
Различные книги в жанре Социология

El mundo indígena en América Latina: miradas y perspectivas

Beatriz Paredes Rangel

En los últimos años, la Universidad de Sao Paulo (USP) incrementó de forma decisiva la cooperación con sus pares científicos y con instituciones de investigación mexicanos. La presente compilación ilustra dicho ímpetu, fruto del trabajo continuo de la Cátedra José Bonifácio, engrandecida en 2017 por la brillante coordinación de Beatriz Paredes. Con el título de El mundo indígena en América Latina: miradas y perspectivas, este libro compila reflexiones de profesores, investigadores e intelectuales de importantes universidades latinoamericanas, además de otros producidos por jóvenes investigadores y estudiantes de posgrado, sobre asuntos relacionados con la cuestión indígena en el ámbito latinoamericano que orientaron los estudios producidos durante las actividades de la cátedra en 2017.



Der menschengemachte Klimawandel ist wissenschaftlich erwiesen, doch im Umgang damit sind viele drängende Fragen offen. Politikum nimmt den Stand der Debatte und die auf den Klimawandel bezogenen Konflikte genauer in den Blick. Expert*innen aus Natur- und Politikwissenschaft analysieren u.a., warum für realistische Prognosen nicht nur klimaphysikalische Entwicklungen berücksichtigt werden müssen, sondern auch gesellschaftliche Dynamiken. Woran liegt es, dass die Fridays for Future-Bewegung das Problem in kurzer Zeit zu einem zentralen politischen Thema machen konnte? Und wird es ihr gelingen, tatsächlich ein gesellschaftliches Umdenken einzuleiten? Die (Miss-)Erfolge der internationalen Klimakonferenzen werden ebenso kritisch beleuchtet wie das Klimapaket der Bundesregierung. Sowohl beim Verkehr, dem klimapolitischen Sorgenkind im Autoland Deutschland, als auch in der Energie- und Agrarpolitik gibt es aber durchaus vielversprechende Ansätze, die das Erreichen der selbstgesetzten Klimaziele möglich erscheinen lassen. Dieses Heft bietet fundierte Hintergrundanalysen, eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der aktuellen deutschen Klimapolitik, aber auch Hoffnungsschimmer, wie ein Umsteuern gelingen könnte.

La universidad como proyecto modernizador

Óscar Pulido Cortés

En este libro se presenta una investigación sobre la modernización de la universidad colombiana en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, asumida como el andamiaje estratégico mediante el cual gobernantes, organizadores y diseñadores de políticas, confluyen en un proyecto modernizador, entendido como una manera de pensar en clave de gobierno de la población y de los procesos productivos del país. Aquí se consolida con la adopción sistemática de ciertas apropiaciones del modelo norteamericano de universidad en su versión tecnológica y privatizadora; además, se presenta un análisis de discursos y prácticas que transformaron la universidad colombiana en cuanto al sistema educativo, financiación, investigación a través de instituciones concomitantes con la universidad y por último se analizan las contraconductas de profesores y estudiantes frente al proceso.


Verónica Barraza

Performance / Media / Art / Culture

Jacki Apple

Experience the interdisciplinary performance scene of the 1980s and beyond through the eyes of one of its most compelling witnesses. Jacki Apple’s  Performance / Media / Art / Culture  traces performance art, multimedia theatre, audio arts and dance in the United States from 1983 to the present. Showcasing 35 years of Apple’s critical essays and reviews, the collection explores the rise and diversification of intermedia performance; how new technologies (or rehashed old technologies) influence American culture and contemporary life; the interdependence of pop and performance culture; and the politics of art and the performance of politics. Apple writes with a journalist’s attention to the immediacy of account and a historian’s attention to structural aesthetic and personal networks, resulting in a volume brimming with big ideas but grounded in concentrated reviews of individual performances. Many of the pieces featured in this collection originally appeared in small press journals and magazines that have now gone out of print. Preserved and republished here for current and future readers, they offer a rich portrait of performance at the end of the millennium.

Essentials of Sociology

George Ritzer

Join the conversation with one of sociology’s best-known thinkers. In the fully updated Fourth Edition of Essentials to Sociology , bestselling author George Ritzer shows students the relevance of sociology to their lives. Adapted from Ritzer’s Introduction to Sociology , this text provides students with a rock-solid foundation in a shorter and more streamlined format. Students will learn about traditional sociological concepts and theories, as well as some of the most compelling contemporary social phenomena: globalization, consumer culture, the Internet, and the “McDonaldization” of society. Packed with current examples and the latest research of how “public” sociologists are engaging with the critical issues of today, this new edition encourages students to apply a sociological perspective to their worldview—empowering them to participate in a global conversation about current social problems. Also available as a digital option (courseware) . Contact your rep to learn more about Essentials of Sociology, Fourth Edition – Vantage Digital Option.   

Succeeding From the Margins of Canadian Society: A Strategic Resource for New Immigrants, Refugees, and International Students

Francis Adu-Febiri

It is possible to overcome barriers to minority success in Canada. The stance of this book is that new immigrants, refugees and international students do not have to settle for underachievement despite the cultural and structural disadvantages they face in Canada. The fact is, the unequal social structure of Canada has some cracks, and many minorities have used strategic resources to open up these cracks and achieved tremendous upward social mobility in Canadian society from the margins. These documented minority successes in Canada in the face of systemic marginal-ization provide lessons and hope for new immigrants, refugees and international students. The economic, political, social and cultural problems that minorities encounter in Canadian institutions, organizations, communities and from individuals over-whelm and break many of them. However, some minorities break records in the face of the frustrations they encounter. What accounts for the success of the latter group of immigrants, refugees and international students in Canada? Individual efforts and personal ambitions are not enough to explain these success stories. This book highlights strategies and support systems that facilitate minority strategic con-nections with Canadian mainstream institutions, organizations and individuals to win from the margins of society. Although the book does not get into the theories of inequality, equity and diversity, it does acknowledge the structural and cultural barriers to minority success in Canada. That is, it does not blame individual minorities for not making it in Canada. Rather, it points to strategic resources that new immigrants, refugees and international students can use to help them overcome some of the barriers to success in Canada. About the Authors: Dr. Adu-Febiri is currently Sociology Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at Camosun College, British Columbia, Canada. Francis is also an Associate Member of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Victoria. He has presented and published extensively on tourism, human factor development, globalization, diversity, racialization, and ethnicity. He is the author of First Nations Students Talk Back: Voices of a Learning People. Dr. Adu-Febiri is the founder and president of Workplace Diversity Consulting Services (WDCS), and serves as the Chair of the Ethnocultural Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Children and Family Development, Victoria, British Columbia. He has been the president of the Canadian Chapter of the International Institute for Human Factor Development (IIHFD) since 2000. Everett Ofori is the author of Prepare for Greatness: How to Make Your Success Inevitable and The Changing Japanese Woman: From Yamatonadeshiko to Yamatonadegucci. In addition to four years of volunteer service as an English teacher with the Intercultural Association of Greater Victoria (British Columbia), Everett has coached hundreds of university and high school students both in Canada and Asia on how to hone their oral and written communication skills. He holds a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) degree from Heriot-Watt University (Scotland) and is currently working through his Doctorate program.