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have provided much with regards to the response of older muscle to a number of interventions; however, data relating to the structural and functional reorganization of older human MUs are less apparent. Critical among this are the effects of short‐term (>6 weeks) exercise interventions; while we know those who have exercised throughout adulthood have inferred some neuromuscular benefits [18, 43], it is not clear if more acute exercise (resistance or endurance) interventions can exhibit similar outcomes. Moreover, as axonal sprouting, the compensatory process of reinnervating denervated fibers, involves the synthesis and transport of a number of proteins, nutritional and pharmaceutical interventions should also be explored.

      Crucially, all of the above should be approached with a multitude of in/ex vivo; techniques, combining recent electrophysiological advances such as intramuscular and high‐density electromyography (iEMG, HD‐sEMG), and molecular biology markers of denervation–reinnervation such as alterations in gene expression, production of exercise‐induced myokines, and fiber type morphology.

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      18 18. Piasecki M, Ireland A, Piasecki J, Degens H, Stashuk DW, Swiecicka A, et al. Long‐term endurance and power training may facilitate motor unit size expansion to compensate for declining motor unit numbers in older age. Front Physiol 2019; 10:449.

      19 19. Piasecki M, Ireland A, Coulson J, Stashuk DW, Hamilton‐Wright A, Swiecicka A, et al. Motor unit number estimates and neuromuscular transmission in the tibialis anterior of master athletes: evidence that athletic older people are not spared from age‐related motor unit remodeling. Physiol Rep 2016 Oct 1; 4(19):e12987.

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