
Различные книги в жанре Экономика

A Trilogy On Entrepreneurship: Preparing for Entrepreneurship

Eduardo A. Morato Jr.

Book One, Preparing for Entrepreneurship, opens the curtains on A Trilogy on Entrepreneurship. As the title proclaims, Book One endeavors to take the entrepreneur through the step-by-step process of Opportunity Seeking, Opportunity Screening and Opportunity Seizing. The first step allows the entrepreneur to unravel the myriad possibilities in finding a good business venture by following any one of several proven methodologies. This is a creative and divergent thinking process. The second step evaluates the possibilities using logical and convergent thinking based on criteria deemed important by the entrepreneur. The third step enables the entrepreneur to focus on the critical variables that could make or break a business differentiate its products from competitors. To ensure success, the entrepreneur must validate the opportunity through rigorous Market Research and its accompanying Marketing Toolkits. Customer Profiling and Location Analysis are the two additional endeavors that entrepreneur must embrace. The first one enables the entrepreneur to target a specific and appropriate market segment while the second one chooses the best place for doing business and selling goods and services. Finally, Preparing for Entrepreneurship, delves into the systematic process of New Product Development.

Экономика организации 3-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебное пособие для СПО

Максим Георгиевич Миронов

В настоящем курсе изложены теоретические основы дисциплины «Экономика предприятия». Учебный материал четко систематизирован и структурирован, отражает как традиционные, так и современные подходы к изучению предмета, написан в доступной для понимания форме. Это хорошая база для изучения курса и подготовки к текущей и итоговой аттестации по дисциплине. Соответствует актуальным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным требованиям. Для студентов образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования.

101 Restaurant Secrets

Ross Inc. Boardman

This book is about the business of being in the restaurant businesses. Most restaurants fail within the first three year. During tough times, many will not reach the first year. Nearly all the reasons they fail are down to a few areas that the owner neglects to find out about. If you want to get into the restaurant business and learn the key skills to keep you there, read on . . .

An Introductory Guide to Systems Thinking

David Boone's Kerr

The world around us is comprised of systems – organisational systems, business systems, political systems, family systems, inter-personal systems, biological systems, economic systems – the list goes on.<br><br>This eBook, written by an experienced systems thinker and consultant, helps the reader develop an appreciation of the nature of systems – what they comprise of, how they function, how they sustain and organize themselves and what they influence and are influenced by. <br><br>With this knowledge people and organisations can obtain a greater understanding of themselves and can develop the ability to identify the structure of problems and make interventions with far greater skill and precision.

Plan C: The Full-Time Employee and Part-Time Entrepreneur

Erin M.D. Albert

Once upon a time in America, the world of work was simpler. We were told to go for Plan A: Go to a great college, since your parents probably didn&#39;t get the chance. Then go to a professional school&ndash;medical, dental, law, you pick it. Then graduate, and get the very best &#39;professional&#39; job you can. Work your dupa off. Work 60 hours a week. Give 150%, even though you don&#39;t own anything. Become an employee! However, you&#39;re expendable. And…you&#39;re laid off.<br><br>Then we could try Plan B: Go through twelve stages of losing job. Declare that you&#39;ll chuck it all to start your own business to live the dream. Work your dupa off. Work 120 hours a week. Give 250%, and you own everything. You&#39;re an entrepreneur! However, you&#39;re dealing with uncertainty, administration, and lack of cash flow. You&#39;re dealing with your beautiful dream and the sometimes-ugly reality. And, you&#39;re exhausted, frustrated, and…closed.<br><br>This book is about Plan C: Don&#39;t chuck the day job, keep it. Don&#39;t chuck the entrepreneurial dream, keep that too. DO BOTH! Work the full-time day job, and create the entrepreneurial dream on the side. You&#39;ll be working ALL THE TIME in your head and pretty much in your life. It won&#39;t be easy. But what in life is that IS worth doing??? This book is about how to live a Plan C life, with real interviews, from real-world Plan Cers redefining the American Dream.<br><br>&quot;What are you so passionate about that you would be willing to do it for 10 years without ever making a dime? That&#39;s what you should do. Plan C gives great examples of how this has been successful for others.&quot; &ndash;Tony Hsieh, NY Times bestselling author of Delivering Happiness and CEO of Zappos.com, Inc.

The Best Way to Fix Our Economy: Not Easy—Just Right and Best ; Build on Our Strengths or Lose Them Forever

Richard G. Lazar PhD

The Best Way to Fix Our Economy describes the basic problem of the USA economy in the early-21st century. It is how to restore, re-surge and re-build America. How? The solution is building great new innovative product industries that produce excellent products at good prices that sell in the USA and markets around the globe. They generate sustainable small businesses. That then produces steady jobs that provide income that keeps taxes down and enables sizable profit, incent investment, ROI, continuous R&amp;D and superior products built at competitive prices and helps ensure sustainable industry growth.<br><br>The book affords an accurate historical analysis of how America has driven its economy from being the primary product-producer in the world to a service-based economy. The authors describe the simple&ndash;not easy&ndash;roadmap back to the future to being a product-driven world force by using the Lazars&#39; proven behavioral economic model that they call The Central Productive Process&#170; to create a renewed productive society. The Lazars name 17 innovative product industries that will turn the economy around and restore the practice of true Capitalism in America instead of the personal interest (greed) and financial services system now in place masking as Capitalism. The Central Productive Process&#170; is punctuated with realistic, logical and common sense notions crisply formulated over thirty-five years of &quot;on-the-ground&quot; experience. It is not a theoretical exercise for the reader. It works.<br><br>Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Dwight David Eisenhower are cited as two excellent examples of &quot;AND THINKING&quot; leaders who understood that a strong nation combines defense and human needs along with economic growth and human well-being. Their vision of a compassionate and strong American economy has been in decline in America for the last 30 years. While the clarion calls of Roosevelt and Eisenhower have been muffled in the USA, China heeded the call, exceeded all expectations and has grown into an economic power with product-driven national policies. Enhanced by thirty years of peace and neutrality, they have also improved the quality of life and expectations of its citizens. In this book the Lazars light the way to breathing new life into a new economy that is product-based, profitable, productive and progressive.<br><br>This work is a renewed clarion call for warring ideological leaders and elected officials to work together to overcome their own weak performance and unwillingness to sacrifice their personal interests for the best interests of all Americans. The nation cries out for them to cease battling each other to the death. The country needs a &quot;new response&quot; to the lagging and weak economy. This book provides the right response for a new economy inherent in the American character. It is time for each and all of us to help our nation rediscover its greatness and ability to resolve internal conflicts with victorious actions. <br><br>&quot;Hope and optimism can only be founded on right thought and right action that people can see and feel.&quot;&ndash;Richard G. Lazar, PhD

Thrival from Ordinary to Extraordinary

Mark Mandela

Do you dream of leaving your 9-to-5 job and never returning? Do you desire to travel the country and make new friends? Is freedom of time, mobility, and money important to you? If you answered yes to any of those questions, Thrival from Ordinary to Extraordinary is a must-read. Using personal experience, Mandela elucidates how to achieve those dreams and desires. <br><br>You will learn to:<br>&#165;Realize your possibilities.<br>&#165;Build a team.<br>&#165;Develop lasting relationships.<br>&#165;Identify key people to develop into leaders.<br>&#165;Inspire others.<br>&#165;Become extraordinary.<br><br>If surviving is your goal, this book is not for you. If you desire to reach the next level, to go from being ordinary to extraordinary, this book is teeming with clues that enable you to reach the next level and beyond. Your potential is greater than surviving; it is time to thrive. Learn step-by-step how to go from ordinary to extraordinary; it is your time to excel!

The 20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part One

Perry M.D. Ritthaler

This fascinating e-book tells the story of war taking the reader from the time of full blow killings on the battlefield toward the peace truce operations currently being negotiated in the Middle East today. <br><br>The e-book is packed with many online pictures and newspaper articles and video links to help the reader better understand the covert digital cyber warfare operations, flavored with the authors&#39; special brand of war poetry poems. <br><br>No matter where you go,&quot; Perry says, &quot;you can always hear &#39;echoes of the war on terrorism,&#39; even silent echoes.&quot; Against this background, Perry develops his cyber covert digital psychology war operations filled with new peace empowerment war strategy wielding empowerment mixed with logic. <br><br>He releases the operations online into the battlefield as fast as terrorism and war is published in media online reported in the Middle East region of the world. As he attempted to deal with the ravages of war seamlessly, and the threat posed to the civilian way of life, the final war on terror is shaped in the age of psychology economic empowerment reasoning. <br><br>Through the implementation of these &quot;covert psychology war strategy empowerment operations&quot;, war strategies and operations by the terrorism networks and NATO military are redefined and implemented on the battlefield. The reshaping of the war on terrorism objectives in the mind of leaders on both sides of the battlefield are his target. <br><br>This is powerful e-book to read for people interested in politics or terrorism or the wars in the Middle East or the new cyber warfare technology created in the 20th Century.

Краткое содержание книги: Проклятие эффективности, или Синдром «шахты». Джиллиан Тетт

Smart Reading

О книге Это аудиосаммари ‒ сокращенная версия книги Джиллиан Тетт «Проклятие эффективности, или Синдром „шахты“. Как преодолеть разобщенность в жизни и бизнесе». Книга раскрывает главного виновника экономического кризиса 2007–2008 годов – разобщенность. Это история о том, к каким последствиям она привела японскую корпорацию Sony, швейцарский банк UBS и центральный банк Англии. На примере полиции Чикаго, пожарной службы Нью-Йорка, Кливлендской клиники, калифорнийской Facebook и хедж-фонда Blue Mountain автор показывает, как бороться с этой напастью. Вы не найдете в книге четких и подробно расписанных шагов, что делать в вашем случае, зато увидите вполне конкретные направления будущего развития. Зачем слушать • Узнать, как появляется разобщенность и к каким последствиям она может привести. • Справиться с болезнью роста и повысить эффективность бизнеса. • Понять, как преодолевать социальные барьеры, на примерах конкретных организаций. • Вовремя увидеть риски и возможности компании. Об авторе Джиллиан Тетт – журналист и главный редактор международной деловой газеты Financial Times, автор четырех книг (на русский язык переведена только одна). Имеет докторскую степень по социальной антропологии Кембриджского университета, полученную за полевые исследования традиционных свадебных обрядов в советском Таджикистане. В 2006 году предсказала наступление мирового финансового кризиса, в 2007-м получила премию Уинкотта – главную британскую награду в сфере финансовой журналистики, а в 2008-м названа в Британии журналистом года.