Developmental Psychopathology. Группа авторов

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Название Developmental Psychopathology
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Социальная психология
Издательство Социальная психология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781118686447

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focusing on individual preferences and how certain decisions will affect the self. Research concludes that differences in culture, religion, and socioeconomic status are likely to influence whether people perceive decisions as moral, conventional, or personal (Nucci, 1997).

      Parental, Peer, and Cultural Influences

      Roots of Moral Development

      Socialization and internalization are two processes that contribute to moral development in early childhood. Socialization is when children learn to behave in a socially acceptable way by developing habits, skills, values, and motives deemed appropriate by society. Socialization occurs when children have internalized society’s standards and held them as their own—they no longer blindly obey rules (Grusec & Goodnow, 1994).

      The development of a conscience stems from an individual’s internal standards of conduct and begins early in childhood (Thompson, 2014). Individuals learn how to abstain from certain behaviors and, if unable, may experience emotional discomfort. Parenting is highly involved and parents may notice their children need additional guidance. However, children may have already internalized their parents’ standards and act in a way that meets these standards without assistance (Kochanska, Coy, & Murray, 2001). When toddlers have mutually responsive relationships with their mothers, they are more likely to show moral emotions (e.g., guilt, empathy), moral conduct, and moral cognition in their early school years. Overall, one’s conscience can influence moral development by restricting destructive tendencies, promoting compliance with society’s standards, and encouraging prosocial behavior (Eisenberg, 2000).

      Prosocial Moral Reasoning

      Sex Versus Gender

      A person’s sex is assigned at birth based on outward physical characteristics/genitalia. In contrast, gender identity refers to how a person feels inside; it is one’s personal conception, or feeling, as male or female (or, sometimes, both or neither). Gender does not depend on the outward physiological indicators or internal reproductive organs that determine our biological sex. While most people’s gender identities align with their biological sex, it is not uncommon for people to identify with a gender that does not align with their assigned sex.

      Development of Gender Identity

      In the short span of just a few years, children begin to identify as a girl or a boy, and act in ways that are characteristic of their gender. By the preschool years, girls and boys start to differ in forms of play. Boys tend to be more active, independent, “rough‐and‐tumble,” and less compliant than girls, whereas girls tend to be more verbal and nurturing. This developmental period is also when girls and boys generally start to play with same‐sex individuals, a phenomenon referred to as gender segregation (Fenson et al., 1994).

      By early elementary school, children gravitate towards activities, such as sports, that are historically associated with their gender. Over time, through continued exposure and interaction with members of the same gender, children align their behavior with gender‐role norms through the process of general socialization of gender norms, through which children acquire the standards, values, and knowledge of their society as it pertains to gender.

      Expression of Gender Identity

      Sex‐Role Identity

      Cultural stereotypes of males and females involve broad expectations of behavior that we call gender or sex‐roles. In Western cultures, the feminine sex‐role stereotype includes traits such as gentleness, helpfulness, dependence, warmth, emotionality, and submissiveness, while the masculine sex‐role stereotype includes independence, self‐confidence, competitiveness, and aggressiveness. There are four major views on the process of sex‐role identification in children. While not always substantiated by evidence, the first is the psychodynamic view, conceptualized by Freud. This view uses Freud’s psychosexual stages of development and assumes young children are caught in hidden conflicts between their fears and desires. According to this view, early stages of psychosexual development, such as the phallic stage, mark the period during which children look to their parents for ways in which they ought to behave. Through the process of identification, children look for cues on how to be similar to their same sex parent.

      The second major view of sex‐role identity is called the social learning view, which emphasizes two processes—modeling and differential reinforcement. Modeling is the process by which children observe and imitate individuals of their own gender. Movies, television shows, books, and magazines tend to portray male and female characters differently; this can play a significant role in how boys and girls decide how they should behave. Differential reinforcement occurs when girls and boys are differentially rewarded for engaging in gender‐appropriate behavior (boys may be praised for engaging in aggressive behavior while girls may be punished).