
Различные книги в жанре Экономика

The Frontiers of Management

Peter F. Drucker

Every decision executives make today shapes the future of their organization – as well as that of the communities and society in which the organization operates. How to make choices that lead to the best possible future for all stakeholders? Look beyond the immediate crisis of the day – to the long-term implications of your decisions and actions. In the thirty-five essays comprising The Frontiers of Management, classic management thinker and teacher Peter Drucker offers advice.Each selection in this compelling collection is as fresh and relevant today as it was when written in the 1980s. With every essay, Drucker teaches by example- deftly demonstrating how to put current events in their larger historical context, how to pick the right people for a given task, how to think through an acquisition.The book provides not only durable examples of a great thinker's writing but a set of ever more urgently needed lessons on how business leaders today can understand the context of their own daily decisions – and make the wisest possible choices for the future.Timely and vivid, The Frontiers of Management remains a practical guidebook packed with enduring wisdom.


Вадим Юрьевич ПАНОВ

Многостраничный выпуск «Комсомольской правды», который выходит еженедельно по пятницам. Основные рубрики «КП – толстушки»: «Беседка «КП», «Дурилка «КП», «Клубный пиджак», «Антиреклама», «Окно в природу», «Россия, вперед», «Светская жизнь», детская страничка и так далее. Спецпроекты еженедельника «Комсомольская правда (толстушка)»: «КП» – здоровье» (народные рецепты здоровья и, конечно же, консультации и советы профессиональных эскулапов); «Моя дача» (если у вас есть приусадебный участок, возникает вопрос, как его грамотно обустроить и собрать с нескольких соток богатый урожай); «Телевизор «КП» (все, что вы хотите знать о телевидении, шоу-бизнесе, любимых сериалах, актерах, телеведущих, а также о закулисной тележизни) и многое другое.

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Антон Кубышкин

Многостраничный выпуск «Комсомольской правды», который выходит еженедельно по пятницам. Основные рубрики «КП – толстушки»: «Беседка «КП», «Дурилка «КП», «Клубный пиджак», «Антиреклама», «Окно в природу», «Россия, вперед», «Светская жизнь», детская страничка и так далее. Спецпроекты еженедельника «Комсомольская правда (толстушка)»: «КП» – здоровье» (народные рецепты здоровья и, конечно же, консультации и советы профессиональных эскулапов); «Моя дача» (если у вас есть приусадебный участок, возникает вопрос, как его грамотно обустроить и собрать с нескольких соток богатый урожай); «Телевизор «КП» (все, что вы хотите знать о телевидении, шоу-бизнесе, любимых сериалах, актерах, телеведущих, а также о закулисной тележизни) и многое другое.

Scaling New Heights

Manoj Sharma

Spanning more than 800 kilometers of India's eastern coastline, the Vizag–Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC) is part of the country's East Coast Economic Corridor. This initiative can help unify the large domestic market as well as integrate the Indian economy with the dynamic global value chains of Asia and drive India's Act East policy. VCIC will also be an important component of the government's Make in India campaign to attract foreign investors and encourage the creation of manufacturing hubs in the country. The new industrial corridor is expected to spur growth by augmenting existing investment in world-class transport networks, infrastructure, and industrial and urban clusters that are supported by a robust institutional framework and a competitive business environment. By linking areas that are lagging in development with dynamic industrial and urban clusters, VCIC will create employment opportunities that alleviate poverty and reduce inequality. As a coastal corridor, VCIC can provide multiple access points to international gateways. Greater connectivity and economic integration between South Asia and the rest of Asia is likely to contribute significantly to development and foster regional cooperation as well.

Vanuatu Legal Sector Strengthening Program

Henry Vira

The Vanuatu Legal Sector Strengthening Program (VLSSP) was launched in 2002 at a time when «the public was calling for a revamp of the whole judiciary.» This case study describes how VLSSP, which was funded by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), contributed to Vanuatu's legal sector capacity through professional development of staff, relationship building, administrative reforms, review of laws, and infrastructure improvements. It highlights a number of factors which contributed to the success of the program, as well as some of the challenges in sustaining reforms, including retaining trained staff in a competitive job market.

The Role of USPNet in Capacity Development in the South Pacific Region

Ronald Duncan

The University of the South Pacific (USP), a regional university, has changed its delivery systems for teaching and learning over the years to serve the growing needs for tertiary education of students living on the thousands of small and remote islands in the Pacific Ocean. This case study examines how the university has relied on its communications technology system (USPNet) to enhance its role as a regional capacity development center for students, public and private institutions, and civil society in the region. The case offers interesting insights on the opportunities and challenges associated with relying on regional institutions to address capacity issues while also drawing attention to some of the capacities which are particularly important to the effective functioning of networks.

The Provincial Performance Improvement Initiative

Cedric Saldanha

The Provincial Performance Improvement Initiative (PPII) is an undertaking of the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG) that seeks to improve public administration at the subnational level. The case study describes how PPII has benefited from «enthusiastic leadership» and a high level of PNG ownership. The initiative has also built on a systematic diagnosis of capacity issues, with PNG stakeholders playing a central role in both the diagnosis and in the subsequent preparation of capacity development plans for participating provinces. This initiative that is funded by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) has a projected time frame of 15-20 years with a design that recognizes the need to proceed at a pace consistent with the capabilities and absorptive capacity of participating provinces and districts.

Supporting Community-Based Capacity Development

Brian Bell

Tuvalu, the fourth smallest country in the world, with an estimated population of 10,440, is an isolated and resource-poor country that relies mainly on royalties received for access to its exclusive economic zone and remittances as its main sources of foreign exchange. This case study describes how the Falekaupule Trust Fund (FTF) was established in the 1990s, with support from the Asian Development Bank, as a mechanism to help build capacity for outer island development, relying on participatory methods to «put power in the hands of community members.»

Revamping the Cook Islands Public Sector

Vaine Iriano Wichman

A 2001 report by the Australian Agency for International Development and the New Zealand Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade marked the beginning of efforts by both governments to increase their emphasis on aid harmonization in the Pacific. This was followed by a decision to pilot a cofunded program in the Cook Islands which is the subject of this case study. The case is presented through the eyes of Garth Henderson, the senior Cook Islands official responsible for aid management. This report describes how the Cook Islands government, through the aid harmonization process, enhanced its capacity for aid management while strengthening national ownership and forging a shared sense of direction by all stakeholders.

Responding to the Youth Crisis

Benjamin Graham

The Republic of the Marshall Islands is a relatively new nation, with half of its population under the age of 18 years. This study tells the story of how the Government of the Marshall Islands, with assistance from the Asian Development Bank, set out to strengthen domestic capacity to improve services for the youth. The case highlights the importance of participatory processes and describes how an innovative approach to outsourcing youth welfare services to civil service providers was introduced. It also underscores some of the challenges of sustaining reforms with weak institutions and leadership.