Название | Reframing Organizations |
Автор произведения | Lee G. Bolman |
Жанр | Управление, подбор персонала |
Серия | |
Издательство | Управление, подбор персонала |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781119756842 |
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Copyright © 2021 by Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal. All rights reserved. Published by Jossey‐Bass
A John Wiley & Sons, Inc. imprint, Hoboken, New Jersey.
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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data
Names: Bolman, Lee G., author. | Deal, Terrence E., author. Title: Reframing organizations : artistry, choice, and leadership / Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal.
Description: Seventh Edition. | San Francisco : Jossey‐Bass, 2021. | Revised edition of the authors’ Reframing organizations, [2017] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021009919 (print) | LCCN 2021009920 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119855125 (paperback) | ISBN 9781119756859 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119756842 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Management. | Organizational behavior. | Leadership. Classification: LCC HD31 .B6135 2021 (print) | LCC HD31 (ebook) | DDC 658.4/063—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021009919
LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021009920