Self-Healing Smart Materials. Группа авторов

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Название Self-Healing Smart Materials
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Химия
Издательство Химия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119710240

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also used a UV-curable healing agent into microcapsules with a rapidly degradable inner polymeric shell and an outer TiO2 shell that can absorb UV radiation [49]. The action of the TiO2 shell helps to degrade the inner shell, releasing the healing agent. Hence, the self-healing composite displays a dual release mechanism that enhances its efficiency. The micro-encapsulated healing agent consisted in an epoxy silicone with a photosensitive initiator (triarylsulfonium hexafluorphosphate salt) and the matrix was based in silicone resins. Figure 1.7 shows a scratch on the coatings after 12 h of UV irradiation. The comparison was made using composites with microcapsules without the healing agent (labeled as “BS-xx”), and composites prepared with capsules filled with the healing agent but unable to fail and release it by UV irradiation, due to a low concentration of TiO2 NPs in its outer shell (labeled as “CS-xx”). The self-healing coatings were labeled as “SH-xx”. The numbers xx represent the wt% of microcapsules. The effect of the healing agent released within the crack is very clear, and for a microcapsules load of 60 wt% the healing seems to be excellent.

      Figure 1.5 (I)—Scheme of the sunlight induced healing mechanism: the crack breaks the microcapsules and release the healing agent, which undergoes the crosslinking reaction upon exposure to sunlight. (II)—Water uptake measurements for the plain mortar, and mortars coated with the control and the self-healing coating. (III)—Chloride penetration tests. Current vs. elapsed time, and accumulated charge during 6 h for the undamaged control coating (a), scribed control coating (b) and scribed and healed self-healing coating (c). Reprinted with permission from Ref. [46]. Copyright (2013) American Chemical Society.

      Figure 1.6 Steel substrates coated with (a) CC1, (b) CC2 and (c) self-healing coating, after successive scribing and healing sequences. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [48]; Copyright (2015) American Chemical Society.

      Some drawbacks of the use of microcapsules/hollow microfibers are worth to mention. Samadzadeh et al. [50] have mentioned some of them, including the negative side effects on the mechanical properties of the material, such as Young’s modulus and ultimate stress [50, 51]. Adhesive properties can also suffer a decrease due to the presence of microcapsules [50]. In most cases a compromise between an acceptable healing with a minor deterioration of the resistance has to be reached. Additionally, there are some aspects that should not be overlooked when designing a self-healing composite based on the dispersion of microcapsules with a healing agent in a polymeric matrix. The adhesion between the capsule and the matrix plays a very important role, since it is directly related with the load transfer to the microcapsule, and to its ability to release the healing agent [22, 49]. Another disadvantage is that once the healing agent has been consumed in one or multiple repairing events, the material loses its self-healing feature. This last disadvantage is one of the most important differences in comparison with intrinsic self-healing systems, as we will show in the next section.

      Figure 1.7 SEM images of the scratch of (a) BS-55, (b) CS-55, (c) SH-55, (d) BS-60, (e) CS-60, and (f) SH-60 after 12 h of UV irradiation (wavelength: 310 nm; power: 582 W/m2). Reprinted with permission from Ref. [49]. Copyright (2019) American Chemical Society.

Schematic illustration of (I) 2-ureido-4[1H]-pyrimidinone (UPy), and a scheme showing its association-dissociation process. (II) Self-healing of a UPy-based coating at 80 °C for 2 min: (a) and (b) optical microscope images of the coating before and after healing, and (c) SEM image of the healed coating.

      Figure 1.8 (I) 2-ureido-4[1H]-pyrimidinone (UPy), and a scheme showing its association-dissociation process. (II) Self-healing of a UPy-based coating at 80 °C for 2 min: (a) and (b) optical microscope images of the coating before and after healing, and (c) SEM image of the healed coating. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [55]; Copyright (2018) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.