Developmental Psychopathology. Группа авторов

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Название Developmental Psychopathology
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Социальная психология
Издательство Социальная психология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781118686447

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functioning or symptoms outside of a normative range. For example, think about when you were in high school: it might be considered “normal” to feel sad some days, get upset, and want to sleep in late. However, if someone was staying in bed for two weeks at a time to sleep, feeling sad or depressed most of the time, and not having fun with activities they used to enjoy, that could indicate “abnormal” functioning, such as signs of a depressive disorder. Developmental psychopathology allows us to compare and measure psychopathology across a continuum of normal to abnormal.

      Other examples of the interplay between normal and abnormal may include individuals who fail to meet developmental expectations due to psychopathology. Across the lifespan, there are established developmental milestones, or indicators for how an individual has adapted and is functioning in their environmental context. At different stages of development, there are expected milestones and behaviors that are considered normal or abnormal for that stage.

      Think about a toddler: they are learning to feed themselves, walk independently, regulate their own emotions or needs, and form attachments to their caregiver. If a toddler were to be separated from their caregiver, it would be considered normal for them to cry and become upset. However, if an eight‐year‐old demonstrates similar behavior, such as throwing a tantrum, screaming, and crying every time they are separated from their parent, this would be considered abnormal, and potentially indicative of psychopathology. Thus, understanding variation in normal/abnormal behaviors across development may improve understanding of those at risk for mental health problems.

      Studying Developmental Continuities and Discontinuities of Traits, Behaviors, Emotions, And Disorders

      The next principle is that developmental psychopathology models examine developmental continuities and discontinuities of traits, behaviors, emotions, and disorders. Homotypic continuity is defined as stability in the same or similar behavioral responses over time; that is, the same disorder predicts itself over time (e.g., earlier depression predicting later depression). Heterotypic continuity is defined as stability of an underlying construct that is exhibited differentially across development (Sroufe & Rutter, 1984); that is, different disorders predict one another over time (e.g., anxiety predicting later depression).

Schematic illustratration of an example of Heterotypic Continuity. The Nature of Externalizing or Antisocial Behavior Changes as Children Get Older and Become Adults

      For example, conduct disorder could occur due to early child abuse, heritable tendency toward externalizing behaviors, familial factors such as harsh parenting interactions or attachment disruption, environmental factors such as prenatal risk factors, or exposure to trauma. It is more likely that a combination or interaction of these multiple vulnerability and risk factors contributes to the development of psychopathology. Correspondingly, multifinality refers to how similar early experiences or risk factors can lead to different outcomes (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 1996) (See Figure 2.2a). For example, early maltreatment may lead to the development of psychopathology or not, depending on a variety of other factors.

      Individuals or subgroups may have different pathways or trajectories across development that affect these patterns of continuity. In our previous example of children who start off highly aggressive in preschool, some children may “return to normal” behavior by adolescence, whereas others may maintain high rates of externalizing behaviors. Additionally, other groups of children do not display externalizing problems in early childhood, but their problems emerge in adolescence (Moffitt, 2003). This variety demonstrates the different pathways, patterns, and subgroups of individuals and how they change over time, which is a key principle of developmental psychopathology. Developmental psychopathology aims to understand these behaviors and problems over time and determine how we can predict these different trajectories.

      Evaluating Evidence Across Multiple Levels of Analyses To Include the Biological, Individual, Family, Social, and Cultural Levels

Schematic illustratration of A. Multifinality: Similar Early Experiences Lead to Different Outcomes. B. Equifinality: Different Early Experiences Lead to a Similar Outcome.

      Reproduced with permission of Getty Images. Sources: (a) SW Productions/Photodisc/Getty Images. (b) Yellowsarah/iStock/Getty Images.

Schematic illustratration of multiple Levels of Analyses

      Incorporating Distinct Perspectives Across Clinical, Developmental Psychology, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry, Genetics, Neurology, Public Health, and Philosophy of Science Into A Multidisciplinary Effort