Bloody Dawn. Daughter of Dawn. Natalie Yacobson

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Название Bloody Dawn. Daughter of Dawn
Автор произведения Natalie Yacobson
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005528902

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prevented. Nicolette folded her hands at the forehead and bowed only one knee in front of the statue. That’s all. Now it’s time. Probably, she had to kiss him… But this did not need it. Claws of statue began to move. Then shuddered wings. She came. The dark waters of the river did not accept her. She was waiting for something more terrible.

      Her father. Its reflection. The monster came to life. The very monster who pushed the initial angel to the borders of the uprising. Her essence, her character, her pride – everything was embodied in it. Her soul. The soul of angel. And a beautiful shell to cover the soul. One single creature broke on two. Nicolett had to see her reflection in it, but saw only the winged monster.

      He looked at her, shook out the tracks of stone sleep, like dust, smiled and suddenly spoke. Beautiful words from terrible mouth. Something about the fact that it was time for them to reunite.

      «It’s time!»

      «I know,» she threw off his claws from the shoulder, so angry annoying insect. But he was not offended, he was accustomed to her bad character. In the end, they are one.

      «Let’s go!» Nicolette turned to the exit. She was waiting for a meeting of terrible subjects. It’s time, probably, to please them with your presence.

      He did not reach her in the head of the fire, although he could. He could do a lot, but waited. He got used to long and patiently wait for her every appearance. And every time we passed the century. This time, a new error should have happened, which again brings them. It is necessary to behave more carefully. His thoughts became her thoughts, that’s all. She just thought like him. With him.

      Their new union, as always, began without dating. You just need to remember that het is behind you behind your back. It is normal that he keeps behind, like the winged Iphith, who emerged from the ancient fairy tale. He is her black soul.

      Nicolette looked at him only a moment, was accustomed to what he saw. He was much superior to her size. Nicolette went ahead, he kept behind, like a bodyguard or guard. Nicolette did not hurry. She knew that the most powerful and terrible creatures of the universe were now patiently waiting for her. They did not stay anything but to worship. After all, all of them, in the end, originated from her dark soul, from the devil. She was stronger than all. Almost… And the term of her greatness was noted no longer every year, but with every second.

      Nicolette took the edge of the dagger in her palm. A huge clock mechanism at the entrance to the hall waswaiting for her blood. She felt a quiet persistent whisper emanating from an unusual dial. Strange symbols and divisions were vaguely familiar to her. She recalled what they mean. Time could not wait. The clock needs her blood. It’s time to drown the whole world. It’s time to give the whole world into the power of those who fell here long before the emergence of people. This will be fair. Her terrible army will make this world as beautiful and insensitive as this clock. Nicolette squeezed her hand in a fist, squeezing more blood. The clock greedily absorbed each drop. It seemed that living beings, and not the details of the mechanism, reveal the mouths, alcohol demanding more.

      Blood is life! This is said in the Bible. Only the Bible appeared on the back long after her. Nicolette should have thought about it with her own dignity, but did not feel anything.

      Nicolette was indifferent past the shipping charm of the golden mechanism. The cut on her hand was immediately dragging. An eerie meeting below in the hall did not even have time to catch the smell of her blood. But their supernatural blood has just shed. Everyone had to be injured and drop into the bowl, which went around the rows. To do this, it was necessary to apply a truly deep wound, since all injuries of these creatures were too fast. To squeeze blood from them, efforts were required. It’s good that, getting it, they did not devour each other.

      It was an old rite – to present a part of his blood spent Mr. as a guarantee of loyalty. The devil stood beside, but Nicolette had to drink blood. After that, she will be able to control each of them. They will be connected with her blood closer than chains.

      The human sacrifice was also brought to strengthen the effect. A beautiful slaughtered young man stayed on the floor. After holding a rite on the body, a feast will arrange, it will tear thousands of claws. For some reason, the victim was always chosen with typical appearance: long blond hair, clean face, azure eyes. A pale shadow of Dennitsa.

      She looked around the hall with a cold look. It was full of all sorts of creatures: winged, horned, with hooves or tails, with ridges of dragons on heads or many clawed limbs. And once all of them were beautiful…

      Nicolette did not feel her guilt for what happened to them. They got strength. It was necessary to think about strength, and not about beauty. That’s just a black monster for her back did not think so. The shadow of huge wings fell on her face. Here was the temple of evil. And the deity in it also had to be evil, but it was indifferent.

      The clawed hands of the creatures of the knees before the steps of a small elevation stretched her a gold bowl. The taste of blood filled in gold, almost came to her soul. Almost, but not quite. Something lacked.

      The crowds of ugly creatures were waiting for something from her.

      You need to say something. But she is not a speaker. Nicolette knew that they were not tangled with words. Therefore, she brought speech to a minimum.

      «You waited for me, and so I’m here.»

      The instant of silence, and the triumphant noise became her answer. They could still rejoice something. Or at least did the view. In the end, they all came to bow the devil. But it was something else. It was almost a religious rite..

      Just suddenly she felt something else. Alien presence here. Nicolette’s eyes flashed like ice, and noticed in the crowd the stranger. She felt the presence of the enemy.

      He was hiding behind the column, a tricky man who thought he managed to spend a whole crowd of hellish creatures. He told his strange prayers, but she saw him.

      «A servant of God!» Her pointing hand immediately attracted hundreds of hellish views. Words mean a death sentence, and a person hiding behind the column understood it. He tried to escape, but who can escape from the hellish army rushing after him. Now they will have exactly the day. Screams, chasing, crunching bones and blood, from which Nicolette will no longer require its share.

      The head of the monster, standing at the back, bowed to her face. Huge wings fucked, like the shadow. This is a good sign, he reported without words, the enemy himself came to fold his bones on your greeting. Almost faithful victory sign.

      Maybe you are right. Nicolette indifferently finished blood remnants and threw the bowl on the floor. Feast so is a feast!

      Prophetic dreams

      Ferdinand rushed on a narrow bed in his cell. Silky blond strands were scented over a rigid pillow. Luxury on a bench canvas. The appearance of the young man remained his only treasure. Human beauty burns like a candle in a poor gray atmosphere. Well, another rose’s aroma behind the beautiful binding of the firmware also reminded about the brilliant world in which Ferdinand lived sometime. Everything remained in the past. In addition to the memorable person, which many could learn. Would you laugh at the same familiar or shuddered from what he saw? The brilliant young aristocrat with excellent condition and pedigree brought himself sacrificing for the sake of faith. Well, isn’t it hurt and not funny? Who else did it? Many would find Ferdinand stupid, not chosen. Or even insane. But did the saints who donated from all and those who went to torments on their own will were not madmen for the world?

      Contrary to the convictions of the world, in which Ferdinand was ready to be ordained not for the sake of promotion on the social staircase, as it happened for many cardinals and bishops. In contrast, he was not the younger or the second son of a notable family. He was the first and only one child. Would his parents be alive, and they would come crazy from the recklessness of the son and the heir. But they died… Ferdinand perceived their death as a sign. He considered himself created in order to bring himself sacrificing