Don Pendleton

Список книг автора Don Pendleton

    Ripple Effect

    Don Pendleton

    When the military career of a top notch Green Beret is terminated by a raw deal, the soldier turns mercenary to spill blood for profit. Now he's cast his lot with terrorists and organized crime, knowing there's big money working for those fueled by hatred and fanaticism.And if it brings him some payback against the government that betrayed him– all the sweeter. Mack Bolan not only understands the mind-set of a well-trained soldier, he can play it to his advantage. But he's got less than 24 hours to rattle Vancouver's Triads in hopes of shaking loose their prized American gun for hire– because the mercenary has a suitcase full of death, and the incentive to make sure it reaches its final destination across the U.S. border.

    Powder Burn

    Don Pendleton

    A ruthless Colombian drug lord has launched a deadly campaign targeting DEA agents and U.S. diplomats. With the body count growing and the American government powerless, Mack Bolan is called in as a last resort to infiltrate the criminal syndicate and destroy the chain of command before more innocent blood is shed.As the number of attacks grows, Bolan knows he must shut down the operation quickly. But the cartel's ruthless expansion plan is well under way, and surrendering is not an option. Backed up by a group of right-wing terrorists, the cartel's leader has declared war on any organization–or man–that stands in his way. There's just one flaw in the plan…no one expected the Executioner.

    Nuclear Reaction

    Don Pendleton

    NECESSARY RISKSMack Bolan is searching for suitcase nukes in the treacherous backcountry of Pakistan. The deadly weapons are being developed by internal factions determined to vaporize neighboring India. It's a suicide mission–one Bolan takes on with deadly determination.Aiding a group of dissidents committed to stopping a deeply rooted conspiracy that could lead to the annihilation of the Indian subcontinent, Bolan adjusts his angle of attack as a relentless enemy races ahead on their doomsday timetable. But in a part of the world where an international shouting match can turn into mutually assured destruction, all the Executioner needs is for his enemy to make one critical mistake.

    Homeland Terror

    Don Pendleton

    ENEMY WITHINMack Bolan's hard probe into the coordinated movement between domestic militia groups exposes a conspiracy deep within the U.S. government. Someone has spent years fanning the fires of discontent, fueling righteous ideology, doing whatever it takes–blackmail, murder, selling out the American public–to pave the way for armed and angry Americans to take down their own government.After an unauthorized attack on CIA headquarters by a renegade on the payroll, the plan of action turns immediate. The Executioner must move fast to establish countermeasures against a revolution poised to derail the government…and a senator willing to betray his country for absolute power.

    Desperate Passage

    Don Pendleton

    Corruption in the Indonesian government reaches new heights when a top-level official sanctions a thriving piracy ring in the region. The profits are helping to fund a new bioterrorism weapon that will ultimately be used against America.When the U.S. State Department officials who unearthed evidence of the whole scheme disappear, Mack Bolan is sent to find them.But Bolan is ambushed by a group of commandos at his drop zone in the mountains outside Jakarta. Protecting a covert jungle stronghold, the mercenaries are desperate to keep the true extent of their activities hidden. A team of assassins is lying in wait and the Executioner must stop them with a hit of his own.

    Ambush Force

    Don Pendleton

    Deep CoverWhen an elite branch of U.S. Army Rangers are beheaded and burned in Afghanistan, fingers point to the Taliban. But Mack Bolan suspects otherwise. He's betting it was an inside job. But why? And, more importantly, whose hands are covered in Ranger blood?Looking for answers–and payback–Bolan goes undercover with a private security company based in Afghanistan. Immersed in the cutthroat world of hired assassins and a carefully hidden plot to offer up mercenaries and liberators alike to the highest bidder, Bolan finds himself in deeper than ever before. The Executioner will need to work fast–before he becomes the next casualty.

    Shadow Hunt

    Don Pendleton

    When a U.S. Marshal goes missing in New Orleans, Mack Bolan sets out on a search-and-rescue mission and is thrown into an intricate web of corruption. It seems the Mafia is alive and well in the Big Easy and operating under the rule of a powerful new leader.With the D.A.'s office and local law enforcement on the mob's payroll, Bolan soon learns the entire city is one massive death trap and the chances of getting himself and the federal agent out alive are dwindling by the minute. But this soldier isn't going down without a fight. The Executioner decides it's time to pay the crime family a visit and make them an offer they won't have a chance to refuse.

    Blood Rites

    Don Pendleton

    BAD BLOODA gun battle between rival gangs terrorizes shoppers at a Miami mall, but Mack Bolan knows that cleaning up the mess in Florida is just the beginning. One gang's main operation leads back to Jamaica, where its drug trafficking business is flourishing. And so is the practice of voodoo and human sacrifice.Infiltrating the gang on its own territory is a deadly challenge. With most of the island on the cartel's payroll or too afraid to come forward, Bolan's only ally is a Kingston police officer. But no matter the odds, the Executioner will do whatever it takes to bring down the drug lord and his army of killers.

    False Front

    Don Pendleton

    CALCULATED RISKIntelligence circles are buzzing with increased chatter about an imminent terrorist strike against the United States. Now, new intel points to a Philippine-based organization that has just kidnapped a dozen American missionaries.Hal Brognola calls in Mack Bolan with a threefold mission: capture the terrorist leader and extract more information by any means, free the missionaries, and stop whatever hell is about to be unleashed on innocent Americans. Bolan's got solid support, but the enemy remains elusive, as does the bigger picture…until the Executioner's relentless assault exposes a grand conspiracy as grim as it is all too likely: a mastermind pulling the strings of global terror for profit…

    Splinter Cell

    Don Pendleton

    AVENUE OF ATTACKThe disappearance of a tourist in Amsterdam is attributed to a rise in kidnappings of Westerners by terrorists. But those inside U.S. Intelligence know better. The hostage is a top American nuclear expert.When the scientist's brother, a former Army Ranger, is set to go it alone for a full-throttle rescue, the Oval Office puts Mack Bolan in charge. But the odds of extracting the man from enemy hands are next to impossible and getting worse. Low on hard intel, the Executioner and his highly trained companion must rely on a CIA informant to lead them into the heart of one of the most dangerous terrorist cells on the planet before any worst-case scenarios can erupt.