Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

Discrete Mechanics

Jean-Paul Caltagirone

This book presents the fundamental principles of mechanics to re-establish the equations of Discrete Mechanics. It introduces physics and thermodynamics associated to the physical modeling. The development and the complementarity of sciences lead to review today the old concepts that were the basis for the development of continuum mechanics. The differential geometry is used to review the conservation laws of mechanics. For instance, this formalism requires a different location of vector and scalar quantities in space. The equations of Discrete Mechanics form a system of equations where the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition plays an important role.

Isotope Geochemistry

William White M.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry. Beginning with a brief overview of nuclear physics and nuclear origins, it then reviews radioactive decay schemes and their use in geochronology. A following chapter covers the closely related techniques such as fission-track and carbon-14 dating. Subsequent chapters cover nucleosynthetic anomalies in meteorites and early solar system chronology and the use of radiogenic isotopes in understanding the evolution of the Earth’s mantle, crust, and oceans. Attention then turns to stable isotopes and after reviewing the basic principles involved, the book explores their use in topics as diverse as mantle evolution, archeology and paleontology, ore formation, and, particularly, paleoclimatology. A following chapter explores recent developments including unconventional stable isotopes, mass-independent fractionation, and isotopic ‘clumping’. The final chapter reviews the isotopic variation in the noble gases, which result from both radioactive decay and chemical fractionations.

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

Bernard Tribollet

Provides fundamentals needed to apply impedance spectroscopy to a broad range of applications with emphasis on obtaining physically meaningful insights from measurements. Emphasizes fundamentals applicable to a broad range of applications including corrosion, biomedical devices, semiconductors, batteries, fuel cells, coatings, analytical chemistry, electrocatalysis, materials, and sensors Provides illustrative examples throughout the text that show how the principles are applied to common impedance problems New Edition has improved pedagogy, with more than twice the number of examples New Edition has more in-depth treatment of background material needed to understand impedance spectroscopy, including electrochemistry, complex variables, and differential equations New Edition includes expanded treatment of the influence of mass transport and kinetics and reflects recent advances in understanding frequency dispersion and constant-phase elements

Biomimetic Organic Synthesis

Erwan Poupon

In this exciting 2 volume set, the approach and methodology of bio-inspired synthesis of complex natural products is laid out, backed by abundant practical examples from the authors' own work as well as from the published literature. Volume 1 describes the biomimetic synthesis of alkaloids. Volume 2 covers terpenes, polyketides, and polyphenols. A discussion of the current challenges and frontiers in biomimetic synthesis concludes this comprehensive handbook. Key features: Biomimetic Strategies have become an every-day tool not only for chemists but also for biologists. The synthetic applications are overwhelming, making this comprehensive 2 volume work a must-have for everyone working in the field. Unifying both synthetic and biosynthetic aspects, this book covers everything from organocatalysis and natural product synthesis to synthetic biology and even green chemistry.

Fachenglisch für Laborberufe

Steven Hanft L.

Mit fortschreitender Globalisierung von Waren und Dienstleistungen hält an immer mehr Arbeitsplätzen in Chemie-, Pharma- und Biotech-Branche die englische Sprache Einzug. In der Schule hat man zwar gelernt, sich über Alltagsthemen zu unterhalten, aber wenn es darum geht, dem Kundendienst am Telefon die Fehlfunktion des teuersten Geräts im Labor zu beschreiben, kommt doch so mancher ins Schwitzen. Nach einer Einführung, in der die wichtigsten Besonderheiten der englischen Sprache aus Sicht eines deutschen Sprechers rekapituliert werden, behandelt der Autor in 12 Lektionen Schritt für Schritt den Spezialwortschatz und fachspezifische Sprach- und Schreibformen. Die Themen reichen von mathematischen Ausdrücken über chemische Nomenklatur, Biomoleküle, Versuchstiere und Prozesstechnik bis hin zum Umgang mit Regulierungsbehörden und Audits. Gesprächssituationen wie der Anruf beim Kundendienst, die Vorstellung beim neuen Chef oder das Kundengespräch am Messestand werden analysiert und eingeübt. Mit direktem Bezug zur Berufspraxis geht dieser Sprachführer über herkömmliche Englischkurse weit hinaus und bietet wertvolle Hilfe für alle, die im Beruf besser Englisch sprechen wollen. Auch für den fachbezogenen Sprachunterricht an Fachschulen und Hochschulen ist dieses Buch bestens geeignet. Komplett mit Übungen, Tests und Rezepten, wie man die häufigsten Fehler vermeidet.

Chemie für Ingenieure

Jan Hoinkis

Die 14. Auflage dieses Klassikers bietet eine umfassende praxisorientierte Einfuhrung in die fur Ingenieure relevante Chemie. Vollstandig uberarbeitet und aktualisiert ist das Buch besonders fur Ingenieure in Bachelor- und Diplomstudiengangen konzipiert.

Functionalization of Graphene

Vasilios Georgakilas

All set to become the standard reference on the topic, this book covers the most important procedures for chemical functionalization, making it an indispensable resource for all chemists, physicists, materials scientists and engineers entering or already working in the field. Expert authors share their knowledge on a wide range of different functional groups, including organic functional groups, hydrogen, halogen, nanoparticles and polymers.

Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics

Gerd Ropke

Authored by a well-known expert in the field of nonequilibrium statistical physics, this book is a coherent presentation of the subject suitable for masters and PhD students, as well as postdocs in physics and related disciplines. Starting from a general discussion of irreversibility and entropy, the method of nonequilibrium statistical operator is presented as a general concept. Stochastic processes are introduced as a necessary prerequisite to describe the evolution of a nonequilibrium state. Different standard approaches such as master equations, kinetic equations and linear response theory, are derived after special assumptions. This allows for an insight into the problems of nonequilibrium physics, a discussion of the limits of the approaches, and suggestions for improvements. The method of thermodynamic Green's function is outlined that allows for the systematic quantum statistical treatment of many-body systems. Applications and typical examples are given, as well as fully worked problems.

Metals in Medicine

James Dabrowiak C.

Working from basic chemical principles, Metals in Medicine 2nd Edition describes a wide range of metal-based agents for treating and diagnosing disease. Thoroughly revised and restructured to reflect significant research activity and advances, this new edition contains extensive updates and new pedagogical features while retaining the popular feature boxes and end-of-chapter problems of the first edition. Topics include: Metallo-Drugs and their action Platinum drugs for treating cancer Anticancer agents beyond cisplatin including ruthenium, gold, titanium and gallium Responsive Metal Complexes Treating arthritis and diabetes with metal complexes Metal complexes for killing bacteria, parasites and viruses Metal ion imbalance and its links to diseases including Alzheimer’s, Wilson’s and Menkes disease Metal complexes for detecting disease Nanotechnology in medicine Now in full colour, Metals in Medicine 2nd Edition employs real-life applications and chapter-end summaries alongside feature boxes and problems. It provides a complete and methodical examination of the use of metal complexes in medicine for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students in medicinal inorganic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, biophysics, biology and bioengineering. It is also an invaluable resource for academic researchers and industrial scientists in inorganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry and drug development.

Biomedical Signal Analysis

Rangaraj Rangayyan M.

The book will help assist a reader in the development of techniques for analysis of biomedical signals and computer aided diagnoses with a pedagogical examination of basic and advanced topics accompanied by over 350 figures and illustrations. Wide range of filtering techniques presented to address various applications 800 mathematical expressions and equations Practical questions, problems and laboratory exercises Includes fractals and chaos theory with biomedical applications