Don Pendleton

Список книг автора Don Pendleton


    Don Pendleton

    ?A rash of killings among returning American soldiers puts Mack Bolan on the front line of a conspiracy to destabilize the U.S. military at home and abroad.?His Russian-born, American-made enemy has infiltrated and co-opted the country's largest radical peace organization, spurring waves of antiwar protests and turning members into mercenaries willing to use violence against veterans of the Middle East conflicts. Media mogul Yuri Trofimov has the power and influence to deliver a propaganda campaign via television straight into America's living room–and enough money to buy hired guns and the cooperation of a corrupt congressman. Despite the sensitive nature of the crisis and the determination of the U.S. government to stop the atrocities, Bolan's doing what a dedicated warrior does best: search and destroy.


    Don Pendleton

    MURDER DOCTRINEA jihadist bomb brings down a massive church in Ibadan, and injured Catholic bishops flee the sanctuary-turned-death-trap…straight into the machetes of Nigeria's most fearsome terrorist group, Boko Haram. This bloodbath is only the beginning of a reign of terror linked to al Qaeda. As the gloating leader amps up the massacres of Christians across the country, Mack Bolan sets out to hunt him down and smash al Qaeda's hopes of building another major African power base.Yet the moment Bolan hits Nigerian soil, his identity is compromised. His only allies have little training, and their priority is protecting children orphaned by the terrorists' brutal attacks. Now survival means fighting his way through the crowded city, ambush by lethal ambush, and staying one step ahead of a traitor moving in for the kill. With the death toll rising, the Executioner will have to play one last gamble to restore the region's rightful government–and send this unholy gang of jihadists into fiery oblivion.


    Don Pendleton

    Bound by loyalty and patriotism, the men and women of Stony Man don't think of themselves as heroes, just dedicated Americans willing to do whatever it takes to protect the inalienable rights of freedom and justice.No matter how difficult the mission, how fierce or dangerous the enemy, the cyber team and battle-hardened warriors of America's most sophisticated, action-ready defence unit are willing to sacrifice everything in the name of duty, honour and country.An advanced weapon prototype is hijacked by an unidentified group of mercenaries and followed by a wave of massacres in the streets of America's cities. The torch of anarchy and hatred has been lit, and waves of destruction have begun to spread across the globe. A crisis has erupted as angry radicals are poised to become deadly freedom fighters so powerful that not even the superpowers can oppose them. Stony Man's only chance…America's only chance…is to strike first, strike hard, strike now…


    Don Pendleton

    A raid on a sex slave depot on the U.S. eastern seaboard is the launching pad of an international firestorm for Mack Bolan.His target–the Albanian mafia–is rapidly expanding its American network with help from the resurrected Kosovar terrorist group, the KLA. After mopping up the mob's stateside end of the pipeline, Bolan and a beautiful Russian agent track the long reach of drugs, human trafficking and black-market arms sales across the Atlantic to the port city of Marseille, France. Bolan blazes a trail of incendiary retribution through corrupt officials, Corsican drug lords and terrorist infrastructure. At the top of his death game, he plays to his enemy's weaknesses, inciting betrayal and panic. But the main event lies across the Adriatic, where the godfather of the Albanian mob is about to get a visit from the Executioner–and a one-way ticket to his own personal hell.


    Don Pendleton

    On the verge of creating a breakthrough peace initiative in the Middle East, Dr. Sharif Mahoud is on the run, hunted by purveyors of terror who see the true threat of a powerful visionary bringing bitter rivals to the bargaining table.Dr. Mahoud is good for peace, and good for the world–which is why the Oval Office directs Mack Bolan to track down the brilliant negotiator hiding deep within the Afghan hills, locate his stranded family, then get them all to safety. But the mission is compromised from the start with hostile forces dogging Bolan's every move. Soon, the true face of the enemy begins to emerge: beyond the violent radicals and extremist thugs, stand the rich and powerful investors and shadow men who understand that warfare is big business–and will do whatever it takes to keep turning a profit on blood and suffering.

    Kill Shot

    Don Pendleton

    The terror begins with ruthless precision when the clock strikes noon. Gunfire rings out in major cities along the East Coast.Innocent Americans fall, each from a direct kill shot. After witnessing a hit in Baltimore, Mack Bolan dives into battle against an unknown but powerful enemy. Across the country, the coordinated strikes continue, but law enforcement is unable to stop the deadly sniper attacks.Bolan goes hard, shouldering the burden of dismantling a plot to turn the United States into a police state. At the heart of the conspiracy, sworn enemies have joined for a unified goal: the nuclear devastation of the Middle East. As blood spills and the country heads toward martial law, Bolan sights his crosshairs on ruthless radicals and their nightmare agenda.

    Dead Reckoning

    Don Pendleton

    FINAL PAYBACKThe United States consulate in Jordan is firebombed, its staff mercilessly killed. With the group responsible scattered to hideouts in war-torn hot spots around the globe, Mack Bolan has to hit these terrorists hard before they can warn one another.Soon Bolan is turning safe houses and desert refuges into killing fields as he battles to take down the terrorists three by three. But the last of the group vanishes just as Bolan discovers their ultimate target: an international conference in Switzerland headed by the American President. The world’s leaders are caught in the crosshairs, and the Executioner has to stop the splinter group before they strike a global deathblow.

    War Drums

    Don Pendleton

    CRITICAL INTERCEPTIONMack Bolan is directed to use any means necessary to defuse a crisis that puts the United States in the hot seat. Iran's hardliners are pushing an extremist agenda, defying U.N. rulings and amassing an arsenal with bio and nuclear capabilities. They've got stolen U.S. technology and unlimited financial backing from China, who's willing to lend muscle in exchange for oil. With Russian black-market weapons dealers eager to profit from international terror, the Stony Man warrior's multi-front mission becomes one of infiltrate and confront. He enlists the aid of Bedouin brothers-in-arms and other unlikely allies across enemy territory in a race to shut down an explosive situation before the deadly fuse is lit….

    Zero Option

    Don Pendleton

    CRITICAL STRIKEThe President has personally pulled Mack Bolan in on this one–a national security crisis involving the most advanced piece of technology ever conceived. Zero Platform is about to become the first orbiting weapons system operated by human/machine interface.Zero's command center has been razed to the ground, but the person willing to become the first human prototype of biocybernetic engineering survived the attack. Now Doug Buchanan is running for his life, a wanted man on three fronts: by America's enemies determined to destroy Zero's capabilities; by traitors inside Washington plotting a hostile takeover of the U.S. government; and by the only individual who can save Buchanan–and America–from the unthinkable.

    Deadly Contact

    Don Pendleton

    DEATH SPIRALA ten-year-old mass execution in Bosnia has suddenly resurfaced to haunt the perpetrators. Members of an association of businessmen, which included Americans, who were willing to get their hands bloody for profit are mysteriously dying. When a translator for the Stony Man team is innocently caught in the conspiracy, she turns to Mack Bolan for help.One of the men has used evidence from the killings to blackmail his fellow murderers. Bolan's mission is to identify the men in high places who killed for money and power in the aftermath of a brutal war. The Executioner's hunt to fi nd the proof leads to a showdown in the mountains of Colorado, where blinding snow and bloodlust mix with lethal force.