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    Der Exorzist

    William Peter Blatty



    Blue is the New black

    Susie Breuer

    Written for fashion graduates, newbie entrepreneurs and those in entry-level positions in the industry, Blue is the New Black demystifies the process of how to make a fashion collection accessible for all levels. It’s a reference guide, a buddy, and an overview of who, what and where. Fashion is a multi-billion-dollar industry. It’s not just about sketching an outfit, it’s about selecting fabric, developing buttons, sourcing a factory, negotiating prices, making patterns, seeing the final launch and selling garments. This multi-faceted industry is exciting, enigmatic and endless. With many fashion schools now recognising the importance of including technical modules to their degrees, this guide is the perfect accompaniment to the relevant modules with its vocational a to z approach of what happens in the workplace, including how to build and maintain key business relationships. In that respect, it fills a gap in the market of books that give guidance for professionals embarking on or preparing for a career in the fashion industry. People who buy Blue is the New Black want to know how to create a collection. They want to roll up their sleeves and do it, but they need practical instruction on the different phases. They don’t want to read about data management systems or the latest developments in polyester thread; they want to understand what a range plan is and how to look at a prototype in a factory. Understanding the three profiles of her readers «first jobber, creative entrepreneur and creative graduate» as the author does, she realized that the publications currently available would alienate them and ignore their needs. Seeing this gap in the market, she wrote it herself, to the benefit of a million young professionals and students aspiring to enter and get ahead in the fashion industry.

    Get Agile

    Pieter Jongerius

    Scrum is a project management method that dissolves boundaries and distributes responsibilities which in other methods have been protected for years. It is a radically different way of working: as many activities as possible take place at the same time, in the same room. Scrum is fast and delivers very high product quality at the same time. The book is a manual. It is aimed at everyone who works on interactive products in a design & development environment. It contains all of the basic information required for getting started with Scrum, but also offers a number of in-depth chapters looking at topics which even the most experienced Scrummers have trouble with on a daily basis. If you are experienced, you will find the advanced tips and tricks useful. If you are just considering Scrum, this book will most certainly get you enthusiastic!

    Open Design

    Bas van Abel

    Open Design Now looks at design in the new networked world. Design is becoming an open discipline, in which ideas are shared and products are being renewed in a worldwide collaborative process. Open Design empowers everybody to devise and distribute their own products. This book presents essays, case studies, a lexicon of images related to the main topics and practical guidelines for designers, design educators and policy makers to get started with Open Design.