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Jackson Gregory: Collected Works

Jackson Gregory

e-artnow presents to you the wonderful collection of the most famous works of Jackson Gregory for your reading pleasure. Gregory was an American teacher, journalist, and writer. He was one of the America's most successful and prolific authors in the first half of the 20th century. His writing formula was usually a successful combination of an abundance of action, adventure and suspense coupled with a dependable story line about areas and the life he was familiar with in the American Southwest. This edition includes: Yahoya The Fire Flower The Joyous Trouble Maker Under Handicap Beyond the Law The Short Cut Wolf Breed Six Feet Four The Bells of San Juan Judith of Blue Lake Ranch A Forced Acceptance Man to Man The Chinese Jewel Daughter of the Sun The Desert Valley The Everlasting Whisper Timber-Wolf Sudden Bill Dorn Powder Smoke on Wandering River Dark Valley The Man from Painted Rock

Powder Smoke on Wandering River

Jackson Gregory

The beautiful daughter of a notorious gangster suddenly goes missing. However, she is not abducted by anyone but has willingly gone into hiding. What's the terrible secret that has forced her to take such a drastic step? Who is the man who has claimed to be her father all this while?

The Brontë Sisters: The Complete Novels

Anne Bronte

Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) This book contains the complete novels of the Brontë Sisters: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë Shirley by Charlotte Brontë Villette by Charlotte Brontë The Professor by Charlotte Brontë

Judith of Blue Lake Ranch

Jackson Gregory

Judith Sanford is the sole heiress ofBlue Lake Ranch that is worth a million-dollars but one of her own employees is plotting to swindle her. With the help of Bud Lee, a horse foreman, she is determined to figure out the mystery and put an end to the scheme.However, Bud Lee has his own vested interest in helping Judith! Excerpt: "Bud Lee, horse foreman of the Blue Lake Ranch, sat upon the gate of the home corral, builded a cigarette with slow brown fingers, and stared across the broken fields of the upper valley to the rosy glow above the pine-timbered ridge where the sun was coming up. His customary gravity was unusually pronounced. «If a man's got the hunch an egg is bad,» he mused, «is that a real good and sufficient reason why he should go poking his finger inside the shell? I want to know!» Tommy Burkitt, the youngest wage-earner of the outfit and a profound admirer of all that taciturnity, good-humor, and quick capability which went into the make-up of Bud Lee, approached from the ranch-house on the knoll. «Hi, Bud!» he called. «Trevors wants you. On the jump.» Lee watched Tommy coming on with that wide, rocking gait of a man used to much riding and little walking. The deep gravity in the foreman's eyes was touched with a little twinkle by way of greeting."

Wolf Breed

Jackson Gregory

A mysterious stranger had suddenly appeared in a small town. The town was used to visitors but no one could foresee what kind of trouble this new guy had brought with him. Nothing portends danger than unannounced brooding men from distant lands! Excerpt: "All sorts and conditions of men come to the North Woods; some because they want to, some because they have to. Some because they are drawn by the fine lure of adventure and the urge of the restless spirit, some because they are driven by that bloodhound which is the law. All types, all classes. And yet now, standing jauntily upon Père Marquette's threshold, was a type of which as yet the Settlement had had no knowledge. He was young and wore his black mustaches with all of the fierceness of youth. His boots were at once the finest and the smallest which MacLeod's had ever seen upon a man's feet. He wore gloves, and when in due time the hands came out of the gloves, they were little like a woman's and white and soft. He was a handsome young devil-of-a-fellow with all of the soft, graceful beauty of the far southland. His mouth, smiling now, was red lipped, his teeth a glistening white. Eyes very big, very black, very soft, very tender, smiling too. From the crown of his wide black hat to the tall heels of his dainty boots he was such a dandy as demanded more than a casual glance."

Die verschwundene Melodie

Arno Alexander

Ein unbekannter Mann betritt den Laden des Waffenhändlers Raldstone in der Innenstadt von New York. Nachdem er sich eine Waffe gekauft hat, geht er hinaus und schießt sofort durch die Seitenscheibe eines in der Nähe geparkten Autos. Wie sich später herausstellt, ist dies ein berühmter Millionär. Aber dann töten sie auch ihn – er stirbt an Giftgas in seinem Haus. Was ist passiert und wer ist der Mörder?

Six Feet Four

Jackson Gregory

Hap Smith is a new coach driver who took over from Bill Varney but little does he know that he is going to be dragged into a gruesome murder mystery. Which of his four male passengers have committed the crime? Is Smith himself the real murderer? Excerpt: "All day long, from an hour before the pale dawn until now after the thick dark, the storm had raged through the mountains. Before midday it had grown dark in the canons. In the driving blast of the wind many a tall pine had snapped, broken at last after long valiant years of victorious buffeting with the seasons, while countless tossing branches had been riven away from the parent boles and hurled far out in all directions. Through the narrow canons the wet wind went shrieking fearsomely, driving the slant rain like countless thin spears of glistening steel."


Jackson Gregory

Timber-Wolf is a dashing rider who rides into the troublesome village called Big Pine. Big Pine is a tiny human outpost set well within the rim of the great south-western wilderness country. Wolf's friend is in big trouble amidst a mad-rush for suspected treasure. How will Wolf rescue his friend now? And who are the people he has pissed off?

Шепот в стенах

Софи Клеверли

Великолепный английский детектив в антураже загадочной и зловещей школы-интерната. История сестер-близняшек, которым предстоит разобраться в тайнах и загадках своего учебного заведения. Мистер Бартоломью, новый директор школы, не менее опасен, чем мисс Фокс. Он грозится суровыми наказаниями даже за малейшую провинность, к тому же имеет отношение к трагедии, которая произошла в Руквуде много лет назад. Мы со Скарлет должны разгадать, что же он задумал на этот раз, ведь от этого зависит не только благополучие учениц, но и жизнь моей сестры. Когда на стенах в подвале появились странные надписи, оставленные некими «Шепчущими», мы со Скарлет понимаем, что опасность гораздо ближе, чем мы думали…

Von den Königen und der Krone

Ricarda Huch

Der historische Roman handelt von König Lastari und seiner Familie. "Ganz anders geartet war der arme Lasko, dem es, da er das steinerne Haus in den verlorenen Bergen hatte verlassen müssen, nur darum zu tun war, irgendwo bleiben und heimisch werden zu dürfen. Sein mutterloses Herz suchte nach einer weichen, starken Erde, wo er einwachsen könnte, die alle seine Freuden und Sorgen tragen, und in der er einst begraben liegen würde; die trübste Stätte, wenn er eine Zeitlang dort gewohnt hatte, vermißte er mit lange nachhaltendem Weh, und der Anblick einer neuen Umgebung, mochte sie noch so schön sein, verursachte ihm Traurigkeit, bis er sich wieder gewöhnt hatte."