
Различные книги в жанре Здоровье

Аптека на вашей кухне. Эффективное лечение приправами и продуктами, которые есть у каждой хозяйки

И. С. Пигулевская

Любая кухня – бездонный кладезь действенных лекарств. И речь идет не об аптечке с медицинскими препаратами, а о простых приправах и продуктах, которые есть у каждой уважающей себя хозяйки. Еда может быть как причиной огромного количества заболеваний, так и средством их лечения или профилактики. Да, да! Едой можно лечиться! А как это сделать, вы узнаете из нашей книги. Вам не надо бежать в аптеку, чтобы поправить здоровье, просто откройте кухонный шкаф или холодильник и извлеките из него необходимое. Сода избавит от изжоги, холодная соль снимет головную боль, капустный рассол справится с кровоточивостью десен, а имбирь поможет похудеть…

Избавление от пищевой зависимости

Каролин Кокер Росс

«Без трех чашек кофе я даже не могу приступить к работе». «Опять с мужем поссорилась, у тебя ведь есть шоколадка?» «И почему в транспорте люди такие злые? Порадую себя булочкой». Звучит знакомо? Если подобное поведение превратилось в привычку, возможно, ваши отношения с едой уже не вполне здоровы. В своей книге Каролин Кокер Росс рассказывает о физиологических, неврологических и психологических причинах пищевой зависимости и предлагает эффективную программу, которая поможет вам обуздать нездоровую тягу к еде. Если пища стала для вас чуть ли не единственным источником удовольствия и обретения спокойствия, эта книга для вас. Благодаря ей вы убедитесь: то, чего вы действительно жаждете, – это душевное удовлетворение, и научитесь справляться со стрессом и эмоциями, не «заедая» их. Речь пойдет вовсе не о диетах. А о том, как познать свое подлинное «Я» и прочувствовать собственное тело, перестав осуждать, или даже ненавидеть, и научившись интуитивно понимать его истинные потребности. Каролин – доктор медицины и эксперт по работе с зависимостями – поможет вам начать работать с причинами, лежащими в основе вашей одержимости едой, и расскажет, как придерживаться принципов здорового пищевого поведения. Если у вас в руках оказалась эта книга, не спрашивайте себя, готовы ли вы к переменам. Конечно, готовы! Переверните страницу и начните перестраивать свою жизнь – постепенно, шаг за шагом, кусочек за кусочком.

A Great Day at the Office: 10 Simple Strategies for Maximizing Your Energy and Getting the Best Out of Yourself and Your Day

Dr. Briffa John

Dreading work? Tired of a 9 to 5 that’s more like an 8 to 10? Feeling overwhelmed by your job? A Great Day at the Office offers practical solutions to the challenges of modern-day business life for a healthier, happier and more productive time at the office and away.For almost two decades, Dr John Briffa has worked with a wide range of organisations, both in the UK and abroad, to inspire literally thousands of people to live and work more healthily, effectively and sustainably.His techniques have proven, time and again, that small changes to your lifestyle will recharge your batteries and boost your performance and productivity. Areas he will cover include: diet, hydration, the amount of alcohol you drink, and the relation these bear to your quantity and quality of sleep. Many of his solutions go against conventional wisdom, but are based on the most recent and cutting-edge studies.

Drop a Size in Two Weeks Flat! plus Collins GEM Calorie Counter Set

Joanna Hall

The kick-start fat loss programme from the UK’s leading Diet and Movement Specialist, Joanna Hall, plus the UK’s biggest-selling calorie counter, now available for the first time in a single volume to help you shift those Christmas pounds!Everyone has those times when they want to lose their love handles quickly – to get back in their jeans, lose weight put on over Christmas, or look fantastic for a special occasion or a holiday. Joanna Hall shows you how to achieve this with her Drop a Size in Two Weeks Flat! tried and tested programme:• A 14 day ‘Get a Grip’ plan• A great ‘maintenance’ system: how to keep your body trim in the long term using a simple points system, so you can eat the foods you want while following Joanna’s no carbs after 5pm rule• ‘Damage Limitation’ tips: how to minimize the harm when away on business trips, cooking for a family, entertaining or eating out.With over 700,000 copies sold, Collins Gem Calorie Counter is the UK’s top-selling calorie counter. The perfect companion when you’re following a calorie-controlled diet. This improved edition takes in new areas: Kids’ food, Fast Food and Family Favourites.

Swinging: The Games Your Neighbours Play

Mark Brendon

The Games Your Neighbours PlayYour neighbours are doing it.Your relatives are doing it.Even your colleagues are doing it.(Especially your colleagues.)But what is swinging?Despite being an activity enjoyed by millions worldwide (4 million in the US alone), little is known about the enormous subculture that exists. Turned on to swinging by a chance series of events in his life, author Mark Brendon found it to be stimulating, satisfying and emotionally rewarding, an experience totally at odds with the often cynical and always inaccurate picture presented by the media.Opening with an orgy scene where a tetchy husband is urging his otherwise-engaged wife to ‘hurry up, the babysitter’s waiting’ this revealing and edifying book is sure to shock some but aims to paint a realistic picture of the relative normality of this style of living. Filled with case studies, conversations and bon mots Brendon expertly crafts a fascinating book that manages to be an absorbing take on social history and a stimulating work of erotica all rolled into one.Honest, funny, thoughtful and erotic the author entertains and enlightens the reader as he describes attending parties held in clubs, on beaches and in private homes throughout Britain and beyond. He explores why, where and how your neighbours swing, outlines the subculture’s history, principles and rules and looks to a future in which swinging might just save some of our most cherished institutions – including marriage itself. Thoughtful, racy and funny, this fascinating book will appeal to experienced swingers and 'vanillas' alike.This is the only accurate guide available; a remarkable and fascinating insight into the world of swingers by a skilled and accomplished writer.

Stand and Deliver!: And other Brilliant Ways to Give Birth

Emma Mahony

A book full of practical information on choosing the best type of birth experience for you and your baby and what to do in the final 8 weeks to prepare. Full of humour and encouraging birth stories, every mother-to-be will find it invaluable.• Emma Mahony, humorous Times columnist whose Double Trouble stories about her two young twins charmed the nation, now gives you a first book on birth and the 8-week run-up to it. Taking a practical but lighthearted approach, she helps every new mother-to-be feel in control and ready for the big day.• With positive stories from women who insisted on the right birth for them, as well as advice from experts in the field of childbirth, such as midwives, obstetricians and advocates of natural and water births.Includes:• Why a good birth experience is a great objective• How and why it’s best to avoid a ‘medicalised’ birth• Everything you need to know about Caesarians• What every woman is entitled to before labour• How to write a birth plan and why it is useful• Illustrated throughout with lighthearted cartoons from The Times’ front page cartoonist.

Self Massage: The complete 15-minute-a-day massage programme

Jacqueline Young

Self Massage is simple and effective self-care programme which can easily be incorporated into your daily routine.Just 15 minutes a day will prepare your body and mind for any stresses and strains ahead. This book will show you how to:Increase vitality• Relieve tiredness• Aid relaxation• Build up good health• Relieve common ailments• Ease neck and back painFully illustrated with photos and line drawings – this is a clear step-by-step guide to self-massage.

Relaxation and Meditation Techniques: A Complete Stress-proofing System

Leon Chaitow

Leon Chaitow examines the main causes of stress and its effects on health, and provides check-lists for assessing your own levels of stress.Meditation, visualisation and and breathing techniques, as well as sound advice on nutrition and exercise, are included in this natural relaxation-system which will enable you to cope more easily with stress and its related symptoms such as headaches, high blood pressure, depression, irritability and asthma.

Menopause Without Weight Gain: The 5 Step Solution to Challenge Your Changing Hormones

Debra Waterhouse

Women over the age of 40, as they move towards menopause, usually experience an increasing waistline and multiplying fat cells…no matter how much they exercise.Hormonal changes start to affect your weight when your 30 billion fat cells detect a slightly lower oestrogen reading and come to your aid to produce oestrogen for you. And the fat cells in your waist grow the largest because they are better equipped to produce oestrogen than those in your bottom, hips and thighs.Debra Waterhouse provides her usual sound strategies to cope but also explains the positive side: that the more oestrogen you produce the fewer mood swings and hot flushes, less intense PMS, improved sleep, and a reduced risk of osteoporosis you will experience. And she warns: the harder you try to lose weight by dieting the more powerful your menopausal fat cells become .Positive actions Waterhouse proposes include:• Encouraging a positive attitude for your change of life, embracing your body changes• Following her tailored exercise programme which includes building bone density and gaining muscle• How much to eat, when and how often. What to eat, including plant oestrogens. And how to start trusting your body’s messages and cravings.

IVF: An Emotional Companion

Brigid Moss

IVF: An Emotional Companion is an invaluable, personal support, based on women's first hand experiences, for anyone struggling to conceive.Sharing the real life stories of 20 women who have worked their way through fertility and conception problems, this book is a lifeline for women and couples everywhere wanting to have a baby: an honest, inspirational and comforting read promising to help get you through the roller coaster that is fertility treatment.According to official figures, one in six couples have problems conceiving and more women than ever before are now considering in vitro fertilisation. It's not just physically taxing and expensive, but the emotional strain can at times be unbearable. Having to make lots of emotionally-charged decisions at every turn is tough: Should I push my GP to refer me for investigations? Are we ready for IVF? Should we try natural methods first? What shall we do now the treatment has failed?To help you work through these decisions, IVF: An Emotional Companion explains how others in similar situations have tackled these challenges and come through.