Physician Leadership. Karen J. Nichols

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Название Physician Leadership
Автор произведения Karen J. Nichols
Жанр Управление, подбор персонала
Издательство Управление, подбор персонала
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119817550

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mysteries in a systematic way, but those skills are not readily translatable to leadership of teams or organizations. Through Dr. Nichols's Physician Leadership, physicians charged with leadership roles can learn the 11 essential topics to become a successful physician leader. The book takes a deep dive into each essential topic through personal anecdotes and provides a practical guide to application of these topics through reflective questions. Leaders at every stage will find sage advice and guidance on navigating the challenges surrounding the transition from astute clinician to physician leader.

      As a junior faculty member trying to navigate the waters of leadership in organized medicine, I found Dr. Nichols's Physician Leadership to contain a wealth of practical advice and concepts readily applicable to the unforeseen challenges I've faced as a physician leader. It's a resource I anticipate returning to time and time again.”

      —Amanda S. Xi, MD, Critical Care Anesthesiologist, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School

      “I have enjoyed reading your manuscript from front to back.”

      —Edith P. Mitchell, MD, MACP, FCPP, FRCP, Clinical Professor of Medicine and Medical Oncology, Department of Medical Oncology, Director, Center to Eliminate Cancer Disparities, Associate Director, Diversity Affairs, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson, 116th President National Medical Association

      “I have had the privilege of observing and working with Dr. Nichols for many years as she ascended through the ranks of the organizations of the osteopathic profession. She has excelled at each level – from osteopathic student, resident, fellow, and AOA Board member to the office of president of the American Osteopathic Association. She has set the bar high for all that have had the privilege of working and serving with her. I count myself as part of those that have had the privilege of knowing and working with her.

      Moreover, her leadership skills were recognized by other physicians in training, in osteopathic organizations, and ultimately AOA board members from state and specialty colleges. These recognitions were evident as she was supported by all to be promoted to the high office of president of the American Osteopathic Association. There is no better evidence of the high esteem for Dr. Nichols held by many in the osteopathic profession who supported her to be the leader of our osteopathic profession as our president … the first of her gender to be so recognized.”

      —William G. Anderson, D.O. FACOS, AOA Past President

      “Karen Nichols has never regarded past precedents as an obstacle to future achievements. I first met Karen when I started practicing medicine in Mesa, Arizona, in 1991. She was the first female chief of staff of Mesa General Hospital. It was obvious to me even then that she was born to lead, teach, and inspire. I remember going to the hospital one day and having the opportunity to watch how Karen interacted with a family during a stressful situation. I observed her demeanor and her ability to be present with this family in this difficult time. Her level of competence, compassion, and empathy was the highest I had ever seen. It was one of the greatest learning experiences of my medical career, and I committed to trying to emulate this type of behavior in my own actions. Everyone who worked at the hospital back then knew that she was headed for greatness.

      Karen's commitment to and passion for osteopathic medicine and the profession has never wavered. She has inspired countless women (and men) to follow in her footsteps. She is smart, kind, and incredibly talented in all her endeavors. She has a gift of making the person with whom she is speaking to feel like they are the center of her attention.

      Theodore Roosevelt has said that ‘People don't care what you know until they know that you care.’ Karen interacts with poise and dignity, and it is obvious that she cares. I so look forward to more wisdom from her in this book, and in the coming years.

      —Richard S. Dobrusin, D.O., FACOFP, President Arizona Osteopathic Medical Association

       Karen J. Nichols, DO

      The 11 Skills Every Doctor Needs to be an Effective Leader

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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