The Leader Lab. Tania Luna

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Название The Leader Lab
Автор произведения Tania Luna
Жанр Экономика
Издательство Экономика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119793335

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I do this?”

       “What might I try doing differently?”

       “When can I try it?”

      When an insight strikes, pause to jot it down in the margins. For even faster learning, summarize the key points you learned, and share them with your manager, your team, your cat, or anyone willing to listen. Research shows that we learn faster by teaching, a handy phenomenon known as the “protégé effect” (Chase et al. 2009).

      “Wait, time travel?” you might be saying. “Why introduce one of the most notoriously complex plot devices into a book on leadership skills?” Well, for starters, because this might be the only chance we get to publish sci-fi. But more importantly, because people's brains learn best through observation. By following Mia's story and hearing the contents of her team's “black box,” you'll get to spot common leadership mistakes in real time, see each BU and skill in action, and strengthen your own management muscles. Along the way, we encourage you to travel back to instances in your own past where you succeeded or stumbled as a manager, and bring experiment ideas back to the future for your personal leader lab.

      Distributed throughout each chapter, you'll also see “Practice Stations,” as you would in a physical laboratory. Spend some time at these stations to rapidly transform your insights into habits. These stations are an opportunity to test out what you've learned and collect brain-friendly tips to help the learning stick in your memory.


Bonus: For live practice and real-time feedback, visit

      At the end of each chapter, you'll have a personal Lab Report to complete that will prompt you to do the following:

      1 Extract your takeaways from the chapter so you can easily return to them later.

      2 Assess your current competence level to increase your self-awareness.

      3 Select a small experiment from a bank of ideas to try in your own leader lab.

      4 Extract your learnings once you have tried out the experiment to accelerate your learning.

      Finally, give yourself an occasional fist bump or high five for your effort along the way. The world needs more great managers. Thank you for putting in the work to become an even better manager.

1. Q‐step Schematic illustration of Q-step icon.
2. Playback Schematic illustration of Playback icon.
3. Deblur Schematic illustration of Deblur icon.
4. Validate Schematic illustration of Validate icon.
5. Linkup Schematic illustration of Linkup icon.
6. Pause Schematic illustration of Pause icon.
7. Extract

      Once we introduce a BU, we will bold it every time we refer to it throughout the book and include its corresponding icon so it's easier to notice and faster for your brain to learn. Even when you're not reading, mentally bold these BUs when you spot them “in the wild.” Each BU is a simple but versatile behavior you can notice and use every day, including the moment you put down this book.

      Welcome to the Leader Lab.