1938) and Louise Shanks Maude (1855-1939) is highly considered by scholars. This unabridged and annotated translation from the original russian by Louise and Aylmer Maude was originally published in 1918. The Maudes are classical translators of Leo Tolstoy who worked directly with the author and gained his personal endorsement.

As You Like It (The Unabridged Play) + The Classic Biography

Sidney Lee

This carefully crafted ebook: «As You Like It (The Unabridged Play) + The Classic Biography: The Life of William Shakespeare» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 or early 1600 and first published in 1623. Daughter of a banished duke and forced to flee the court, Rosalind hides in the Forest of Arden disguised as a man. When her true love Orlando also shows up in the forest, she courts him without revealing her identity. Meanwhile, Phebe mistakenly falls in love with her disguise, Silvius pines for Phebe, Jacques philosophizes, and Touchstone makes fun of it all, and love and happiness triumph as Rosalind orchestrates a happy ending amid the confusion. Life of William Shakespeare is a biography of William Shakespeare by the eminent critic Sidney Lee. This book was one of the first major biographies of the Bard of Avon. It was published in 1898, based on the article contributed to the Dictionary of National Biography. William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the «Bard of Avon». His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses, the authorship of some of which is uncertain. Sir Sidney Lee (1859 – 1926) was an English biographer and critic. He was a lifelong scholar and enthusiast of Shakespeare. His article on Shakespeare in the fifty-first volume of the Dictionary of National Biography formed the basis of his Life of William Shakespeare. This full-length life is often credited as the first modern biography of the poet.

La Leyenda de Gilgamesh


Este ebook presenta «La Leyenda de Gilgamesh» con un sumario dinámico y detallado. La Leyenda de Gilgamesh o el Poema de Gilgamesh es una narración de la Mesopotamia de origen sumerio, considerada como la narración escrita más antigua de la historia. La narración es una epopeya rimada o poema que narra las peripecias del rey Gilgamesh. Se emplearon tablillas de arcilla y escritura cuneiforme, lo cual favoreció su preservación. La versión más completa preservada hasta la actualidad consta de doce tablillas. La obra es muy leída en traducciones a diversos idiomas y el héroe, Gilgamesh, ha pasado a ser un icono de la cultura popular. La mitología cuenta que Gilgamesh fue un rey déspota que reinó en Babilonia en la ciudad de Uruk (actual Warqa, en Irak). En la Biblia se hace referencia a esta ciudad con el nombre de Erech. Fonéticamente, su evolución podría haber dado el nombre a Irak.

The Complete Works of Jane Austen (Unabridged)

Jane Austen

This carefully crafted ebook: «The Complete Works of Jane Austen (Unabridged)» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Jane Austen (1775 – 1817) was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction, set among the landed gentry, earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature. Her realism and biting social commentary have gained her historical importance among scholars and critics. Content: Sense and Sensibility (1811) Pride and Prejudice (1813) Mansfield Park (1814) Emma (1815) Northanger Abby (1817) Persuasion (1818) The Watsons (1803-1805) Sanditon (1817) Lady Susan (1794, 1805) Love and Freindship (1790) Lesley Castle (~1792) The History of England (1791) A Collection of Letters Scraps

Raison et Sensibilité / Sense and Sensibility - Edition bilingue: français - anglais

Jane Austen

Cet eBook: «Raison et Sensibilité / Sense and Sensibility – Edition bilingue: français – anglais (Avec les illustrations originales de C. E. Brock) / Bilingual Edition: French – English (With the Original Illustrations by C. E. Brock)» est formaté pour votre eReader avec une table de matières fonctionnelle et bien détaillée. Notre édition bilingue aide le lecteur à mieux interpréter l'oeuvre de Jane Austen et est pratique pour faire des recherches et pour apprendre ou enseigner l'anglais et le français. – This carefully crafted ebook: «Raison et Sensibilité / Sense and Sensibility – Edition bilingue: français – anglais (Avec les illustrations originales de C. E. Brock) / Bilingual Edition: French – English (With the Original Illustrations by C. E. Brock)» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. This bilingual edition helps the reader to understand and to interpret Jane Austen better, is practical for looking up text passages and very useful for learning and teaching English / French language through classic literature. – Raison et Sensibilité ou Le Cœur et la Raison est le premier roman publié de la femme de lettres anglaise Jane Austen. Il paraît en 1811 de façon anonyme puisqu'il était signé by a Lady. Résumé: Marianne Dashwood, ardente et romanesque, qui croit passionnément pouvoir s'affranchir des convenances, s'affiche avec le séduisant Willoughby dont elle est tombée amoureuse, tandis que sa sœur aînée, la raisonnable Elinor, cache le tendre sentiment que lui inspire son beau-frère, Edward Ferrars. – Sense and Sensibility is a novel by Jane Austen, and was her first published work when it appeared in 1811 under the pseudonym «A Lady». The novel portrays the life and loves of the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. The story follows the young ladies to their new home, a meagre cottage on a distant relative's property, where they experience love, romance and heartbreak.

The Mysterious Island Trilogy - The Original US Translation

Jules Verne

This carefully crafted ebook: «The Mysterious Island Trilogy – The Original UK Translation» is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Mysterious Island by Jules Verne is subtitled Shipwrecked in the Air, The Abandoned and The Secret of the Island. The present translation is by Stephen W. White. It first appeared in the Evening Telegraph of Philadelphia, PA and was later published as an Evening Telegraph Reprint Book in 1876. English translators often altered their translations to suit current political views of Church and Empire. It is about six Northerns prisoners that flee Richmond during the American Civil War. Their escape is done by balloon and brings them to an inhabited island lost in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The book tells the tale of how these men survive. Jules Gabriel Verne (1828 – 1905) was a French novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction.