The 7 Portals of the Spirit. Akron Frey

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Название The 7 Portals of the Spirit
Автор произведения Akron Frey
Жанр Философия
Издательство Философия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783905372502

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would not accept – would it be only for a moment – the functionality of the banks, the money-systems or the human images and imaginations. If we would question the very basis we stand upon we would loose the ground on which we can base our existence: The world would dissolve in front of our eyes or it would break apart like a dried piece of cake.

      On the other hand crisis is always a necessary part of development. It is the coming forth of a development that lies within humanity itself and that one could describe with fear and greed. The international network in the era of the internet has anticipated this process and it is not the duty of mankind to learn from it. As cynical as it may sound, that would stop the progress. Human development was never based on following its own tracks backward, on reversal or on returning but it always lies within the fact that the solutions for the problems of today are the problems of tomorrow, which yet again require the solutions for the day after tomorrow. That is important to know if we want to look forward to the future with a relaxed attitude: There is no paradise to be found for us nor is there salvation that could make us happy. There are only goals that embody the illusions that tell us that we would one day be happy should we be able to achieve them, because happy people are not willing to fulfil the preconditions of a steadily growing environment in progress. Because, should the human being would stop his urge to grow, everything would collapse. That is to say: We are forced to focus on a paradise that we are constantly trying to reach without noticing that it would be the end of our system if we would find it.

      The subliminal mechanisms of our social models

      That is why we have to realize that the achievements that precondition improvement and preservation for our life-standard are the very ones that at the same time undermine and destroy them. It is said that every crisis is initiated by mankind, but this statement is not precise: Crisis’s are initiated by the inventories and systems that have been programmed into the human mind and through the human urge to realize these inventories and models. Self-appointed teachers and policemen often fail to realize that they set the preconditions for further injustice by trying to avoid or avenge it. By fighting the so called “evil” they chase “evil within the others” instead of their own negative and destructive potential. Through this they reach the top of subconscious self-confusion. The shadow is hiding from itself by destroying the projected image of its own evil within the wrongs of the other, through which it is convincing itself from the “wrong” solution. For it is always human struggle that is yearning for freedom and completeness while being held captive within the chains of matter and it is mostly ending up in a condition of deep imbalance which is generally called “hell” by our religious tradition.

      Still, these models are not only useful, they are also the only way to counter our subjective blindness at least with an objective short-sightedness, and that is not only the first but also the most important step on the path of wisdom. We can only analyse ourselves through the intellect but because we can only see the world the way we experience it through thinking we have to become an image of our thinking first of all – and for this we need models. Basically models are for binding our thoughts to a focus, so that we can have a common basis when we communicate with others and philosophize with them. If we were smart we would realize that the truth can not be enforced through thinking because the only thing that can be seen through thinking is thinking itself, in a way that what we have chosen to be the measure for itself. If we can keep that in mind we can use the models to explore our psyche, but not through realizing the truth but through becoming conscious about the individual way we are fixed to models. And how we adapt ourselves to the collective description of the world – we have no other choice.

      Self-destructive acting as a way to reach development

      Let us summarize this: Being a human being we are a form of existence that can only grow through painful experiences and a generous spirit has gifted us with the ability to grow regardless of how painful the loss or how big the catastrophe is. Only if a malicious daemon would persuade us to find out about the real material and spiritual fundament that we stand upon. All would collapse as we grovel in the collective madness of virtual shit. We are so helplessly interwoven with our models and structures that we would go down with them if we questioned them, that is why we don’t accept any questioning of our concept. We are forced to lie in order to keep everything functioning. We have to pretend that we don’t know anything about this so that our engine wouldn’t start stammering. The best thing about human development is the fact that the sceneries will always balance. That is why even self destruction is seen from the point of view of eternity not only a failure but also an advance for mankind.

      The Relativity of our Models

      a) General questions concerning our worldview

      How would you define magic or the deeper meaning of life? The aim that is important for the spiritual maturity of mankind?

      In my opinion magic is the attempt to break through the borders with which our collectively integrated vision of the world has burdened us. The deeper meaning in life is to analyze the preconditions for the force that constrains us to constantly remain captured within the borders of our consciousness. In a word: The main concern is to overcome reality in order to, at least, loosen the blinkers that demarcate the perspective through which we see the reality we have been „fed“.

      To overcome reality? What does „reality“mean seen from a magical point of view?

      Reality is a double-edged sword: On the one hand it is a necessary tool that, more or less, preserves a harmonic interaction between human beings, on the other it is a kind of prison, in which we hold ourselves captive reciprocatively. We created this prison by ourselves, in a sense, in order to set up the conditions for a system in which we can communicate and simultaneously protect ourselves from our fears and the irritations of our subconsciousness. One could also say: Reality is the first layer of a black forest cake, which we are going to talk about later, that contains the social inventory of our civilization. It is only a thin sugar-coating on the pyramid of human evolution, and without it, the instinctive nature of mankind would be brought back to light, anarchy or the privilege of the stronger, as is exemplified in the total breakdown of order when cities that are haunted by natural disasters like earthquakes or floods – portraying the fundament of the human construction plan.

      So it is that what protects human society that simultaneously prevents the development of the individual?

      Evolution is an instrument of general balance without mercy and doesn’t purchase the spiritual goal of the enlightened, but always the most direct solution for the development of everything in the plan of nature. For this reason one should not observe reality from the perspective of the individual, but from nations and races in their entirety.

      And who is the creator of this reality?

      We are, but, well, unaware of it! We have constructed our material conditions under the influence of our sensory perception preconditioning the frame of the image in which the outside world is illustrated – this is an ancient act of balance and development that continues endlessly. If we look at it the other way around it is also the self-made structure of the outside that influences our sensory perception – we recognize it inside our own graven images, that suddenly usurp a collective energy field and can be used by the old bondholders of power as well as the new rulers.

      You mean the act of creating our reality was – so to speak – the forbearer of human magic?

      Yes. Our ego is the materialization of what we think ourselves to be and reality is – if not the creation communal – then at least the collective preservation of a traditional culture, that we constantly assimilate to the spirit of time. We are not the makers of the universe, but we all are the creators of our own, personal world, that is inseparably connected to the collective world in the shape as was spoon-fed into our minds.

      Is it not possible to escape this dual reality?

      More or less, yes, for nothing that we do is carved in stone – procedures change constantly and yet again every change influences the specific action. Admittedly, there are very few that catch the train, because they