Western Philosophy. Группа авторов

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Название Western Philosophy
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Афоризмы и цитаты
Издательство Афоризмы и цитаты
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119165743

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of an arduous and lengthy gestation process undergone by mind or spirit – a process which is, moreover, not a simple linear progression, but a perpetual dialectical struggle.

      By the term ‘dialectical’, Hegel means to convey the idea that any given stage in the mind’s ascent to truth is likely to be beset with tensions and paradoxes: for any given thesis, analysis will reveal confusions and contradictions which will generate an antithesis – the opposite of the original thesis. But the confrontation between thesis and antithesis in turn leads to fresh tensions, thus bringing about the formulation of a synthesis, which attempts to resolve the previous contradictions, while incorporating the insights they contained into a new and deeper perspective. But the synthesis will itself then be subject to further dialectical tensions: the process repeats itself endlessly in the upward struggle towards the truth.1

      Knowledge is only real and can only be set forth fully in the form of science, in the form of system. Further, a so-called fundamental proposition or first principle of philosophy, even if it is true, is yet none the less false, just because and in so far as it is merely a fundamental proposition, merely a first principle. It is for that reason easily refuted. The refutation consists in bringing out its defective character; and it is defective because it is merely the universal, merely a principle, the beginning. If the refutation is complete and thorough, it is derived and developed from the nature of the principle itself, and not accomplished by bringing in from elsewhere other counter-assurances and chance fancies. It would be strictly the development of the principle, and thus the completion of its deficiency, were it not that it misunderstands its own purport by taking account solely of the negative aspect of what it seeks to do, and is not conscious of the positive character of its process and result. The really positive working out of the beginning is at the same time just as much the very reverse: it is a negative attitude towards the principle we start from. Negative, that is to say, in its one-sided form, which consists in being primarily immediate, a mere purpose. It may therefore be regarded as a refutation of what constitutes the basis of the system; but more correctly it should be looked at as a demonstration that the basis or principle of the system is in point of fact merely its beginning.

      It is this process by which science in general comes about, this gradual development of knowing, that is set forth here in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Knowing, as it is found at the start, mind in its immediate and primitive stage, is without the essential nature of the mind, is sense-consciousness. To get the length of genuine knowledge, or produce the element where science is found – the pure conception of science itself – a long and laborious journey must be undertaken. This process towards science, as regards the content it will bring to light and the forms it will assume in the course of its progress, will not be what is primarily imagined by leading the unscientific consciousness up to the level of science. It will be something different too from establishing and laying the foundations of science; and certainly something else than the sort of ecstatic enthusiasm which starts straight off with absolute knowledge, as if shot out of a pistol, and makes short work of other points of view simply by explaining that it is to take no notice of them …

      The knowledge which is at the outset, or immediately, our object, can be nothing else but just that which is immediate knowledge, knowledge of the immediate, of what is. We have, in dealing with it, to proceed, in an immediate way, to accept what is given, not altering anything in it as it is presented before us, and keeping mere apprehension from conceptual comprehension.

      The concrete content, which sense-certainty furnishes, makes it at first sight appear to be the richest kind of knowledge, to be even a knowledge of endless wealth … Besides that, it seems to be the truest, the most authentic knowledge: for it has not as yet lost anything from the object; it has the object before itself in its entirety and completeness. This bare fact of certainty, however, is really the most abstract and the poorest kind of truth. It merely says regarding what it knows: it is; and its truth contains solely the being of the fact it knows …

      Immediate certainty does not make the truth its own, for truth is something universal, whereas certainty wants to deal with the This. Perception, on the other hand, takes what exists (for it) to be a universal … It is a universal, and the object is a universal. The principle of universality has arisen and come into being for us, who are tracing the course of experience. And our process of apprehending what perception is, therefore, is no longer a contingent series of acts of apprehension, as is the case with sense-certainty, but a logically necessitated process …