
Различные книги в жанре Биология

Hobby Farm Animals

Chris McLaughlin

Eggs, meat, milk, wool, fur, feathers, and some priceless bucolic bliss. No hobby farm is complete without critters…possibly a small herd peppering the field or a microflock flapping around the hen house or pond. A single information-packed volume with everything a hobby farmer needs to know about farm animals, this new comprehensive manual to selecting, caring for, and breeding livestock brings forth the expertise of six hobby farmers, each of whom has real-life on-the-farm experience with the animals she discusses. Whether you’re contemplating adding a small herd of sheep or goats to your existing hobby farm or you’ve always wondered about the benefits of raising angora rabbits or Muscovy ducks, Livestock for Your Hobby Farm provides the kind of guidance you need to begin a herd or flock and expand your pens and fencing. With exhaustive detail, the authors offer complete coverage of chickens, ducks, goats, sheep, cattle, pigs, and rabbits, including the housing, health-care, special needs, advantages and challenges of each.-Extensive sections devoted to the seven major farm animals, including profiles of the most popular breeds and varieties-Detailed how-to chapters on the care, handling, feeding, health, and safety of each animal-Special chapters devoted to the breeding and raising of young animals-Recommendations for ways of capitalizing on your livestock’s output, from selling eggs, milk, fiber, and so forth-Tips for troubleshooting potential problems and warding off diseases, parasites, and predators

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Training

Teoti Anderson

Teoti Anderson provides the last word on dog training. The Ultimate Guide to Dog Training is the most comprehensive single volume ever written on the subject and is the one training manual every dog owner needs in his or her home.When it comes to dog-training books, owners can be overwhelmed by choice, with literally thousands of titles available. Finally, the publisher of Dog Fancy magazine has conceived how one book can do the training of thousands—The Ultimate Guide to Dog Training encompasses every topic from the puppy’s first lessons and house-training to advance training methods and retraining rescue dogs, rebellious teens, and seniors.Dog trainer and behavior expert Teoti Anderson offers straightforward advice and easy-to-follow instructions for each topic, all based on her success-oriented positive-training methods. From selecting the right training equipment and avoiding common first-time owner mistakes to executing the perfect heel cue and solving complicated behavior issues, The Ultimate Guide to Dog Training will remain an indispensable guide for the dog owner for years to come.INSIDE THIS DOG FANCY BOOK:•The basics of dog training: how dogs learn, communication, canine senses•Puppy training: house-training, first lessons and basic cues, socialization, manners and life skills•Principles of positive-training methods, lures and rewards, and using clickers•Obedience school, formal heeling, off-lead training, and the recall•Introduction and overview of 35 dog sports and activities, from obedience and agility trials to weight pulls, dock diving, and more•25 favorite tricks plus interactive games for dogs and owners•50 behavioral problems explained and solved•Training tips for small and giant dogs and special-needs dogs•Resource section of websites, associations, and publications plus a glossary of training terms

The Rescued Dog Problem Solver

Tracy J. Libby

The tides of dog ownership are changing, and thanks to Hollywood A-Listers like George Clooney and Sandra Bullock and music icons like Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift, animal rescue has become as fashionable as the latest Valentino or Armani. Millions of ordinary Americans—heroes one and all—have opened their hearts and homes to rescue dogs, and fewer abandoned pets are euthanized in the U.S. than ever before. And still, a look at HSUS statistics reminds us how far we have to go: an estimated three to four million pets are euthanized annually, a very significant improvement from the 1980s when the number was closer to sixteen million.To keep America’s adoption trend moving forward and to guarantee that rescued dogs stay in their new forever homes, Tracy Libby’s The Rescue Dog Problem Solver seeks to make the story of every adopted dog a predestined success. While most dogs wind up in shelters due to no fault of their own, many rescue dogs develop unwanted behaviors while living with their previous owners. To assure their success with their adopted dogs, rescuers must be prepared to handle and confidently resolve behavioral problems that arise through proven positive-training methods. This eye-opening problem-solving guide, filled with empowering stories of rescued dogs that defied the odds, is dedicated to the success of every rescuer and his happy, health companion dog.INSIDE TITLE OF BOOK50 ways rescuers can overcome potential challenges with their adoptive dogs200 training and behavior tips for a well-mannered dog25 secrets to unraveling common behavior issues, from house-soiling and escaping the yard to biting, barking, and hyperactivityA dozen heartwarming stories of real-life rescue dogs and their adoptive parentsCountless ways dog lovers can raise awareness about animal rescue and responsible pet ownership in their communities

The Ultimate Guide to Puppy Care and Training

Tracy J. Libby

As puppy adoption continues to climb annually in the United States, so too does the demand for an absolute resource like The Ultimate Guide to Puppy Care and Training. Never before have all things puppy been covered in such detail as in the pages of this definitive new book. New puppy parents will make a new dog-smart friend in gifted author Tracy J. Libby, whose inviting tone, positive dog-friendly methods, and deep-rooted knowledge of her four-legged subject, provides everything a new owner needs to know for the puppy’s first year.Beginning with the selection of the puppy from a trustworthy source and the puppy’s first days in the home, this authoritative, up-to-date guide covers all aspects of house-training, feeding, grooming, obedience lessons, and home and veterinary care. Experienced dog owners, too, will find solutions to commonly encountered puppy issues, from separation anxiety and puppy cough to recurring house-training accidents and food guarding. Whether it’s natural remedies for allergies, selecting a doggy daycare, traveling by rail, or mastering the down-stay cue, The Ultimate Guide to Puppy Care and Training has the information readers want and need. INSIDE THIS DOG FANCY BOOK:•Puppy basics: selecting a puppy, puppy proofing and safety, daily routine, and accessories•Puppy kindergarten and house-training, puppy manners and socialization, puppies and children•Teaching basic cues (sit, down, stay, come, etc.) and advanced training•Grooming, feeding and nutrition, and exercise•Veterinary care, vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and common puppy ailments•Solving behavioral problems (jumping, digging, shyness, aggression, etc.)•25 signs of sickness, 35 major health considerations, and 50 first aid emergencies•Natural dog care: holistic, homeopathic, herbal, and hands-on therapies•Fun with dogs: tricks, indoor and outdoor games, dog sports and competitionThis volume is the only book you’ll need to start out right with your new puppy!

Parrot Parenting

Carol Frischmann

From the tiny parakeet to the giant hyacinth macaw, not all parrots place the same demands on their parents. Parakeets, conures, cockatiels, lories—the parrot family consists of the most popular pet birds, each offering keepers their unique characteristics and exotic beauty as well as their specific requirements. Bird expert and author, Carol Frishmann has written a must-have book for every parrot parent-to-be, an all-in-one guide that will remain indispensable in every bird home, regardless of the size, trainability, or personality of the feathered child. More than a selection guide, Parenting a Parrot offers all the information owners need to know about feeding, caring for, and training their chosen parrot. Though both good talkers, the eclectus parrot may be quieter than the cockatoo, but he’s not nearly as cuddly. Parenting a Parrot tells owners what to expect from their parrots and how to get the most out of their avian companions.INSIDE THIS BOOK:Finding and purchasing the ideal parrotDescriptions and needs of the most popular twenty parrot speciesComprehensive positive-reinforcement-based training chapter, including trick training, talking, and training a flighted birdLiving with a parrot, including establishing daily routine, socializing, housing, home safety, and cleanlinessThe parrot’s meal plan: diets, organic and natural options, and special needsUnderstanding parrot behavior, enrichment strategies, and problem solvingGrooming, health care, first aid, and senior careParenting tips highlighted in sidebars in each chapterLists of recommendations for best talkers, quietest species, trick experts, beginner’s birds, etc.Includes detailed species descriptions of these parrots:African GreysAmazonsBourke’s ParkeetsCaiquesCockatielsCockatoosConuresEclectusLineolated ParakeetsLories and LorikeetsLovebirdsMacawsParakeets/BudgiesParrotletsPionusPsittaculasQuaker ParakeetsSenegals and Other PoicephalusPlus: Brotogeris, Great-Bills, Kakarikis, Rosellas, Hawk-Headed Parrots, Vasa Parrots


Rachel Page Elliott

Legendary breeder and world authority on canine movement Rachel Page Elliott’s classic volume Dogsteps has been the definitive manual on canine movement for four decades. Dog show judges and breeders around the world have relied upon this straightforward text and its “cineradiographic” illustrations to gain a more complete understanding of canine gait. Even with the passing of its famous author in 2009, no other volume has stepped in the path of Dogsteps.Upon its publication in 1973, the Dog Writers Association of America bestowed upon Dogsteps its highest award “Best Book of the Year.” More than an analytical look at canine gait, the book teaches the reader about canine anatomy and how each body part contributes to a dog’s correct movement. In the show ring, judges evaluate a dog’s movement to determine whether or not the dog is correctly structured: Dogsteps explains what the judge is—or should be—looking for in lay man’s terms, making this book essential for all breeders, judges, exhibitors, and students of purebred dogs.The book begins by explaining the terminology commonly encountered in describing canine anatomy (e.g., stop, occiput, withers, hock, croup, etc.) and showing three comparative skeletons (dog, horse, and human), pointing out critical similarities and differences between each. The author describes the eight natural gaits of dogs and how each is accomplished in specific dogs; these include: walk, amble, pace, trot, hackney gait, suspension, canter, and gallop.Individual chapters are devoted to the topics of angulation, toplines and tails, front assemblies, and shoulder assemblies. Each chapter is illustrated with “moving x-rays” to give the reader a clearer picture of how each anatomical region affects the dog’s gait, pointing out common flaws, the importance of correct structure, and how balance and ease of movement are achieved in a properly put-together dog.In an effort to provide dog breeders with a manual for breeding sound dogs, Rachel Page Elliott makes a case for correct structure as the most important aspect of keeping a breeder’s line going strong. Recognizing faults in movement and structure, while not the primary intent of the book, allows the reader to be more aware of the many structural pitfalls that threaten the quality of many purebred dogs today. Beyond having a great breeder as a mentor, Dogsteps is the single best source for learning all there is to know about canine anatomy, structure, and movement. The author concludes, “Experience is a good teacher, but knowledge—with a little luck!—steers the shortest way to lasting success.”

Meet the German Shepherd

Dog Fancy Magazine

The first official publication endorsed by the American Kennel Club (AKC) to celebrate this remarkably talented and multi-faceted breed, Meet the German Shepherd is the ideal introduction for new owners. German Shepherds have served humankind in various capacities over the years, including work as a police dog, military dog, search and rescue dog, herding dog, competition dog, guard dog and companion dog. Few breeds can boast as many devoted fans at the GSD. This colorful and useful owner’s guide is divided into eleven chapters, which offer authoritative and accurate information on the breed’s history as a working dog, characteristics, and special requirements for owning a dog as active and intelligent as the GSD. All titles in the American Kennel Club’s Meet the Breed series are heavily illustrated with beautiful color images of well-bred puppies and handsome adults, a true feast for the eyes of any lover of this breed. A chapter devoted to the purchase and selection of the GSD puppy gives the reader specific guidance on how to locate a qualified breeder and to recognize a healthy, sound puppy. Individual chapters on house-training and basic obedience serve as a crash course in positive-training techniques, the AKC’s only recommended way of training dogs. Chapters on exercise, grooming, feeding, and healthcare present indispensable information for new dog owners. As an official publication of the AKC produced in conjunction with the German Shepherd Dog Club of America, Meet the German Shepherd also explains the many vital programs offered by the country’s leading canine organization to all pet dog owners, including the S.T.A.R. Puppy and the Canine Good Citizen programs, as well as descriptions of various dog sports such as conformation showing, agility, herding, obedience and more. A detailed resources section offers recommendations for websites, books, periodicals, and club affiliate programs, all of great interest to responsible new dog owners.

Биологическая диагностика пирогенного воздействия на экологическое состояние почв

С. И. Колесников

В модельных экскрементах и после природных пожаров оценено изменение биологических свойств чернозема при воздействии разных факторов пирогенного воздействия: низкотемпературной плазмы, инфракрасного излучения, пала соломы, дыма от продуктов горения. Модельные исследования проведены при разных температурах и времени воздействия. В результате выявлено, что пирогенное воздействие имеет комплексных характер и снижение значений биологических параметров зависит от нескольких факторов: температуры, продолжительности, интенсивности воздействия, дыма и золы продуктов горения, влажности почв. Максимальное воздействие отмечено для верхнего слоя почвы 0-1 см, по сравнению со слоем 4-5 см. Выявлена высокая степень зависимости ферментативной активности от длительности воздействия огня. Степень снижения показателей зависит от вида и характеристик пожара, наличия растительных органических остатков на поверхности почвы. Наиболее интенсивно активность биологических индикаторов снижается при лесных пожарах, меньшее воздействие выявлено для степного пожара. Последствия пожаров имеют пролонгированное действие. Тенденции к восстановлению микробиологических и биохимических свойств черноземов выявлены на 30 сутки после пирогенного воздействия, однако полного восстановления микробиологической и ферментативной активности до контрольных значений не выявлено. Даже спустя 9 лет после пожара многие показатели коричневых постпирогенных почв заповедника «Утриш» значительно отличаются от контрольных участков можжевелового редколесья. Наиболее существенно различается активность ферментов и содержание органического углерода. Книга адресована специалистам в области экологии, почвоведения, биологии, охраны окружающей среды и природопользования, а также студентам и аспирантам.

The Leopard Gecko Manual

Philippe De Vosjoil

The leopard gecko has fast become the reptilian version of the parakeet or goldfish. Considered to be the first domesticated species of lizard, the leopard gecko is attractive, perfectly sized, and easy to breed. Leopard Gecko Manual takes a close look at all the characteristics that have made these attractive lizards so amazingly popular in the pet world. Written by a team of herpetoculture experts and gecko specialists, this up-to-date and authoritative guide provides reliable guidelines for keepers who wish to add a gecko to their vivarium and maintain their pet in excellent health and condition. This second edition is revised and expanded to include new sections on Gecko nutrition and feeding, housing, breeding, and banded Geckos.Inside the Leopard Gecko Manual:How to select leopard geckos as pets or for breedingUnderstanding the anatomy and behavior of these fascinating lizardsFeeding your leopard gecko a nutritionally sound diet, with the latest insights on feeder insects and prepared foodsHow to design and maintain the ideal naturalistic habitat for your leopard geckoDetailed information on all aspects of breeding, egg-laying, and incubationWhat you need to know about skin shedding cycles and tail lossRecognizing signs of disease and how to handle health issuesSpecial chapters on African fat-tailed geckos and other eublepharids

BKLN Manners

Kate Naito

Comprehensive training guide that addresses common behavior concerns of urban and suburban dog owners.
Clever management techniques and positive training strategies that help owners transform their dogs from unruly to urbane.
Kate Naito is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer at a Brooklyn dog training organization who developed BKLN Manners? as a four-week group class for busy owners who wanted the fastest path to a polite dog.
BKLN Manners? offers no-nonsense, easy-to-implement solutions to: B: Barking; K: Knocking people over; L: Leash walking problems; N: Naughty when alone.