Don Pendleton

Список книг автора Don Pendleton

    Choke Point

    Don Pendleton

    The Stony Man team of special operators stands ready to go into ultra-covert action whenever the President needs a specific brand of below-the-radar expertise.If the crisis is real and immediate, cybernetics experts with state-of-the-art technology kick into gear from the war room of a secret facility known only to the Oval Office, while the commando soldiers of Able Team and Phoenix Force lead the ground assault. Consummate warriors dedicated to protecting the innocent, Stony Man draws a hard line against enemies of the free world.A U.S. senator's murder and the kidnapping of several children of high-profile government officials leave the President no choice but to call in Stony Man to investigate. But the kidnappings are only the tip of the iceberg. The ransom money and income from a human trafficking ring are being used to fund terrorist activities overseas. It's a race against time as Able Team has to track down the kidnappers in Florida before anything happens to the children, while Phoenix Force hunts the ringleader in Morocco. Their goal: neutralize the operation. No matter what.

    China White

    Don Pendleton

    NARCO BREAKDOWNThe drug syndicate running the heroin pipeline from the Golden Crescent of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan crosses a line when it begins hijacking the narco-traffic markets controlled by Asia's Triads. When the ensuing turf war claims lives on America's streets, Mack Bolan prepares to do battle–without official sanction. The Executioner is willing to do or die to prevent a bloodbath on U.S. soil.In a retaliatory strike, Bolan hits New York's Chinatown, where a scorched earth message ignites fear and uncertainty. Exactly as planned. Now all he has to do is follow the panicked trail to the big predators across the ocean in France and Hong Kong. As his relentless pursuit puts a savage enemy on the defensive, the Executioner homes in for the kill. To cripple both factions, he must successfully play the rivals off each other. Victory means both cartels go down in flames.

    Power Grab

    Don Pendleton

    When a crisis is too sensitive for conventional intervention, when politics and diplomacy won't work, the President calls on Stony Man. Ultrasecret and devastatingly effective, this antiterrorist unit employs sophisticated technology combined with crack commandos to strike at the heart of the enemy.When Stony Man is deployed, the situation is red-hot…An explosion at a shopping mall in upstate New York launches an all-out Stony Man effort against the new face of terror. A brilliant and brutal warlord turned dictator is poised to destabilize the entire Middle East through blood politics. He has money, motivation and access to a new kind of underworld weapon: a smart bomb. A horrific series of planned attacks are about to plunge the United States into desperate chaos that will carry across the globe. The enemy isn't just targeting American soil, he's poised to savage the world.

    Close Quarters

    Don Pendleton

    An elite covert special ops team, Stony Man acts only under presidential directive. Backed by a sophisticated unit of cybernetics and weapons experts, Able Team and Phoenix Force fight terror across the globe. They operate with impunity, driven by grit and the instinct of true warriors dedicated to protecting the innocent.When Peace Corps volunteers working in the jungles of Paraguay are kidnapped and brutalized by a mysterious new Islamic terrorist group–and political maneuvering fails–Stony Man gets the call. Its dual mission: an under-the-radar jungle rescue and a hunt along the Iranian shores and backstreets of Tehran for the terrorist masterminds. With the enemy's hard-line agenda poised to fuel the powder keg of Middle East instability, Stony Man moves in against long odds that are only getting longer. Surrounded and outgunned, they're willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to succeed.

    Critical Exposure

    Don Pendleton

    CLASSIFIED ANNIHILATIONAcross the globe, undercover U.S. military missions are compromised when double agents begin identifying and killing covert personnel. The situation threatens to devastate national security, so the White House calls in Mack Bolan. As the warrior flushes out traitors in Central America, the opponents manage to stay one step ahead, eventually leading Bolan to the center of Istanbul's underworld.Posing as a spy, Bolan infiltrates the realm of black market arms dealers and intelligence brokers, determined to tear down the smoke screen and expose the true enemy of the state. Faced with an expansive operation designed to inflict harm and retribution on the U.S., the Executioner's strategy is simple and hard: strike at the heart, and don't let up until it stops beating.

    Exit Strategy

    Don Pendleton

    STONY MANThe best military fighters and cyber techs in the world, the Stony Man teams are on the front lines of America’s war against terror. Operating under the President’s orders, these elite warriors put their lives on the line in the name of freedomNO ESCAPEAn investigation into government corruption turns deadly when two reporters are attacked by a Mexican black ops group. With one journalist killed and the second held captive in Mexico’s most dangerous prison, Phoenix Force will need to act fast before its rescue mission becomes a recovery operation. But while Phoenix Force is battling the country’s deadliest inmates in a high-tech fortress, Able Team learns the corruption has already infiltrated US law enforcement, threatening both sides of the border

    Savage Rule

    Don Pendleton

    The rise of two ironfisted dictators creates a stunning national security threat for the American government: open war with Mexico. The volatile leaders of Honduras and Mexico have a blood deal financed by black gold, an oil pipeline built across Guatemala.Mack Bolan accepts a clear directive from the Man–stop the guerrilla raids and repel the invasion force.Bolan brings hell to Honduras, smashing the pipeline and blitzing through the shock troops spreading waves of terror across Central America. Gaining and keeping the battlefield momentum is Bolan's stock in trade. But the end game means neutralizing a violent incursion onto U.S. soil and toppling two brutal regimes by any and all means necessary.

    Extreme Justice

    Don Pendleton

    Defending the enemyIt was supposed to be an open-and-shut case against a high-ranking mobster on trial for conspiring to aid Middle Eastern terrorists in a series of brutal attacks against the U.S. But the so-called «last don» of New York City is likely to be acquitted when mercenary hit teams kill every prosecution witness except one.Gilbert Favor is a retired money mover now living in Costa Rica, and is the government's last hope. Mack Bolan's mission is to track Favor and return him Stateside. But the money-laundering specialist is less than willing to come forward. The gunmen tracking him want silence by way of a bullet. The Executioner must deliver the witness alive, no matter what the cost.

    Critical Effect

    Don Pendleton

    Eighty miles outside the nation's capital, the President's covert defense unit has its orders: stop terror at its source. From the cyber wizards at the helm to the commandos on the ground, the warriors of Stony Man are united by an unbreakable bond of honor and courage, where ultimate sacrifice is the price sometimes paid–but never in vain.Bug SpheresA NATO special ops aircraft carrying a top-secret prototype goes down near the French-German border. In St. Louis, a rogue scientist unleashes an experimental pathogen on innocent victims. Stony Man targets the disturbing intel and launches an offensive that stretches from Munich to America's heartland. It's a worst-case scenario linking a radical Middle Eastern group with Europe's most sophisticated smugglers, putting stolen tech into enemy hands–along with a killer virus manufactured for mass destruction.

    Final Judgment

    Don Pendleton

    JUDGMENT DAYWhen neo-Nazis seize a U.S. courthouse and demand the release of their leader, Mack Bolan is called to go in under the radar and eliminate the gunmen. But before he can finish the job, the WWII Nazi escapes. With hostages.Bolan knows that more innocent blood will be shed unless he can take out the neo-Nazis–every last one. And speed is of the essence, as the war criminal has picked the leader of a holocaust remembrance group as his new target. This time there will be no escape. The Executioner is judge and jury, and he's ready to deliver his own form of justice.