Digital Transformation of the Laboratory. Группа авторов

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Название Digital Transformation of the Laboratory
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Химия
Издательство Химия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783527825066

Скачать книгу New Science in the Life Sciences Domain

      Just as the next generation of scientists is exquisitely conscious of the environment, so too is it particularly focused on animal welfare. The ever‐growing drive toward minimization of the use of animals in research and product testing, while it can never in truth be completely eliminated, will continue to accelerate. Initiatives such as the “3Rs” [101] looking to replace, reduce, and refine the use of animals in the lab will gain more traction [102]. In vitro approaches to meet the goals of the 3Rs will include developments such as organ‐on‐a‐chip [103] and the increasing use of stem cells. These new methods will become widespread in the LotF.

      Finally, there is one lab technique, which has been a mainstay of the lab for hundreds of years, yet is still undergoing significant evolution and is likely to feature significantly in the LotF: microscopy. Advances in traditional imaging revolutionized life sciences over a decade ago, but current developments in microscopy are likely to transform utterly how in the future we perceive “things” both at the molecular and macromolecular levels. There are two specific examples, which we feel are worth mentioning here: firstly, the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) [104] and secondly, the cryo‐electron microscope (cryo‐EM) [105]. STM and other comparable new microscopy techniques [106] have the potential to take to an even higher level our ability to study cells, solid‐state materials, and many other surfaces. STM has clear potential applications in biology, chemistry, surface science, and solid‐state physics [107]. The STM, which operates through the principles of quantum tunneling, utilizes the wavelike properties of electrons, allowing them to “tunnel” beyond the surface of a solid into regions of space that are normally forbidden under the rules of classical physics. While the use of STM has been focused mainly on physicochemical and solid‐state challenges, increasingly scientists are looking at STM as a means to see more deeply into chemical and biochemical systems, right down to the atomic level [108]. Cryo‐EM is the electron microscopic imaging of rapidly frozen molecules and crystals in solution. It demonstrates its main benefits at the macromolecular level, enabling scientists to see the fine structures of proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules, and even to study how they move and change as they perform their functions, but without having to use the intense electron beams and high vacuum conditions used in traditional electron microscopy [109]. Other Important New Science Areas

      The lab environment is changing – this is certain. New and existing science demands combined with critical issues of data management and reproducibility will require a strategic direction to be set and then deployed. It will be important for lab managers to identify what they want to achieve by employing the new approaches of AI, quantum computing, and advanced automation technology. Business ambition and needs, and the assessment of the maturity of organizations beyond the lab environment in the context of initiatives such as FAIR data, will need to be investigated as a matter of urgency to help drive lab of the future decision‐making. With such a pace of change it will be important to “think big” as well as be practical during implementation. Thinking in expansive terms, organizations must consider all the opportunities on offer within the key areas of technology, data, people, and process to highlight possible future visions and ways of working. They should use scenario planning to explore, influence, plan for, and manage the future. These scenarios will perhaps be most effective when they are personalized to the organization, function, lab, or team's future, rather than to a generic vision. The benefit of running pilots prior to fuller implementation in the LotF cannot be overstated. Small LotF pilots will allow experimentation across the broad themes. These will reveal what works and what needs adjustment based on the key lab environments. The successful use cases can result in new designs, collaborations, future partnering with technology groups, and new predictive models to support experiments in a timely manner. Moving beyond these smaller pilots and the learnings from them will help catalyze organizational change to support a lab environment that can adapt to new science and get the most from data, digital technology, and AI‐driven transformations. All these changes will present new business opportunities, the chance for new relationships with vendors, and the need for new business partners. They will also present opportunities for all lab colleagues to take part in the transformation and to take on new roles and skills to support the implementation and future impact.

      From a people and culture perspective, the point we would stress most is the importance of considering the future lab from the perspectives of the different roles working in, around, or in association with the LotF: the scientists – not just the practical hands‐on chemists, biologists, biochemists, physicists, etc. but also the new breed of data scientists and engineers – the lab managers and building managers, the technicians and equipment operators, and all the other staff who will make the LotF an exciting, stimulating, and challenging place to work. The LotF will be more “open,” collaborative, and more automated, if rather more sparse of people. Critical to the LotF's success will be the “UX” of all the people associated with it.

      The processes in the LotF will be dominated by flexible automation and robotics, whether that lab is a hypothesis‐driven, research lab, or a manufacturing, testing lab operating more in “LaaS” mode. More effective in silico modeling of the lab processes will make the LotF a safer, more productive place to work.

      The lab environment, as well as being designed around large amounts of automation and robotics, flexibly configured, and interconnected, will more often than not be remote from the “customers” of the work actually being done. Good data and network interconnectedness of the LotF will be absolutely critical if it is to operate effectively and securely. The LotF will also be a markedly more sustainable and greener environment.